Adier’s strength is very strong.

Even in the past, Adier has never shot, but the three of Lera have never questioned the strength of Adier.

This confidence is not entirely derived from the close relationship between the two parties, but from the impressions established in the era of the players and the silhouette of the other party when the real world changed dramatically.

Being able to cross two worlds, from this world to their past world, the strength of this existence cannot be weakened.

However, no matter how much he trusts in his heart, Adier has never shot in the face. At this time, it is normal for him to worry about facing a terror-like enemy in front of him.

Being watched by three students, Adier seemed very calm. At this moment, he looked at the distance quietly. Among the silver eyes, all kinds of profound fluctuations were manifesting and evolving.

In the depths of the sea, the two Kings of Antiquity are still desperately fighting, each of them driving a forceful will, causing a fierce storm around.

On the surface, the two seem to be evenly matched, but Adier can see very clearly. As time goes by, the silhouette of the pale blue giant dragon is gradually blurred, and it seems that it is gradually less supportive on Strength, far worse than Kadozer Strength is deep.

This is caused by the strength contrast between the two sides.

As the senior King of Antiquity, the two may have a difference in combat power, but they should not differ too much. Just in front of them, they are all incarnation, and the strength of the body cannot be fully exerted.

Relatively speaking, Cadozer naturally took advantage.

His descendants occupied the desert and established a huge desert empire. In this change, his speed of recovery can be ranked among the top three among many Kings of Antiquity. Only the Crimson King of the Calade Empire can match it. ratio.

The speed of recovery is faster, which means that his strength recovers more. Compared with his opponent, he naturally has a great advantage.

It may not be obvious in a short period of time, but as time goes on, after the strength of the two sides is gradually exhausted, this gap will become clear.

Of course, this is bound to be a very long period.

Level 4 exists, has a deep foundation, and a strong Strength, even if it is just a clone here, but if you want to exhaust the Strength, it will take at least several months.

Just like when cursing the World, in order to deal with the Silencer of the year, Adier put up a Wizard Array and confronted the other side for a whole year, then he won the other side.

Roar! !

Above the sea, the roar of dragons erupted, and a giant blue giant dragon rose from the sea, causing tsunami waves between the wings of the dragon.

On the surface, pieces of seawater continued to freeze. For a time, most of the Sea Territory, including the broken islands, were affected by a strong strength, which directly formed thick ice blocks with faint forests on it. Cold will, if mortals dare to step into it, they will be frozen to death immediately.

In the depths, Adier can see that in the depths of the sea, a giant dragon with a huge shape hits a one-eyed claw, and a deep purple Academy spills over the earth, with a ghostly sigh and sorrow .

After this blow, taking advantage of the time caused by this blow, the giant dragon did not chase, directly swinging its tail, the whole body turned, and millions of scales were glowing, so I wanted to take advantage of Kadozze’s self-care. Leave directly for a moment.

“You can’t run !!”

Deep in the sea, Cadozer’s angry growl sounded frantically, accompanied by a vague will to Adier.

“It’s my turn.”

Adier sighed softly. At this moment, the look on his body began to change.

The crimson long hair gradually faded away and turned into pure silver. The red seal on the forehead also began to disappear, replaced by a new moon mark.

In the midst of chaos, a pair of silver eyes cut through the sky, suddenly looking into the distance, and staring deadly towards the giant dragon.

next moment, giant claws cut through the sky, and fiercely hit the giant dragon’s body in an instant, knocking him directly, the dragon wings were almost torn directly, and the pale blue dragon blood at the wound kept flowing down and dripping. Go into the sea and freeze the seawater.

Roar! !

The giant dragon roared, four dragon claws clenched firmly, a pair of blue dragon eyes with anger, looking at the adversary that appeared suddenly in front of them.

A few thousand meters away, a giant silver giant appeared in place.

This giant is covered with silver, with a horn of silver on its head, covered with thick scales, as if wearing a heavy armor, a pair of sharp sharp claws, and the dragon’s blood dripping from silver.

When he first appeared, he swept all directions with the horror of repression that made everything fall into silence.

The earth began to break, the ice on the sea began to melt, and a divine will swept all around, dispersing everything around it, leaving only its own Absolute Domain.

“Strange origins, strange king …”

The giant dragon raised his head. The blue dragon’s eyes reflected the appearance of the giant silver. A vague will came out, just like ordinary people talking, expressing their own will.


Behind him, a large expanse of strong ice shattered, and a huge amount of seawater was swept up by a Strength, directly rushing into the sky, and then returned to the ground under gravity.

A huge one-eyed gradually rose up, and in the pupil of golden, everything was born and died, and the scene of all beings dying silently appeared.

Roar! !

Feeling the breath coming from behind, the giant dragon roared, not only was he not weak, but he was becoming more and more horrified.

The fighting between the three men continued, for half a month.

During this half-month, affected by the strength of the three-man battle, the sea is constantly turbulent, and the originally complete island is constantly fragmenting. By now, it is almost impossible to see the original appearance.


At sea level, looking at the bottom lying quietly on the ice, and no longer seeing the vital blue giant dragon, Adier recovered from Moon King Semblance and looked at the bottom quietly.

In the half-month battle, his weariness was very serious. At this time, his body was almost sore, and his entire body was eroded by a domineering will, which caused his body pain like a bone.

But compared to side Cadozer, his injuries were already minor.

Standing next to Adier, Cadozer looked miserable at this moment.

His right arm has been broken, there is a large blood hole on his head, one of which is still bleeding, and the whole body is covered with densely packed small wounds almost everywhere. The breath on his body is almost weaker than before. More than times.

At this point, he stood next to Adier, watching side Adier, with a faint alert in his heart.

In previous battles, Adier showed far more power than he had expected.

Obviously he is the new king. He did not make the slightest preparation before, but the strength after the advent actually surpassed him.

This could not help but alert him. Because this just shows that if the two sides are in the same condition, the strength of the other party is absolutely superior to his own.

Of course, in fact, if Adier knew his thoughts, he would definitely laugh.

In this battle, Adier was able to perform this way entirely because of the credit for his within the body ability.

With the inside of the body’s shuttle ability, Adier’s actual state is much better than these incarnations of King of Antiquity.

At least these King of Antiquity came through incarnation, its incarnation might be less than half of its body, but Adier can exert it fully without any impact at all.

The gap created over and over again formed a wrong impression, which caused Cadozer’s vigilance to rise suddenly.

Of course, in this world, although Adier’s strength will not have much impact, there are still other impacts.

“Name: Adier.Fax. Strength: 101. Agility: 105.1. Constitution: 103.2. Spirit: Bloodline: Red Crowd (164.5%). Boundary Energy: 95.1. Power of Origin: 268755.4.”

“Just half a month, it cost me 70,000 Boundary Energy.”

Looking at his attribute panel and feeling the rest of his Boundary Energy, Adier was a little speechless: “This is too much to consume.”

Like these King of Antiquity, in essence, he is also a Strange World life, and will be rejected by this world.

Only relative to the preparations made by King of Antiquity, his reliance is only on his own power.

The power can disguise his proper identity in this world so that he can use this identity to move freely in this world without being rejected by World consciousness.

But once he broke the protection of this identity and showed the true face of his Strange World creature, then the suppression of World would follow.

To counteract this suppression, it can only be done by consuming Boundary Energy.

However, despite this long-expected prediction, this horrible consumption still surprised Adier.

But at the moment, he didn’t say anything, just turned quietly and looked towards side Kadozer.

Under his gaze, Cadozer quietly extended the hand, and in the palm of his hand, a huge traction emanated.

A little blood-colored mist began to gather. Above the ice layer, being dragged by Cadozer’s Strength, the huge 1000 meters dragon corpse began to melt slowly, and the solid flesh and scales on it gradually disappeared until finally condensed. Shrinking into a ball of ordinary blue fist-sized blood, returned to Cadozer’s hand.

The blood is very active, condensing all the Strength of a King of Antiquity incarnation, and the blue rays of light on it are beating. Among them, there are countless detailed Bloodline runes, which look like dream crystals, beautiful and touching. With strong appeal.

Looking at this faint blue blood, Cadozer’s face was fascinated, as if he saw the most beautiful thing: “The origin of the confluence of a king incarnation, plus the Bloodline extracted by millions of people, this is how it condenses The Bloodline origin of a little polar ice dragon. “

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