“It can break the Spirit that I have left. This Spirit has great potential.”

Sitting quietly in the classroom, feeling that the Spirit force left by him was broken by an overbearing tenacious will, Adier’s face showed a little appreciation.

Although the Spirit force left by him is not strong, it is not something that an ordinary person can break through. Ordinary people want to break free from the Spirit force. Only when the Spirit force is automatically exhausted can it be done. .

Although the young man’s body is overbearing, his Strength is far above the ordinary person, but he is still within the scope of ordinary life.

Such a person, however, can use his Spirit will as a fist, forcibly broke Adier’s Spirit blockade. This mighty Spirit will, even Adier can’t help it.

In the Spirit’s Spirit power from the opponent, Adier felt a fearless and undefeated will to fight, like the born War God, born for war and died for war.

“If the child can grow up smoothly, the future is doomed.”

Thinking of the power king he saw before, Adier flashed this thought in his mind.

But in spite of this, it is actually the case.

Traveling through many worlds, what kind of genius has Adier never seen in different worlds?

Geniuses such as Fang Caili are rare, but for Adier, they are nothing.

If you have a chance, you may dial one or two, but if you miss it, you will miss it. It is not a pity.

Picking up the book calmly, Adier continued to read it quietly, slowly reviewing the content on it.

Time is slowly passing.

“What? Li Wang met Yue Wang !!!”

A spacious and magnificent hall, listening to the news that Ke Moer just said, Xu Sen complexion greatly changed: “How come!”

“According to the trajectory in the original history, Li Wang should still fight on the battlefield in Southwest China at this moment, and should not return to China.”

In front of Xu Sen, Ke Muer’s face was also a bit ugly: “Now the other party not only returned early, but also found the Moon King, which can only explain one result.”

“Li Wang was born again.”

“This lunatic !!”

Xu Sen’s face was ugly, and he seemed to think of some horrific scene. He couldn’t help snoring all over him: “Is he able to provoke the Moon King! How long has it been before he found the Moon King?”

“Isn’t he afraid that Moon King will find him after he wakes up?”

“He is naturally not afraid.”

Ke Muer sneered: “Who is Li Wang, you don’t know?”

“That is a madman who is crazy for the war. In the previous life, except for the moon king who mysteriously disappeared later, which other king has not been challenged by him?”

“This guy has publicly stated his position many times in the previous life, expressing his regret for the disappearance of the Moon King. Now that he has finally been reborn, how can he not fulfill his wish in the previous life?”

“Fortunately, Yue Wang is okay, otherwise, it will be trouble.” Xu Sen smiled bitterly on his face, and also felt a headache for Li Wang’s unreasonable licensing.

“Rest assured, he doesn’t dare treat King Li.”

Ke Mo Er shook the head, said with a sneer: “Without the Moon King, when the three gods recover, who can stand up? Is he the so-called power king?”

“In the ordinary king class, he may be considered one of the very best, but in the face of the three gods, he is far from qualified!”

“I hope he can get to know him better. Don’t come to the Moon King until the Moon King is fully awakened.”

Xu Sen shook his head said with a bitter smile: “Otherwise, if something happens that causes the Moon King to have an accident, then it is really over.”

The Moon King must not be in trouble!

This is the consensus of all rebirths who stand in the human camp.

No one knows how strong the three gods are in these heavenly ranks or even the awakened kings.

In previous lives, it was not that no one tried to counterattack the Three Gods.

Several king-level awakeners, dozens of them attacked together for the celestial awakeners, but in the end, even one incarnation of the three gods could not be defeated, and they were completely blocked outside Nanzhou.

Throughout this world, the three gods are invincible existence!

Except for King of the Moon.

At the beginning of the previous life, at the beginning of the three gods’ recovery, if the Moon King did not suppress it with his own power, the entire human world would fall on the spot. There was no Xu Sen and the others.

In this life, if the Moon King is in an accident, or even died in advance, the situation facing Xu Sen and the others will be more than ten times more difficult than in the previous life.

So no matter what, the Moon King must not be in trouble.

“Do not worry.”

Standing in place, Kermour sighed: “I have sent someone to look for King Li and tried to contact him.”

“If all goes well, they should now be connected.”

After hearing this, Xu Sen was relieved.

King Li is powerful, but in this quiet period when the awakening is suppressed, it is not invincible.

As Ke Mo Er, if at all costs, he sent an army to hang himself, even if he was a well-known force king, he would definitely hate the scene at this moment.

It’s just a last resort, they don’t want to go this far.

King Li is also the human Peak powerhouse. It was the main force to fight fierce beasts in the previous life. If he died like this, the combat power that can be united in the future will be less than half.

This cut off his own arm was less than a last resort, and the two didn’t want to do it.

Of course, this premise is that the other party should not think about the Moon King’s shot at this time.

A grassy meadow.

King Li walked here quietly, watching the many black clothed persons who wrapped him in and out unknowingly, the complexion grave and stern as usual.

“Kermoer, is she back?”

Quietly looking around, looking at the well-trained big guys in each and everyone around, as well as the guns looming from the other side, the expression of Li Wang did not change at all, as if these people were not seen at all.

“Go back and tell her, let her rest assured.”

The expression of Li Wang was cold and cold, as hard as iron stones: “I will not go to the Moon King again.”

“Before my Strength goes further …”

He remembered the scene when he met the moon king that day, and thought secretly.

On the other side, another secret communication is beginning.

“Yang Lin, what are you doing?”

Among the relics left over from ancient times, looking at Heiyi Qingnian in front of him, Chen Qing looked cold and looked at him and asked.

“Just wanted to come to you.”

Facing Chen Qing’s cold gaze, Yang Lin laughed without thinking, with a smile on his face: “What? Unwelcome?”

“Give me an explanation.”

Chen Qing’s voice was cold, and it sounded like a piece of frozen ice all year round: “How did you find here?”

This place is the most secret place and the most secret place in the Sacred Heart Church. If outsiders do not have a way to guide, it is impossible to find this place.

If he and Yang Lin had barely understood each other, I’m afraid at this moment I would have ordered the other party to be tortured.

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