“Well, can you tell me who you are now?”

Sitting on the ground, looking at the black clothed robust man who fell to the ground, Adier said boringly.

In front of these people, despite the appearance of a villain, their strength is really weak.

Except for the bald old man led by Lordam, the others are ordinary persons, nothing special.

Together, these men are not as threatening to Adier as Yang Lin and Li Wang.

King Li himself is a powerful warrior with some Strength hidden in his body. Once it breaks out, Strength is very impressive.

Although Yang Lin looks ordinary, Adier always feels that there is something hidden in the other party, and the threat is not lower than that of King Li.

Of course, if it is against Adier, none of the above three is a cloud, which is not worth mentioning at all.

“You even … you …”

Looking at Adier sitting on the ground, Rodham looked horrified, speechless on his mouth for a long time.

“During the suppression of this world, you could have such a terrible Strength!”

He looked at Adier, and it was only half a day before he uttered this sentence.

When talking, he still had a deep horror on his face, which showed the shock in his heart.

“During the world’s quiet period, he could have the Strength, the innate talent of this person, much better than the saintess taught by the Sacred Heart!”

According to normal rules, in the quiet period, most of the awakened people cannot play Strength, and only a small number of awakened people can use the Strength of the Department.

Anyone who can do this basically has the potential to grow into a king.

It was because of this that Chen Qing was valued by the High Priest of Sotto before.

Now, Adier in front of him can do this, and even the Strength that he can play is much more scary than Chen Qing.

Looking at Adier in front of him, Lordam cursed inwardly: “Is this family all monsters!”

“Okay.” In front of him, Adier’s voice sounded slowly.

Hearing this voice, Lordam was stiff, and raised his head a little uneasily, just to see Adier’s face is smiling: “Although Strength is stronger than the average person, how can I not leave the human species and become a monster directly? Right. “


Lordam complexion has greatly changed, and looking at Adier at this moment, as if he was really watching a monster: “Can you know what I think?”

“more or less.”

Adier casually said: “Your strength is really too weak. Spirit can’t hide the flow of thoughts in my heart. As long as I think, I can hear every thought in your heart.”

“Like just now, you’re thinking, I’m much stronger than my sister.”

Adier laughed, then said, “First of all, I would like to thank you for your compliment, you have a good vision.”

“But I have to tell you the bad news, I might not let you go.”

“Are you the devil !!!”

Luo Damu couldn’t help it, watching Adier growl.

Before he finished speaking, one hand was pressed down and placed directly on his forehead.

A faint flash of light flashed through, and instantly, the majestic Spirit force suddenly flowed out, and then the expression on Lordam’s face was instantly frozen.

Every scene of memories is flowing down, and in Lordam’s mind, every scene is going back.

From his meeting with Adier, to the scenes of the previous confrontation with the Sacred Heart, and finally to the secrets of Sotu.

However, just as Adier was about to infiltrate into the deepest part of Lordaeum’s mind, a Strength that was latent in Lordaeum’s mind burst out. Before Adier had time to make a shot, he made a loud noise and directly took the whole of Lordaeum’s mind. Explode.

“this is…..”

Looking at Lordaeum who had lost his breath in front of him, Adier frowned, slowly raised his hand.

In Fangcai, although it was just a flash, the Strength he felt was extremely powerful. In essence, it may be no less than a single round.

Fifth order?

Adier frowned.

At present, this world is just an ordinary world. Although some of them have unique strengths, they do not go beyond a certain range and belong to the normal world.

Even if a formal wizard is here, it is usually enough to run rampant in this world.

But now, this seemingly ordinary World has a fifth-order Strength?

Adier couldn’t help but stop and feel a terrible premonition.

“The water in this world doesn’t look shallow.”

He looked at the distant sky, the thought flashed in his heart.

But that’s not what matters at the moment.

Although the final secret was not known, Adier knew something from Lordaeum’s memory.

In order to teach saintess of Chen Qing’s Sacred Heart, the other party not only sent him to find him, but also sent to find Chen Qing’s stepmother, which is the biological mother of Adier.

“It’s really troublesome.”

Thinking of this, his heart was sighed, and then the silhouette flickered and disappeared from its place.

“Will this lady please come over?”

On the way to buy food, Lin Xiao suddenly heard such a word in his ear.

She turned and looked around in confusion, only to find a young man in a white shirt and collar standing on the side of the road, with a professional smile on her face, and holding something in her hand.

“This lady, I have something here, I don’t know if you need it.”

Looking at Lin Xiao, the young man enthusiastically opened the mouth and said, “It’s all good! I think your husband and child will definitely need it.”

This looks like a young man selling a product.

Looking at the young man in front of him, Lin Xiao thought so, and then looked at the other side cautiously and asked, “Do you sell and so on?”

“This … of course …”

The young man smiled, and then cautiously pulled out a small bottle of beer from the bag on the side: “Tina’s beer, only ten yuan a bottle.”

“so cheap?”

Lin Xiao was suddenly agitated.

Although she lives in the Kingdom of Nuobang, she also has the tendency to restrain the production and sales of alcoholic products, so the tax on alcoholic products is raised very high.

This has also led to the fact that although there are wine merchants in the entire Nuobang Kingdom, the things they sell are often very expensive. Even a small bottle of beer costs tens of dollars a bottle.

The one in front of you only needs ten yuan.

Obviously, the source of this wine is not regular, but Lin Xiao doesn’t care.

What she cares about is just that this can leave a lot of money, and the quality of this wine.

So she took the wine and tried to smell it.

The familiar taste was assaults the senses, and her face suddenly appeared happy, then opened the mouth and said: “How many do you have?”

“I also brought some.” Seeing the middle-aged woman hooked, the youth’s face smiled even more.

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