At noon, a bell ringing after class rang, and then each and everyone student walked through the gates of the campus, either alone or in pairs.

Adier wore a school uniform and walked quietly on the way out of school. His mind was quietly thinking about the background memory of this body.

The name of this body is Yaduo, an ordinary secondary school student. He is sixteen years old, and he has reached adulthood within two years.

His parents have long been divorced and have formed families.

Ado followed mother to live in the newly formed family. The main members of the family include stepfather and mother, and an elder sister who looks very good.

In memory, this is a very ordinary teenager, even a little weak.

“A scrap template?”

Feeling Yado’s memory, Adier froze for a while, but felt a little novel.

“Ado, long time no see.” A weird voice came from the front.

Adier looked up and saw in front. Several of them were also wearing school uniforms, but the multi-colored killer Matt was walking towards him with a smile.

“How is it? Did you bring your money today?”

The headed student Matt looked at Adier said with a smile, with a playful look in his eyes.


Adier froze for a while, then reacted after a while, and found the source of this scene from memory: “Extortion?”

“What is blackmail?”

The former killer Matt said unhappyly: “This is borrowing money!”

“Are you borrowing money?”

Adier was a little speechless, shook the head, and directly opened the mouth and said: “Trouble let me down, I’m in a hurry.”

“You don’t have a face shameless !!”

A rage came from the eyes, and saw that Adier was about to leave. The first killing of the complexion changed, and then he went directly to Adier.

five minutes later.

With a group of people passing by student in awe and gaze with faint gaze, Adier counted a few banknotes on his hands and looked at Killer Matt who was lying on the ground with his face speechless: “I said, now all the mess So poor? “

A group of killing Matt under his feet dared not be angry, the head of which was stunned by Adier’s punch, and now still lying on the ground.

Glancing at these nonchalant killer bastards, Adier shook the head, he turned and left.

For Adier, what just happened is just an episode. Unless the other party provoked him, otherwise his character would not provoke others.

However, after just what happened, Adier also made some small discoveries.

“This world has a high degree of inhibition on the extraordinary Strength.”

Looking up at the sky, remembering the scene that had just been stingy, Adier flashed this thought in his mind.

This world seems to be in a unique state in which the world consciousness suppresses all extraordinary powers.

When he was just stunned, Adier exerted a lot of energy. In the end, only one part of the energy was really used, and the rest was suppressed by World’s will.

“If this world has Transcender, I’m afraid it will be miserable.”

Shook the head, thought Adier.

But that’s fine.

Adier came to this world just to live a peaceful life, and quietly survived the growth period of thousands of years, not to venture in this world.

The suppression of this world is so great, to a certain extent, there may be many benefits to him.

“Yado, you’re home.”

A gentle female voice sounded.

In the room, a middle-aged woman wearing an apron who seemed to be cooking was cooking, and saw Adier coming back from the outside, so said with a smile: “Go to the sofa and watch the TV first. “

“Okay.” Adier nodded, sitting on the couch, in the usual way of Ado.

The only middle-aged woman named Lin Xiao is the mother of Yaduo.

In this world, there are both yellow people like those of Adier I and white people in the West.

Yaduo’s biological mother is a yellow race, but the biological father is a white, so the size is a mixed race.

But unlike Adier I, in this world, mixed blood is not a thing to be proud of, but a synonym for hybrid.

Because of this identity, Yaduo suffered from discrimination since he was a child, so he developed a cowardly and easily bullied character.

A bit boring to turn on the TV, Adier found that there are very few TV shows in this world, and most of them are news.

After looking around, I didn’t see anything interesting, and Adier didn’t continue to toss. He just looked for a table.

“The latest Times news is broadcast below …”

“The day before yesterday, a huge pothole was inexplicably formed in the Audoria Park, and blood sacrifice was densely populated. Regarding this, the police suspected that it was another horrible sacrificial offering from Sotto.

“The mayor of the city of Odoria recently made a statement stating that he will fully investigate and seize this group of scorners who despise their lives and take their precious lives to sacrifice the evil existence, and bury them under the watchful eye of the three gods.

“City of Odoria.” Adier was surprised when he saw the news: “Isn’t that right here?”

“Ado, I haven’t been out recently.”

The sound of crisp footsteps came from outside, followed by a sound of indifference.

Yaduo’s nominal elder sister, Chen Qing walked in slowly, glanced at Yaduo on the sofa and said.

She was tall and wore a long black dress. She was exquisite and beautiful, with a cool temperament, which was daunting.

“I see.” Adier nodded, saying he heard it.

To Adier’s reaction, Chen Qing didn’t care, just indifferently nodded, and then went upstairs alone.

Looking at the silhouette of her going upstairs alone, Adier felt something unique.

Although the appearance looks normal, Chen Qing’s Spirit shows a sense of tiredness, like a veteran cultivation who has been cultivation for three days and nights, with a sense of exhaustion all over his body.

“It seems that this is also a person with a story.”

Watching the silhouette of Chen Qing going upstairs alone, Adier laughed, but didn’t care, just watched his own news.

In the afternoon, Adier went to school as usual.

I don’t know if it was because the rogues were repaired in the morning. When Adier came to the school again in the afternoon, Adier always felt that the attitude of others around him seemed to change, and some people looked at him with a dodge.

In this regard, he shook the head, didn’t care, just quietly listening to the lecturer in front of the class.

After listening to a lesson, he shook his head.

It’s too bad.

In the classroom, not only the students were using mobile phones to read miscellaneous books, but even the lecturers were trying to fish, and even playing computer games in class.

There were four lessons throughout the afternoon, and three of them ended in self-study.

What’s the point of such a class?

Although Adier came to find the fish, he really didn’t like this kind of time-consuming class.

In his opinion, there must be a class appearance in class.

So he decided to find something to do for himself.

After all, if nothing else, he will stay in this world for five or six thousand years.

For such a long time, under the circumstances that the extraordinary power is suppressed, if there is nothing to adjust, it is really a bit boring.

Taking advantage of the end of the class, Adier turned around and looked at the situation in the surrounding classes.

The final result disappointed him.

The situation of these classes is just as bad as his class, and even some of them are even worse. The bloody fishes in the room are so scary that they are written on their faces. Big print.

Because of this discovery, he strengthened his determination to find something to do.

So what should we do?

Adier first thought of his own family.

According to Yaduo’s memory, although the family in Yaduo’s home is not too bad, it is still on the poverty line as a whole, and it is very difficult for him to study with Chen Qing every year.

“So, first of all, to improve the situation of this family, it should be compensation for occupying Yado’s body.”

Walking on the school playground, Adier thought so.

Of course, this is only a rough idea, what should be done, he has not yet figured out.

It’s not that it’s hard to find the right thing, but that there are so many things that can be done, so it will be difficult to choose for a while.

With the thoughts drifting away in my heart, the bell of class gradually sounded.

Adier lifted his schoolbag and continued on his way home.

A loud noise came from the front.

Several people who looked very bad were chasing after someone who looked like a student with foul-mouthed lips.

“Come back?”

Looking at this scene, Adier was a little speechless, and suddenly he was a little skeptical about the state of law and order in the city.

In a day, this was the second time he saw it.

Moreover, unlike the previous group of bad students who were just extortion, this time, they are even more harmful.

Because they carry a knife.

Although it is only a small knife such as a fruit knife, a dagger, but it is undeniable that this is also a knife, a bad one can die.

On the side of the road, when I saw the goods rushing around with a knife, the surrounding people greatly changed, and they stepped forward to hide around all around.

Soon, only Adier was left here.

He also didn’t have a nosy mind, but just leaned to the side and avoided the surroundings.

At this time, the student-like person had been caught by these people, he was beaten in the corner by a big man, and was beaten with blood.

Adier shook the head, seeing the horrible picture of student, hesitated whether he should step forward to help, and heard a sound in front of him.

“Ador, it’s you!”

The voice of ruthlessness and deep hatred sounded.

Adier looked up and froze.

The other side spoke, one of these gangsters, who looked a little familiar. It was one of them who wanted to blackmail Adier at noon today and was beaten down by Adier.

“It doesn’t seem to be tangled.”

Suddenly, Adier laughed.

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