In the early morning, the sun is extraordinarily gentle, and the earth is shining white, bringing a bit of warmth to this cold world.

In the wild, dewdrops hang from each weed, and the breeze gently blows here, making the weeds light, and the dew drops slowly.

On this flat ground, Adier led his horse walking, and after reaching a certain place, he couldn’t help raising his head and looking into the distance.

“Is this right here?”

He looked up and looked at all around and asked.

“Yes.” On the side of Adier, Hilaya changed into a light black leather armor, riding a horse at the moment, with a long sword on his waist, like an elite Knight.

In just one month, the former robber boss also changed his appearance. After several veterans’ heavy training, he looks a little bit at this moment.

He rode on a big horse, a rough face that looked a little ruddy, and was still nervous before Adier.

“Master Baron, if you walk half an hour ahead, you will see the camp where the bandits are.”

“Is it just ahead?” Adier looked up, looking far away, frowned, slightly invisible on his face.

In front of me is a lush forest, where thin shrubs grow quietly, blocking most of the human vision and not seeing distant scenes.

This is an excellent cover, not someone who is extremely familiar with the surrounding terrain. If you walk into this area, I am afraid you may be lost in it.

But for Adier, this kind of occlusion is naturally useless, just so silently looking to the distance, looking at the landscape in the distance.

Limited to the strength and distance at this moment, he could not see a distant look, but he could dimly see something.

On a dilapidated depression, some dilapidated buildings are slowly standing on it, and in the sky, a little blood gas is slowly condensing, condensing into a cloud of blood, which slowly spreads like a drop of ink seeps into the water, letting the whole The sky looked a little flushed.

Looking at this scene, Adier frowned, then did not speak, directly raised the whip on Yang’s hand, and slowly walked forward.

As the distance continues to indent, the distant scenes continue to show up.

When Adier reached the end of this time, the followers behind him all froze.

The place in front of me looks like a village, but there are many fences and mounds outside, barely surrounding the whole village.

The village is very large, and it can be seen that if it is usual, there should be a lot of people here, and the scope should be very lively.

But at this moment, the place in front of me has completely turned into a dead place, and pieces of ruins are standing on the ground, and a little bit of cold breath permeates all around.

On the ground, a little bit of deep black blood was spreading, contaminating all around, making this place look a little scary for a while.

Adier watched the scene silently.

Compared with those ordinary people on the side, he can see a lot more.

Over the village in front of me, a deep death is permeating, and the bloody Nether Soul is struggling and mourning. Among them, countless silhouettes are shuttled. With the arrival of Adier and the others, it seems to be awakened all at once, all looked towards Over here.

One after another horrible, pale and rotten faces one after another looked at. If ordinary people saw it, at this moment I was afraid that my heart would immediately tremble, and I could not help raising a desire to escape.

Adier just stared calmly, staring at each of these dead faces, staring at each and everyone. The flesh and blood, and the pale-faced silhouette, were silent, without any expression.

“Sir, there are many dead bodies …”

Not long after, Hilaya had trot over, panting heavily on her mouth, with a look of lingering expression on her face, and seemed to see some horrific scene: “Inside … Inside …”

“En?” Adier turned to look at him, some doubtful eyes looked towards the other, in exchange for the other’s bitter smile: “Master, go in and see for yourself …”

There was not much to say and didn’t pay much attention to Hillary’s performance. Adier gently nodded, and then dismounted alone, and just walked along the path that Hilaraya had just opened.

Entering into it, a cold and cold breath spread instantly, just like the ice of Extreme Cold melted away instantly, and a large amount of cold air spread out, which caused a shiver uncontrollably.

“This place is really cold …” Hilaya could not help but shivered, standing behind Adier, apparently sweating a lot because of strenuous exercise, but now she felt a bit cold again.

This wind is not formed naturally, but for another reason.

In the place where only Adier can see, at this moment, a pair of eyes are opening, and a few scary faces are showing, and all are staring at the crowd coldly at the moment.

Standing next to a Nether Soul, Adier can even see that on the face of a Nether Soul, a drop of mucus is dripping continuously, and there are many wounds on the face, and there are worms on it. It looks like I can spit it out overnight.

Stepping out of these ghosts, Adier’s instincts of instinctual mechanism bloomed, and a bit of Life Energy sublimated spontaneously. The breath that erupted immediately made some reactions on these Nether Soul bodies, instinctively away from Adier.

After doing this, he turned around and looked all around in the direction of Hilaya.

A corpse was set around, and each corpse was dressed in worn clothing. The entire body was penetrated by a huge branch, and the wound on it was densely packed, making people look creepy.

On some of the more completely preserved corpses, Adier was also able to see some black robed man marks. The blood was mottled and looked like a unique tattoo, but also a unique ceremony.

In the air, an inexplicable air machine is still remaining. With the arrival of Adier and the others, it seems to be activated. It instinctively flows towards Adier and the others, but is dispelled by Life Energy on Adier.

“It’s the ceremony of the night watchman …”

Among the crowd, looking at this scene, a man opened his mouth with trembling, and his face was almost full of fear.

The so-called night watchman is a believer of the night watch god, which represents the approach of death and heralds the moment when night comes.

There are many believers in this oracle, but most of them are extreme evil, creating terror among the nations and making countless people fear.

Ignoring the feared retrospector behind him, Adier expressionless, quietly walked all around.

Most of the bodies sacrificed here are mostly the original bandits in this cottage, but there are also some passers-by who have died.

For example, the body of a woman in front of Adier is also the body of a person middle-aged man.

The female corpse’s appearance was miserable. Not only was she covered with red body, she had no clothing on her body, and she had several cracks on her body. On the body, some traces of torture have been used for a long time, and it seems that he was subjected to extreme treatment before his death.

The middle-aged man’s body was missing a left arm, another pair of eyes were also dug out, and even his tongue was cut off. A face was covered with crickets, flesh fluttered on his face, and it was creepy .

The female corpse is the daughter of the President of the Chamber of Commerce. As for the middle-aged man, she is the sheriff who was sent by Tam to negotiate, a simple man born of a noble.

The two normally have their own roles, and each has a family’s living life behind them. They died because they came to this place. The experience before their death was unimaginable.

The cruelty of this scene, the horror and bloodiness of slaughter, made the original robbers behind Adier a little trembling in fear, and even some dare not open their eyes.

In the places that ordinary people can’t see, some of the dead’s response qi haven’t disappeared for a long time, still permeated in this place, seduce each other with some kind of Strength left around, and become a small area invisibly.

“The vigil god …”

Looking at the miserable scene in front of him, Adier expressionless, looking consciously to a corner.

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