“It’s unique …”

Looking at the place before him, Yang Lin could not help expressing his emotions.

He has been here in previous lives.

It was the fifth year of the Awakening era, but at that time, Sacredism had been annihilated by Sotto, and it was also found here by Sotto, and was directly destroyed.

What he saw at that time were just some wrecks of this place, and valuable things had long been removed by Sotto.

But now it is different.

Once again, the valuable things here are still there. As long as a little bit leaks out, it is enough to make Yang Lin eat his mouth full of oil.

This is also one of Yang Lin’s main goals this time. In addition to wanting to make good with the elder sister of the Moon King, he also has ideas for himself.

“It’s spectacular …..”

Looking at the ancient city below, looking at this scene, Chen Qing couldn’t help but sigh deeply.

It is hard to imagine how much effort the original Sacred Heart taught the ancestors to build the city in front of this place.

Looking at the city, Chen Qing can fully imagine that kind of scene. Just to build the city, it will inevitably pay a huge price.

However, she is the saintess of the Sacred Heart of this generation, but no matter how shocked she was, she just sighed for a moment, her face returned to normal, and slowly raised her head looking towards: “Let’s go.”

Heading all the way, they soon reached their destination this time-a very large altar.

As you walk along the road, the ancient scenery on both sides is slowly passing by in front of you, and there are all mottled marks on it.

On some walls, dried blood and the remains of the sword are still hidden on it. Even after being polished for countless hours, they still have not been worn away, as if brand new.

There have been unimaginable wars here, the whole city is covered with blood, some are black, some are red, and some are golden.

The blood of black represents a ferocious beast, and red represents a human. As for the final golden, that is the golden blood that is only available to the saintess who tempered himself to Peak.

This place has killed saintess of the Sacred Heart, and there are far more than one.

A mysterious Strength is full of here, time seems to freeze here, all bloodstains remain the same as before, and still lifelike today, as if the scene happened yesterday.

Just looking around, a history of precipitation, and the epic sense of grandeur can not help but rise from the heart.

Even Yang Lin, the rebirth, couldn’t help flashing his eyes when he looked at the scene in front of him, which touched him a bit.

“Okay, we are here.”

Before long, they boarded the vast altar and began to look around.

Like the arrowheads around, the altar in front of it looks very old, and it is full of a sense of time.

Yang Lin looked up and looked towards him.

I saw there, some statues densely packed, densely packed in front of the altar.

These statues have different shapes and appearances, of which three are the largest.

A dragon-like Divine Dragon with huge wings.

A statue of Divine Bird that looks like a bird and is legend legendary Phoenix, holding a sun in the center.

There is also a giant, like the giant god of Creation of the World, with humanoid statues wrapped around chains.

This is the statue of the Three Gods.

However, compared with the statues of the three gods outside, the sculptures of the three gods here are carved with wickedness and fierceness. Each statue is carved with extreme horror.

“Three Gods …”

Looking at the herd in front of him, Chen Qing’s face was a little ugly, inexplicably remembering what Yang Lin had said before.

“The three gods are really part of the ferocious beast? Are they the enemy of humanity?”

She was shaken in her heart, and then she looked at the center of the altar.

In the middle of the altar, a black coffin was placed silently.

“What should I do next?”

Looking at this black coffin, she turned back and looked towards Yang Lin, solemnly asked.

“Inject your Holy Power into this coffin.”

Yang Lin did not sell Guanzi and explained directly: “The ancestor of the Sacred Heart did not have many lifespans. In order to better inherit the various knowledge and secret methods of the Sacred Heart into the future, he chose to suppress himself with sacred objects. The seal is inside this coffin. “

“As long as later saintess injects the Holy Power into the coffin, this sage will wake up.”

“it is good.”

Chen Qing was nodded, looking at Yang Lin, but could not help but be surprised.

Yang Lin knows a lot more now.

It is surprising enough to be able to easily find the relics left by the Sacred Heart Religion in ancient times. Here the sleeping Sacred Heart Sage priests are so secretive that even the other party can know it.

This is no longer explained by ordinary sources.

The other person must have a secret.

But this is not the time to delve into this.

Chen Qing turned around and placed one hand on the black coffin.

The pale white power flowed slowly, and in front of him, the black coffin lit up suddenly.

The black coffin seems to have its own life. After the infusion of the power of Chen Qing, complex textures began to appear on the coffin, which at first looked like human blood vessels meridians.

At this moment, with the infusion of Holy Power, the blood vessels and meridians are slowly lighting up.

A faintly discernable change began to occur.

“You are the new generation of saintess? Qualifications are pretty good.”

Hearing the sound, everyone was stunned.

Chen Qing looked at the coffin in front of her.

With the infusion of the divine power on her body, the coffin in front of her eyes continued to light up, but never opened, and the sages inside did not even see a silhouette.

The sages in it didn’t show up. Who was the voice?

“Don’t guess.” A husky voice sounded in place.

Chen Qing turned around and looked behind.

On the stairs behind, an old woman stepped up.

The old woman wore a white clothed body, her white hair was dangling, her body was thin and she looked very old, but her eyes were very Spirit, so she looked at Chen Qing and focused on her.

A faint white light flickered. On the old man, the holy power far stronger than Chen Qing was rippling, proving her identity.

Amazingly saintess who used to be Sacred Heart.

“What? Surprised?”

Looking at everyone’s face dumb, old woman laughed.

“It’s a little …”

Chen Qingyi nodded, pointing at the coffin in front of him, seems to be saying: Why don’t you come out of the coffin?

“I put a coffin here.”

Seeing her like this, old woman said with a smile: “But that doesn’t mean that I’m going to lie in silly, right?”

“This coffin is just for my cover. My real body lies under this ruin.”

The old woman looked up at Yang Lin and said, “My way of awakening is not to inject divine power, but as long as someone enters this ruin, I will wake up.”

“If you really put yourself in the coffin, it ’s okay for you to come. If you are an enemy, would n’t you want to run?

“You seem to be making sense …”

Chen Qing’s face was strange. At this moment, the old woman was inexplicably right.

Yeah, put your body on the altar. If it’s really your own person, that’s all, but if you are an outsider, wouldn’t it fall directly on the other side and let the other side handle it?

However, although I think this makes sense, I don’t know why, it still feels weird.

Feeling this weirdness, she glanced at Yang Lin vaguely.

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