“How much gold coin does she owe you?”

The fluttering sound came from a distance, instantly attracting the attention of the two of them.

In front of them, following the voice, the two turned around and looked at each other, and then suddenly hesitated.

On the white net floor, a person stood there gently, wearing a robe all over his body. The long sword on his waist looked very gorgeous and very conspicuous.

The young man is tall, handsome, and has a pure and holy temperament on his body. At this moment, he looks at each other with an indescribably noble temperament.

He was standing there, his long hair shone slightly in the sun, and the skin protruding from his sleeves was fair. It didn’t look like Knight who was training hard day and night, instead he was sitting at home, day and night Noble Scholar reviewing scrolls.

This inexplicable temperament and suffocating temperament suddenly made the two of them absent from contempt, and immediately caught their attention.

“you are?”

Looking at Adier who was walking in front of him, his face was gloomy and he said aloud the middle-aged man complexion changed, and asked cautiously.

Being in the capital of the king, all directions are full of nobles, who have been living in this city for a long time. Naturally, this middle-aged man has developed a good vision and understands what kind of people cannot easily provoke.

Although the boy in front of him looks young, his temperament is extremely out of the ordinary, and there is a calm and calm temperament between the eyebrows, as if no one is standing in front of him. Nothing moved.

Such an attitude is definitely not something that ordinary nobles can support, or is unique in itself, or was born among those top nobles.

It was right next to him. The moment she saw Adier, the woman named Qian Limu froze directly, and there was a glimmer of light in her eyes, which seemed to be a little emotional.

“Yasuo, a member of the Ba Kulu family.”

Gently raised his head, and looked sideways at the girl, Adier said casually, then threw away a money bag, and fell to the middle-aged man with the precise control of Spirit: “Here are 500 gold coins, Enough? “

“This …” Hold the purse in your hand and open it. After confirming the number of coins in it, looking at the Adier in front of you, the middle-aged man hesitated, and finally opened the mouth and said: “I am afraid not enough···”

“En?” Adier froze, really surprised this time.

In this world, the purchasing power of a gold coin is no small. Under normal circumstances, the cost of a noble for a year is probably between one or two gold coins.

Five hundred gold coins, even for the noble family with a long inheritance like the Ba Kulu family, is a large number, and it is not enough to pay off the debt?

Why did the Kulu family owe so much money?

“Please forgive me.” Noting the surprised look on Adier’s face, the middle-aged man smiled with a bitter smile: “About two months ago, Sir Sim took the Kuba family’s premises in Tam as a mortgage, I took eight hundred gold coins from our Chamber of Commerce, but recently, we found out that those premises have been sold to others … “

With a bitter grin on his face, he felt very aggrieved about it.

Listening to this, Adier expressionless, just secretly frowned.

Sir Sim, this is the eldest son of the Ba Kulu family, which is also the physical brother of Adier, the future successor of the Ba Kulu family.

“In just a few months, the Lian Family’s premises have to be mortgaged. What the hell is it …”

frowned, Adier then turned back: “Go to South Street Estate tomorrow and get me all the vouchers that were originally mortgaged.”

As he spoke, he glanced at the other side slightly.

In an instant, there was an innumerable slaughter and the killing of endless beings. The fierce murderous aura, like a butcher, raged away, and in a flash, it poured directly into the other person’s mind, causing the other person’s entire body to tremble directly. The cold air dripping from the sky made him cool down all over his body.

At this moment, the middle-aged man had a strong hunch in his heart. As long as he dared to say a “No” in front of this person, he would be swarmed on the spot and turned into a pool of cold blood.

Suddenly, his heart was cold, and he looked at Adier in front of him, forbearing the fear in his heart without kneeling, and dared to leave without saying a word, just like the legendary hell abyss.

“Yasor …”

After the man left, he had been standing beside him before, and he looked at Adier’s woman timidly before he opened the mouth and said, looking a little uncertain.

“It’s me.” Hearing the woman’s voice, Adier turned back, his expression returned to normal in the blink of an eye, and there was no trace of change at all.

“It’s you.” Looking at Adier, Sirimu had some disbelief in her eyes, and a little surprise, a little joy from her heart: “Are you all right?”

“Six months ago, I heard that you were lost on the battlefield, and thought I would never see you again. Fortunately, fortunately, the dim god still blessed us, and you are fine.”

She stepped forward, clutching Adier’s hand tightly, her face flushed.

This enthusiastic attitude and warm emotion made Adier a little unaccustomed.

In terms of relationship, the person in front of him should be his body cousin, also the clansman of the Ba Kulu family, but the relationship is farther away.

In the past, because of the muna and dumbness of the original body, there were not many friends with good relationships in the clan, and the young girl was one of them.

“How’s the situation in the clan?” The Fang Cai person was sent away, followed by Sirimu, Adier walked into the broken manor in front of her, and looked at her and asked.

“The situation in the clan … is a bit bad.” Listening to Adier’s words, Sirimu gently sighed, and then began to talk about some of the things that the Kulu family had experienced in the past two years.

Since the fall of the southern fortress, the territory of the Ba Kulu family has fallen. Even the contemporary Patriarch of the Ba Kulu family and Doru Baron have died on the battlefield in the south. Until now, no corpse has been found.

After the death of Doru Baron, the clansman of the Ba Kulu family moved north with the migration of a large number of nobles and was relocated to Tam City.

“Based on the preparations made by the family in the past, even after coming to Tam, they should not be as powerful as they used to be, shouldn’t they be reduced to where they are now?” Adier was a little puzzled as she listened to Sirim.

After all the nobility of the Ba Kulu family for many years, even if the territory fell, the entire family will inevitably fall into decline, but the legacy that was once left will not completely fade away in a short while.

How could the preparation and legacy of the Zulu Kulu family have fallen to the point that they needed a mortgage?

“It’s Shim Young Master …” Xi Limu smiled bitterly on his face: “Since he came to Tam, Shim Young Master seems to have become a person, hiding in various casinos all day, having fun. Long, the gold coin we brought was almost completely lost by Seam Young Master … “

“Master Baron is absent, and none of us can persuade Seam Young Master. I originally thought that Young Master would stop after losing the gold coin he brought before, but he did not expect …”

There was a bitter smile on her face, a little disappointment in her eyes, and she seemed completely disappointed with Himley.

“Fortunately, Yasuo Young Master, you are back.” Then she looked at Adier with a straight and upright look, and her temperament was different from the past. , I almost didn’t recognize you before. “

“Climbing out of a pile of corpses, no matter who it is, there will definitely be many changes.”

Adier raised his head slightly, and suddenly stopped at this moment, looking at a corner.

At that, a thick wall ran quietly there, and now it was covered with a bit of dark red blood, and it looked completely dry.

“what is that?”

Looking at that spot of blood, Adier stood still and asked gently.

“It was formerly held by Himm Young Master.” Xi Limu sighed softly: “When he first came to the capital, Himm Young Master looked emotionally unstable, and he drank outside every night until late at night. come back.”

“The blood stains there were left accidentally by the young Master Himm when he returned from the drunk one night.”

“Is that so?” Adier asked softly, a little intrigued in the depths of his eyes.

At the moment of seeing the blood, he was once a fifth-order essence and will, which made him acutely aware of something wrong at this moment.

“Not a human …” He muttered to himself, and found something keen at this moment.

“What?” Qian Limu asked in confusion, beside Adier, without understanding her words.

“Nothing.” Adier shook his head, looking at the blood stains, and asked after a long while, “What about Sim?”

“I don’t know.” The girl’s face instantly faded when she mentioned the name: “Maybe I’m still drinking outside the bar.”

Adier nodded and didn’t ask again.

After a while, walking around the manor in front of him, Adier directly refused Qian Limu’s retention and left the place directly.

Before long, his silhouette appeared again.

Raising his head slightly, looking at the dim surroundings slowly, Adier walked to the side at random, closed his eyes directly, and waited quietly.

With Adier’s current strength, even if he didn’t cover it deliberately, just the instinct shielding of Spirit’s power can also make it impossible to observe his existence directly. Standing there, his sight will automatically ignore it as a background board.

Today, under the initiative to cover up, with Adier’s current strength, unless it is a real golden Knight, it is extremely difficult to be found.

He just waited there quietly, waiting for the target to appear this time.

The time passed quietly, and as the dusk passed, the night gradually appeared, and a bright moon shone on all sides, spreading the light of all directions on the earth, as if covered with a faint layer of Silver Flower.

While Adier was waiting, a silhouette gradually appeared on the distant ground.

It was a young man who looked fairly young and handsome, but his face looked pale.

He was dressed in black clothed and wore a long-skinned long sword on his waist. The whole man looked very decadent as well. Even if he was tall, he felt a sense of weakness.

Under the shroud of night, the young man limped toward the manor of the Ba Kulu family. The whole footsteps looked weak and weak, and the shadow was pulled down by the old Elder under the thin moonlight.

Feeling the arrival of this person, Adier slowly opened his eyes, his eyes slowly focused on the young man.

The person in front of him was indeed Sim, the elder brother of his body.

It is just relative to the past. At this moment, Adier clearly feels a sense of incongruity in the person far away.

It was a vague premonition, derived from Adier’s original will.

The young man in the distance is indeed the elder brother of his body, but the other’s body and Spirit, and even in the depth of one’s soul, always give out a sense of incongruity.

The average person may not notice it, but in Adier’s eyes, it is very obvious.

Moreover, Adier also felt something clearly from the blood stains left in the previous manor.

In the distance, under the gaze of Adier, Sim entered the manor slowly, with the help of several old servants, and slowly entered his room.

In the process, Adier also followed in, just standing at the door of Sim’s room, watching him quietly.

On the big bed in the room, Sim was pale, with wine all over his body, and seemed to be sleeping heavily, showing no sign of waking up.

Standing quietly outside the room, looking at him at the moment, Adier was also frowned.

In his induction, Sim, at this moment, exudes an ominous meaning all over him, and the whole person looks like a corpse, cold and pale.

And inside his body, there seems to be an ominous Strength being brewed within his body, which is gradually growing.

This unique and inexplicable phenomenon caught Adier’s attention.


Looking at Him lying on the bed, and carefully feeling this unique transformation, Adier thought of a situation.

In this world, there are real demons and demons. On this continent, there are often legends of demons spreading throughout the world.

For some demonized species, the favorite thing to do is to seduce the intelligent life on the earth to make it fall, and eventually the whole body and mind are transformed into another existence.

The change in Sim’s body is very similar to this transformation.

We haven’t waited for Adier to stop thinking, and in front of us, a change is happening.

A sharp scream of bats came from the outside.

Under Adier’s gaze, in the distant yard, several huge bats were flying from the outside, emitting bursts of screams.

Along with this screaming sound, in the room, Sim, who had been lying on the bed, slowly opened his eyes, and his eyes were filled with indifference.

“Is it time again?”

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