
Sitting on a wooden chair, looking at Chimu in front of him, Adier smiled and smiled nodded.

I have to say that the player’s Strength is really very powerful.

After the embarrassment of Early-Stage and the development of more than half a year, the player’s power has begun to exert its power.

These three people are the typical proof.

Two Knights, one with an army and one with a close relationship with the surrounding nobles. The last woman, even the establishment of a large Chamber of Commerce, can affect the operation of the entire Soon territory.

These are just these three people. If you count the other players, at this time, Soon’s collar may have been infiltrated by the players.

Adier is very skeptical that if these players are really exerting their power, I am afraid that they will be able to cause Soon to collapse directly without any room at all.

In fact, this is one of the follow-up effects he brought.

Under normal circumstances, even if the players collectively enter the creation game, it is not possible to reach such a situation in Soon within a short time. After all, compared to the vastness of this world, the number of players is too small and too few, and it has spread to several giant continents, which is difficult to overpower the indigenous people in a short time.

But in Elka Province this situation has changed.

Players who can enter the game of creation are basically not fools. On the contrary, they are basically smart people. Even many players have dedicated teams behind them to study everything in the game of creation at all times.

Therefore, when Sisso Prince’s “real identity” is exposed, these players will naturally look here.

In fact, among Qimu, Lera and other player groups, Sisso Prince’s next likely behavior has been thoroughly analyzed.

As Sisso Prince continues to lurk, Sisely’s next strategy is not difficult to guess at all. It is nothing more than removing the hidden dangers around it, then gradually occupying the surrounding area, and eventually cannibalizing the entire Akkadian Empire.

As for Soon, as the largest local power in Elka Province, as many as six months ago, it has been followed by countless players.

Enter Sisly City directly to find a way to trust in Sisso Prince. This method may be possible when Sisso Prince’s identity has not been exposed, but after Sisso Prince’s identity is revealed, this method need not be considered at all.

There are too many people who want to take this way to hug their thighs. The entire World players are staring. The horrible competitive pressure is conceivable. Without a little strength behind it, it is impossible.

Because of this, some smart people naturally look away from Sisely and into the surrounding cities.

Soon collar.

As early as more than half a year ago, a large number of player forces sent their men into the Soang collar, and even the surrounding areas. During this half of the year, they desperately developed and expanded, expanding the silhouette, so that one day Sisso Prince led an army to attack Soon As a leader, you can act as a party leader and directly enter the eyes of Sisso Prince.

Not only Soong, but in other parts of Elka Province, and even the entire Akkadian Empire, there are a large number of players lurking, waiting for Sisso Prince to lead the army, and then they will immediately go and act as the party leader .

In this case, it is also very difficult for Soon to want to block Adier.

Wanting here, behind Qi Mu, the three heads could not help lowering, looking at the appearance of Adier in front of them, could not help but be more respectful.

As the only female among them, Willian had a smile on her face, half of her body lowered, and exposed a touch of scenery in front of her chest. She tilted straight in the direction of Adier.

Gently glancing at Willian, Adier shook his head secretly, but did not reveal it on the surface, and directly opened the mouth and said: “Three men came from Soon’s collar, but it’s hard, please sit down first.”

As he spoke, the waiters around him instantly understood his consciousness, and brought a few chairs from around, and placed them in front of Adier.

“Thank you.”

Of the three, Soon greeted him with gentle manners and aristocratic manners, and then looked at the maid who had passed the chair in front of her, but she was still a stunner.

Because this maid is also a player, even the player’s label is very conspicuous.

“Great …”

With a soft sigh, Soang sat down slowly, and didn’t know whether to sigh the player’s penetration ability or Sisso Prince’s horrifying appeal among the players.

Looking aside, looking at the three, Adier thought for a moment, and finally waved his hand and took out something.

It was a few bottles of light blue potion, and the light of blue light in it bloomed and looked very beautiful.

At the moment when these bottles of pale blue potion were seen, players including Qimu were also in front of them.

item: Intermediate Azure Blue Elixir

Effect: A substantial increase in physical data can heal physical injuries and diseases …

Source: The potion hand-crafted by Sisso Prince, Lord of Sisely, allows an ordinary person to instantly match a powerful combatant who has been training for many years …


The introduction of item is very simple. Not at all is much changed compared with the past blue blue potion, but the effect has been enhanced, and the name has also been changed to medium blue potion.

Of course, in fact, this is just the incomplete potion.

The original azure potion is a formula that is effective for formal wizards. The blue medicines that Adier took before were just the result of a large amount of water mixing in the original medicines, and the effect was diluted many times.

The same is true of the bottles of intermediate blue medicine in front of them, which are also mixed with water, but the amount of water is less.

However, even inferior goods mixed with water are inconceivable good for these players.

It’s no wonder that the real world where these players are located is a world with no extraordinary power. Even ordinary people, even if they work hard, are just a mortal, at most they’re all physically weaker that’s all.

Ordinary clear blue potions, one bottle is enough to make the ordinary person incarnation become a little superman, breaking the physical limits of the past cognition, and these bottles of medium clear blue potions are better than ordinary potions anyway. Right?

Thinking of this, a few people looked fiercely and looked at Adier seriously, with strong expectations in their hearts.

Under the fierce gaze of these people, Adier looked up and looked at the three of them, with a kind smile on their faces: “The trio’s credit will be checked slowly after Soon takes over the ground, but before that These bottles of medicament are the rewards I paid in advance, hoping to help a little bit. “

When the voice dropped, he waved his hand, and beside him, several maids stepped forward spontaneously, took away a few bottles of potion in his hand, and watched with the fierce eyes of the players around him, and slowly put them in front of the three of them. .

“This … thank you Your Highness …”

Looking at the three bottles of medicine in front of her eyes, the three of them were very hot. Without much hesitation, they directly accepted the bottles of medicine and put them away.

After accepting these things, they were slightly at ease.

Sisso Prince’s thigh is really big, but the ultimate purpose of the trust is not to benefit from the other party?

If it finally comes to the hands of an insatiable man, what’s the significance of their thighs?

Therefore, Adier’s handy reward this time has reassured these people, so that they do not have too much worry, and can be assured to be their leading party.

“The middle-level azure potion was actually given when it was said to be given.”

Outside, watching this scene, the rest of the players are also fiercely discussing.

Unlike normal indigenous people, players have their own communication system, and they can talk to each other through system. It is a very secret way, don’t worry about being discovered by the indigenous people of the Creation World.

“In the market, the price of a bottle of ordinary blue medicament has been speculated to 10 million credits. The price of this intermediate blue medicament is higher than that of ordinary medicaments.” Standing in front of the door of the camp account Lera, dressed in leather armor, stood in front of the camp door like a guard. At this time, watching the scene inside the camp opened the mouth and said, her words were full of envy and envy.

As one of the few players in the player group who has ever taken the blue medicine, he can’t know the effect of the blue medicine.

It is precisely because he has experienced the superb effect of the azure blue medicament that he is even more eager for the intermediate azure medicament.

The feeling that the whole person sublimates from silence, breaks the original restraint, and becomes strong in all aspects, as long as it is sensed once, it will be fascinating and cause further desire.

“This is the horror of King of Antiquity. Even if it is just handed out, it is an inconceivable good for us.” Aside, Schilim stood and listened, and at this time sighed privately.

“Just met, it ’s the middle-level azure potion. If the entire Soon collar is taken down, I don’t know how many good things I can get.”

“Unfortunately, the development of our association in Soon led too late. The currently developed Strength, which is a medium Chamber of Commerce, would be difficult to perform well in front of so many players. “

Standing seriously in front of the camp, Lera squinted and said, secretly: “Also, according to this situation, I am afraid there is no need for the army to play.”

“In the territory of Soon, it is unknown how many players want to fight against him, or even want to take the head of the Marquis of Soon to meet Sisso Prince.”

“This matter is already being planned.” A voice suddenly inserted, with a little coldness.

Lera and Schilim are no strangers to this voice. They belong to Alice, the maid beside Sisso Prince. It is said that she is an ordinary civilian player with good luck and ability.

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