At the end of the month, the weather shifted to summer, and the outside temperature began to rise.

At this time at noon, the outside sun was rising high in the sky, and the golden sunlight was shining on the ground, bringing the temperature enough to make the vegetation begin to wither.

However, in this place, most of the plants are not left.

This is a land that is beginning to desertify, surrounded by a city ruins, and a lot of mud and gravel scattered around.

The ground is full of several dozen meters wide pits, and from time to time, huge cracks can be seen. It looks like a battlefield just after the battle, and to a certain extent, it is even more terrifying.

A mere war can not make this kind of scene right now. In the surroundings, each land is polluted, and there is a stubborn cursing force in it. Although it is very weak, it does exist and has a profound impact on this land.

Not surprisingly, in the next few decades, this place will gradually become a terrible Cursed Land, even if it is not nourished by grieving spirits, and will not return to normal until thousands of years later.

But this is all the future.

At this moment in the ruins, a group of people in black protective clothing are walking around.

There are a lot of them. At a glance, there are at least hundreds of people. At the same time, everyone is wearing special protective clothing, which can prevent the curse and radiation around them.

And these are led by Venus.

“It’s a terrible Strength.”

With a group of people walking in front of the ruins, watching Karia City, which was destroyed in front of him, Venus took a few people and couldn’t help but sigh: “Fortunately, Lord Sim finally blocked Silencer and did not let Silencer move on. Otherwise, with the strength shown by Silencer, the Calandis kingdom will definitely collapse immediately. “

“If it weren’t for Master Sim’s shot, we don’t know yet. The Awakener’s Strength can do this step.” On the one side, an old white-haired researcher was also surprised, and then a little sorry: “Unfortunately, their destructive power The scope of the impact is too large, making the search difficult. “

“Otherwise, if they could find some of their limbs or blood, it would be a huge gain.”

Having said that, his eyes were a little fanatical, thinking about the scenes he had seen in the live video broadcast before, and he couldn’t help shaking.

“Here, it was just destroyed by the strength of Lord Sim and Silencer. This kind of high-intensity radiation and magnetic fields are everywhere. The search equipment can’t be used at all. It can only be found by this stupid method.”

Looking at the surrounding ruins, Venus had a headache.

Before this battle appeared, he never knew and couldn’t believe that the destructive power between the individuals could be so great.

Whether it is Adier or Silencer, when the battle reaches the most subversive, its hit at any time is enough to destroy a small city. The range of influence between the two people is up to tens of thousands of kilometers. After a battle, almost the entire line The provincial capital began to shake, showing its horror.

It can be said that just the aftermath of the fighting between the two has caused several earthquakes, and the damage caused is even more difficult to estimate.

But all this is nothing compared to the result that Silencer is blocked.

If Adier didn’t stop Silencer and was rushed in by Silencer, the result would be really over.

Violetgold Kingdom originally had 13 provinces. Although the Calandis Kingdom established by Lyon occupies most of the original territory of Violetgold Kingdom, it currently has only nine provinces and its population is only about 56 million.

And this population, once Silencer breaks in, I am afraid that Silencer is not enough to kill alone.

Fortunately, this Silencer was eventually blocked.

Thinking of this, Venus couldn’t help flashing a killing intent in his eyes.

As the ruler, regardless of Venus or Lyon, the subconscious attitude of those who are beyond the boundaries like Silencer and Adier is undoubtedly antipathy and rejection.

But specific to different individuals, this attitude will undoubtedly be different.

Relative to Adier, Silencer is full of hatred.

This ontology is a curse, not to mention that this time almost made Lyon a landslide, it is said that in the past history of this world, the slaughter has been lifted more than once, and even several times directly destroyed the empire that was Peak. The human life on his body is at least 100 million.

Regarding this kind of goods, no matter who is in power, if there is an opportunity to have the ability, it will definitely choose to kill it, without any hesitation.

But with Adier, the situation is slightly different.

First of all, Adier is a Righteous Sect human. Although he is an awakening, he is no longer an ordinary person to a certain extent, but at least it is a normal IQ, no suicidal tendency, and can communicate without pressure.

Secondly, for Lyon, Adier was the awakener he had been taking since urination. He started working under him at the age of twelve, and rescued him dangerously many times over the years. From the perspective of trust, there is no doubt that there is a certain guarantee. .

This is not only unilateral trust, but also the confidence given by the actions over the years.

In these years, Adier himself only focused on collecting various materials and eliminating curses. He didn’t take power and wealth as important things, but his father and elder sister. Through his relationship over the years, Promotion and wealth.

Of course, no matter how much you trust, when Adier reveals a completely uncontrollable Strength, it will still cause subconscious fear and fear, leaving a seed of doubt.

But Lyon has reasons to trust Adier.

Even if Silencer is blocked, his current situation is not very good. In the past few years, after the collapse of Violetgold Kingdom, several kingdoms around were not eating dry rice, and they took advantage of this gap to reach out to the territory of Violetgold Kingdom. At this time, he was still at war with Lyon, and the pressure was increasing day by day.

In this case, even if he was afraid of Adier, in the face of the situation at present, most of the time he could only suppress the fear and doubt in his heart.

And, even if he wanted to do something with Adier, he was powerless to this point.

After searching for a long time, after searching a large area, looking at the dim sky in the sky, Venus had no choice but to leave here, evacuate to rest outside the radiation zone, and wait for the next day to continue to search.

After searching for more than half a month, they finally found the silhouette of Adier.

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