Standing in place, feeling the weird feeling in my heart, Adier shook the head.

In fact, the method to solve the doubt is also very simple, just read the thoughts of the other party.

As a fifth-order wizard, as long as he thinks, anyone whose Spirit Strength is worse than him cannot hide his thoughts in front of him.

This is not intentional, but an instinct.

However, coming to this world, because of the suppression of the extraordinary power by this world, the origin of Adier is limited to this body. Unless it is actively used, the Strength that belongs to the ontology will fall into silence.

And, in most cases, he doesn’t like to use this ability.

Everyone has their own privacy, and there is something they never want to be known to outsiders.

This is the same whether it is ordinary person or Adier.

In this regard, unless necessary, Adier is not a person who likes to deliberately peek into the privacy of others.

“Your coffee is fine.”

Holding steaming coffee in his hand, Adier walked to Lin Jia and looked at her casually, “What flavor do you like?”

“All right.”

Lin Jia had a smile on her face, so she looked at Adier quietly.

“Then add some sugar.”

Adier nodded, add some sugar to the freshly brewed coffee.

In the process, Lin Jia did not take the initiative to speak, but just looked at Adier so quietly.

“All right.”

After a while, Adier handed in the prepared coffee, and then asked, “What else is needed?”

“No thanks.”

Lin Jia laughed, took the coffee, and then said, “Do you have anything to say?”

“If it’s something else, I think I can say a lot.”

Adier shook his head and laughed: “But I don’t really know what to say on this occasion.”

“It always felt like there was something wrong with everything.”

“Without telling you, I actually feel the same way.”

Lin Jia also laughed: “Before my aunt brought me here, not at all told me what to do, but I didn’t expect it, but it was the case.”

“Okay, she’s always been like this.”

Adier shook his head, thinking about Lin Xiao’s movements, and could not help but feel helpless.

“However, anyway, we know each other anyway.”

Lin Jia said with a smile: “If you have time, you can take me to visit the city of Odalia. I am new here and I am not too familiar with it.”

“Okay.” Adier nodded, then looked at Lin Jia, Q & A: “You are dressed, are you going to the ball?”

“No, it’s just plain dressing.”

Lin Jia shook her head and laughed: “Does it look good?”

“It looks great.” Adier nodded.

Lin Jia wore a white dress and her long hair dangled. She sat there like a lady with a good tutor, quiet and elegant.

Good-looking is certainly good-looking, but for Adier, her dress is more, just reminding him of an elf girl.

In the Silver Mist Palace, there is an elf girl named Edice who also likes to wear a white long dress and long hair, holding Adier’s hand to walk in the sunset.

In front of her eyes, Lin Jia didn’t think of that many, she just looked at the Adier in front of her and laughed, and she was very happy to see the other person liked it.

She doesn’t know why Adier likes this bell, but just because the previous life understands it, she deliberately dresses up like the other person.

The two chatted with each other, and the process seemed very boring to Adier.

However, Lin Jia seemed to be having a good time talking. Not only did she not stop, she opened more and more topics, and the scope of the conversation became wider and wider.

It wasn’t until more than half an hour later that the alarm clock rang in the distance, Lin Jia was awake a bit, and some sorry looked at Adier: “It’s almost time, I should almost go back.”

“Okay, I’ll send you.”

Adier stood up, but saw Lin Jia motionless in front of him, watching him there.

“You haven’t given me contact information.”

Lin Jia whispered.

It wasn’t until the two changed their ways that they got up and left.

Adier sent Lin Jia all the way to a parking station, then walked slowly and returned home.

Back home, at this moment Lin Xiao was already sitting in the lobby. After seeing Adier return, he quickly asked: “How?”

“What is it?”

Adier corner of mouth twitching, asked rhetorically.

“Don’t be stupid.”

Lin Xiao pressed the pats table directly, and his face was engraved with the majesty of the mother of the family: “Come on, what do you think?”

“What else can you feel? That’s it.”

Adier casually said: “The other party has a higher education background than me, and he is better than me. He has a stronger family background than me. In this condition, what else do you expect?”

“That’s not right.”

Lin Xiao frowned: “But I think Jiajia looks like I am very interested in you.”

“Polite that’s all.”

Adier said casually, and then for whatever reason, he went into his room.

“how do you feel?”

On the other side, inside the vehicle, a middle-aged woman drove and looked at Lin Jia and asked.

“I feel it’s ok.”

Lin Jia responded.

“It’s not bad. Even if things don’t work out, at least we can still be friends. The two of us will not be too embarrassed in the future.

Listening to Lin Jia’s response, the middle-aged woman was nodded.

As a mother, she knows her daughter’s temper. Although she is gentle and courteous, she also has her own persistence and pride.

Like the child of her relatives, she is mostly despised.

“Do not…..”

Lin Jia bit her lip, and finally said in an unexpected expression on the middle-aged woman’s face: “I mean, I’m very happy with him.”

“I want to be with him if I can.”

The middle-aged woman opened her lips and looked at her daughter, and said a long time later, “Are you sure you are not kidding?”

“Am I kidding?”

Lin Jia looked towards the middle-aged woman, her face was extremely serious.

“Really decided?”

Although she always respected her daughter’s opinions and decisions, but seeing her make this choice, the middle-aged woman couldn’t help but ask: “His education is only a secondary school, and you will be a graduate of a prestigious university … “

“Education is not important, and a certificate may not match the character and ability of a person.” Lin Jia said earnestly.

“He looks just average, and you …”

“You can’t look like a meal, and if he looks better than me, what else should I do?”

“His family is just ordinary. If you marry in the future, you will most likely not be able to maintain your current life.”

“I am willing to fight for him.”

Lin Jia said indifferently: “Big deal, I will be responsible for making money to support my family.”


The middle-aged woman was suddenly speechless, her lips opened and opened, but she didn’t know what to say.

Having said all this, what else can she say?

As a mother, she knew that since her daughter had said these words, she must have really made a decision, and no one could persuade him to come back.

That being the case, what good is she to dissuade?

Thinking of this, she sighed softly. At this time, her mood was extremely complicated, and she didn’t know what to say.

Time passed so slowly.

The next time, Adier found it very helpless.

Over time, the girl named Lin Jia didn’t know what to think. During this time, she came to him every day, and that meaning was almost written on her face.

The happiest performance in this situation is Lin Xiao.

She didn’t think it was a big deal, but she wanted to make up for it. During this time, she desperately created opportunities for Lin Jia, and allowed the two to spend more time together.

Soon, it was the weekend.

Adier walked to a street in Odoria, followed by Lin Jia.

“I said, you don’t really need to come over.”

Came to the nearby training ground, looking at the side Lin Jia, Adier said helplessly.

“I want to come and see.”

Looking at the helpless expression of Adier, Lin Jia laughed and looked at him and said, “Moreover, I’m also a little curious about the Knight training course held here.”

“If I can, I want to go in and train.”

She had some radiance in her eyes, and looked at Adier in front of her.

She is really interested in this Knight training course.

Because in the previous life, many powerful awakenings appeared in this Knight training class, and many of them even reached the level of heaven.

Such a good effect makes many awakenings in future generations can’t help wondering.

Lin Jia is the same, so this time, I came to see it.

“Come and come.”

Adier shook the head, and finally thought about it, still nodded.

Strictly speaking of which, in fact, he has nothing to hide.

Started a Knight training course. Even if it was known, most people would say that his innate talent is so strange. Can it still be associated with the Strange World wizard?

the thoughts got to this point, Adier didn’t continue thinking about it, and took Lin Jia directly through an alley and slowly walked upstairs.

In the training ground, because today is the weekend, the trainees inside have already started training, most of them are some young trainees.

In more than a month, because of the remarkable effect of the Knight Breathing Technique adapted by Adier, the reputation of the Knight training class began to ferment, and a large number of students came here to start training.

Due to the increase in the number of students at the beginning, the venue in this place is even not enough, so I had to divide myself into more batches to save space.

Xu Sen and Ke Moer, as well as a few early cultivation students who are faster in progress, are in charge of acting as instructors for basic training. At this moment, they are watching.

“Coach Yado.”

Looking at Adier who walked in from the outside, Xu Sen’s face showed some surprises, and he first said hello: “Why are you here so late today? I thought you would not come today.”

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