The azure rain was slowly falling in the sky, and slowly fell on the ground, emitting the sound of raindrops falling.

At this time it was spring. Because the weather was still cold and it was raining, there were very few silhouettes of pedestrians on the street. Even if there were, they were humble umbrellas, and their faces hurried away.

Walking in the middle, a silhouette of a young girl slowly walked out of the end, looking at the scene at the moment, could not help but be a little stunned.

“I don’t know if Lord Knight is back …”

Looking at the sparse silhouette on the street, Wendy flashed the thought in her mind, thinking of the silhouette of the young Knight, and at this moment could not help but feel a little hesitant.

It seemed that she could see the nagging in her heart, and beside her, a guard opened the mouth and said: “Please rest assured, Lord Baron has sent a message the day before yesterday, and will be able to arrive in the city in three days …”

“That’s good.” Wendy smiled on her face, and at this moment her heart was slightly relaxed, not as nervous as before.

She continued to look forward, looking towards the end: “Adult is coming back at night, I still think about what to look for, and prepare a rich dinner for the adult.”

This is her purpose this time out.

After being rescued by Adier, although Adier never asked her to do anything, the girl tried to do as much as possible for him.

Therefore, until now, girls often go out and often buy some rare materials to prepare a beautiful meal.

This time too.

Walking on the road of the market, the pedestrians outside became more and more sparse due to heavy rain. Only the rain on the ground became thicker and thicker, because the urban drainage pipes were not well developed.

Accustomed to this environment, the girl felt nothing. But this time it was still a little unexpected.

In a corner of the bazaar, the girl saw a ragged silhouette lying there, with some blood on her body, looking like a corpse.

“She is still alive.”

After a brief look, the girl looked at the fallen silhouette with some hesitation. At this moment, he was hesitant and hesitant.

There is heavy rain in the sky. In this weather, if there is no rescue, this woman will probably die here with eight-nine, the body will become a pile of rotten meat, swallowed by wild dogs everywhere, leaving only bones in one place .

In these days when she came to Tam City, the girl has seen this kind of thing more than once.

In the past, although a girl couldn’t bear it, she was able to put herself under pressure and not do extra things.

Relatively unknown to the aristocratic aristocratic young lady, the girls from the scavenger group can understand the hard-won life at the moment and do not want to bring more trouble to Knight.

But at this moment, at the moment of seeing the girl, the girl couldn’t help but shake a little, remembering her uncle who died in the hands of the ghoul.

That night, when her uncle became a ghoul, her heart was also incredibly desperate, and the kind of suffocation on the verge of death.

“Young Lady, will you take her back?”

Next to him, two guards from the Kulu family asked. Obviously hesitated in the girl’s heart.

In recent years, because of war and famine, displaced people are everywhere. Similar to the situation before them, they have seen a lot and do not feel anything new.

“That … I trouble you …”

Hesitated for a moment. In the end, the girl was nodded and did not refuse the guard’s words.


Drop it drop it …

The sound of the clock’s slow rotation kept ringing, continually swirling in the small room.

On a fairly warm bed, a woman opened her eyes slowly.

If anyone saw her at this moment, she would be attracted by her eyes.

It was a pair of purple eyes. The two purple eyes looked pure and beautiful, just like a pair of purple gems, and could not help attracting the eyes of the people around them.

But under these purple eyes, the girl’s appearance is enough to sigh.

A long and narrow face was revealed, and the exposed skin was fair, but on a face that was originally delicate and pretty, densely packed folds were displayed on it, looking like the old texture of an old man.

Among these densely packed folds, you can also see tiny blood vessels emerging.

Although her figure is not bad, this honor alone is enough for 90% men to dispel all desires from her.

“Looking like this … I was saved? …”

Quietly got up from the bed, gently extended the hand, and looked at the changed clothes on her body, as well as the wounds that were obviously washed on her body. The woman laughed, and the smile on her face seemed a bit mysterious.

“Zamana … What you have taught me, I will remember …”

Faint thoughts skipped from her heart, and a name flowed quickly, which she kept in her heart.

“Are you awake?” At this moment, a voice came from the door.

Following the voice, the woman looked out the door, but couldn’t help it.

Outside the gate, Wendy wore a long gray dress with delicate makeup on her face. At this moment, she walked out of the door with something in her hand and saw the woman who got up from the bed.

She was a little surprised and a little happy. She didn’t care too much when she saw the woman staying asleep. She only thought that the other party had just woke up, and her mind had not been fully awake before she would look a little sluggish.

But the reason women stay is obviously not this.

Sitting quietly on the bed, the woman quietly raised her head and looked at the girl who entered the room in front of her eyes.

In her field of vision, although the appearance of the girl in front of her is normal, the strength of the entire body is weak, the essence of the soul is dim, and it looks ordinary, but it is covered by a deep strength.

That is a line of destiny in purple. On the girl’s body, a little rich line of destiny is constantly intertwined with it, slowly spreading to the outside world, it seems to spread to a certain direction and lead to a certain end. .

Along with these densely packed lines of destiny, a deep destiny power is also shrouded in girls, shrouding its original ordinary nature, and gradually becoming different.

If it is said that the original fate of the girl in front of her life is only to live as an ordinary person, then after being infected by this destiny force, she has lost her original trajectory and gradually spread to all around and becomes unmeasurable.

“The care of the power of destiny … This girl has a look of fate …”

Looking at Wendy who entered the room in front of her, the woman was a little surprised: “No! This fate’s care is not hers, but those around her!”

“Beside this girl, there must be a person who is deeply destined for fate, because she has a close relationship with her, so that she is subject to a little bit of care and influence.”

In an instant, her eyes lit up instantly, countless thoughts in her mind turned countless times in the blink of an eye, and finally the most probable result was inferred from the endless possibilities.

“are you OK?”

In front of her, feeling the woman’s gaze, Wendy could not help but opened the mouth and said first.

From now until now, the woman in front of her has been staring blankly at her, and that look made her feel uncomfortable.

“Hello there.”

The woman reacted, and a stiff smile appeared on a stiff face: “Sorry, I just woke up, and my head was a bit unconscious …”

“Did you save me?”

“Before you fell on the road, there were wounds everywhere, and it was raining outside, so I brought you back.” Wendy nodded, acknowledging the fact that she rescued the woman, and then put her hand The top was lowered, exposing the steaming broth inside.

“You have been sleeping for a long time. Now that you are awake, let ’s eat something first, and other things, we will talk later.”

She put down the broth and some dried meat, and looked at the woman’s pale and weak face. She couldn’t help but with a faint smile, then got up and walked out slowly.

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