“It’s really eventful.”

Standing in place, looking at the steward in the distance gradually away, silhouette silhouette in a hurry, Adier rubbed his eyebrows, so far a little surprised.

A few days ago, the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, the Thorns, came to the door in person, asking Adier to send someone to a bandit group to return to his daughter.

This was originally a trivial matter. In the interest of the other party, Adier agreed, but unexpectedly there was another accident.

“A small band of robbers, in the face of the sheriff sent by Tam, not only dare to refuse my request, but also dare to kill the sheriff sent in my city?”

Thinking about the information and situation reported by Steward, Adier frowned: “Is the bandit of this generation around so fierce?”

Froken, aware of the accident, Adier pondered for a while, then went out the door and let steward go down, ready to go out.

Although it’s a trivial matter, now that it has been agreed, Adier will try his best not to do it.

What’s more, the violent killing of the security officer sent by the other party meant that he would be provoked by him. If he did not respond, it would be inappropriate.

Quietly out of the hall, after a while, Adier walked to a courtyard outside the door.

At this time, after a long period of time, the winter is about to pass. The sun is shining and the outside is shimmering, and a layer of shimmering light is spreading, and the whole World is illuminated.

Walking quietly among them, Adier walked silently.

After a while, he walked to a spacious ground.

The ground was paved with some fine sand and broken stones, and it looked very flat. At this moment, some people were busy sweating.

Some big men with naked upper bodies and sweating all over did some training in them, led by a few big men who looked awkward with their hands and feet, but were full of toughness, and performed some actions.

Looking at this scene, Adier is slightly nodded.

These big men are the “followers” that Adier gathered in the past.

The vast majority of these followers are from mountain thieves and thieves. Most of them have not undergone specialized combat training. As far as actual combat capabilities are concerned, they are far worse than specially trained soldiers.

Now that these people have been taken down, Adier has simply used the waste. During this time, several veterans who have been on the battlefield have been brought in to train these people.

Although there is not much effect for the time being because of the short time, at least it makes these people look more reliable.

At the same time, because daily training consumes a lot of energy, it also prevents these people from usually making troubles and giving Adier trouble.

Standing quietly in the distance, in the distance, it seemed to see the arrival of Adier. This group of people began to get excited. The look of each and everyone was serious and focused. No matter how tired the body was, at this moment they were desperately straightening their chests, just for the sake of Show more in front of Adier.

Unfortunately, this group of people was disappointed that Adier just watched from a distance, not at all to observe the training of these people in person, but it made them feel a bit lost.

Adier hesitated and walked towards another place as he walked along the road and walked through most of the entire estate.


In a gloomy flat, some straw is stacked here, with some silhouettes lying on it.

Led by an attendant, Adier walked into the area and then looked all around.

In front of the eyes, there were corpses, and a pale and abominable corpse was lying there quietly on the straw piles around. Everyone’s complexion looked extremely pale, and most of them looked emaciated.

Among them, some of the corpses have begun to rot, and the corpses are covered with disgusting flies, which rises from time to time as people around them continue to move, looking extremely appetizing.

“Master Baron, this is the body of Sir Seam.”

Walked slowly to a pile of straw, a middle-aged attendant in a robe with a respectful face on his face said to Adier, then turned slightly to reveal Adier’s position.

Adier stepped forward and looked at the body.

On a pile of dry straw, Him’s cold body was lying on it quietly. At this moment, his whole body was blue, and it looked like he would soon begin to rot.

He was still wearing the black robe that Adier had seen that night, and the ring on his fingers was still there, but his face became extremely emaciated, and there were several more visible wounds on his body.

Among the several wounds, the most noticeable was the one on his chest, which directly penetrated his entire chest cavity and saw the space on the other side directly.

“Heart is gone …”

Just looking at it at first glance, Adier noticed this and couldn’t help muttering to himself, slowly lowering one hand.

oh la la ···

At the moment when his arm was lowered, under a kind of instinct, a little pure Life Energy sublimated, directly injected into Him’s body, and competed with some kind of Strength that was hidden inside the body.

Battle Qi! Extremely aggressive Battle Qi!

The two Strengths confronted each other, feeling the little bit of breath left in them, and this idea emerged in Adier’s mind.

Although the remaining amount is not large, the essence of this Battle Qi is extremely high, and in Adier’s induction, it is not even inferior to Adier itself.

In other words, the person who killed Him was at least a silver Knight.

However, in Tam City, the number of Silver Knights is not much, and most of them have no motivation to start against Sim.

This is why Gruul mistakes Adier for being a murderer, because, apart from having enough motivation, the rest do not at all.

“In Battle Qi, there is a bit of Shadow Strength hidden, but it is very good. As long as someone who is not close to the Silver Knight Peak appears next to the corpse, he can’t find it …”

With one hand on the corpse, feeling the corpse within the body, Adier was thoughtful: “On the surface is Knight’s Battle Qi, but in fact, it is some kind of unique shadow power …”

“In addition, the blood energy originally in this corpse seems to be gone …”

Upon closer inspection of the corpse, Adier also discovered a condition.

The body structure of a vampire is not the same as an ordinary person.

Not only do they have a unique heart structure, they also have unique blood energies in their blood, and they are the source of the vampire Strength, which will not disappear even if they die.

But at the moment in Sim, not only did not find the blood core, but also did not see the Strength of the slightest blood, just like an ordinary person, there is nothing wrong.

But this situation is the biggest fault in itself.

That night, Adier could see clearly that Simm had already been transformed into a vampire. Although the transformation time may not be long, the transformation itself has begun, and it is naturally impossible to be the same as the ordinary person.

But at this moment, there was no vampire breath on Sim’s body, and it looked like a corpse.


Laughing randomly, Adier lowered his head and looked closely at the hollow in the center of the body.

“The location of this blow is exactly where the heart is. Not only did the entire heart be broken directly, but the heart core hidden in it also disappeared …

“As for the whole body’s blood energy, it is mostly taken away …”

After a closer inspection, the fog in Adier’s mind became clear.

Although the body in front of him looks normal, if he examines it carefully, he can still find many unreasonable things.

In addition to the details of the heart and the blood energy within the body, although the body of Simm seems to be intact, in fact, the entire body has been shattered. Some of them are different from ordinary people. If they are not carefully examined, they will not Can’t find out.

However, in the face of such an aristocratic little aristocracy, there are not many strong Great Knights willing to check it carefully.

Even Adier wouldn’t have noticed these details at this moment unless he had understood them in advance.

“It’s really troublesome …”

Gently lift a layer of white cloth to cover Sim’s entire body. Adier shook his head secretly, still wondering in his mind.

“The person who killed Himm must be a Strong close to the existence of the Silver Peak … Similar to this kind of existence, even in the entire city of Tam, I am afraid there may not be many, slowly searching, one day I can find . “

Out of the flat where the corpses were placed, Adier got up and walked out, ready to go to the next place.

With these days Gruul stepping out of the royal palace, after that, under the interference of the Prince, Adier inherited the title of the Ba Kulu family and became the master of the new Ba Kulu family.

Tonight is the day when Gruhr has a banquet and celebration for him.

For this occasion, Adier is not like, but not hate, the invitation to Gruul, more or less, to give some face.

That night.

South Tam Street, in a luxurious estate.

Flowers are blooming everywhere. In the same place, the bright lights will illuminate everywhere. It looks very beautiful and shines the flame on the ground.

In the manor all around, each and everyone was dressed brightly, and the guests in full clothes brought their female companions slowly from the outside. When they saw the scene in the middle of the manor, they could not help showing a little envy.

Unlike other places, in the middle of the manor, the place seemed extraordinarily empty.

On the most central stage, each and everyone has a beautiful appearance and a beautifully decorated beautiful girl dancing on it. Under the stage, Groll with a smile on her face and looked at the guests who spoke all around loudly.

“This is the master of the banquet tonight, Yasuo Baron who has saved my life many times in the south.”

He put one hand on Adier’s shoulder, his most sincere smile on his face: “I used to think that when the southern fortress fell, I almost thought I was going to die like this. On land that is not in my hometown. “

“But at this time, it was Yasuo’s appearance that made me see hope again!”

“He is brave, he is strong, he is loyal! With the long sword in his hand, he is holding me all the way to the end and returning to this land I love!”

“Here, let’s toast for this heroic Knight!”

He put Adier’s shoulder on one hand and held the wine glass high in one hand. At this moment, with a strong smile on his face, he drank the spirits in the glass.


“Toast for Yasuo Baron!”

Every kind of good laugh came from all around, with a smile on the face of each and everyone aristocracy, matched with the candlelight in the distance, this moment looked extremely harmonious.

Standing at the very center of the stage and watching the scene quietly, Adier felt a little boring.

In these years, on similar occasions, he has contacted too much, and does not find it fun.

But even though his heart was boring, on this occasion in front of him, he still barely raised his glass and watched everyone drink it, which caused a cheer around him.

When the busiest time passed, Adier was about to step back into the corner, but suddenly there was a rush of footsteps in the distance.

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