
Sitting opposite to Adier, Lin Jia suddenly asked, “How do you have an idea for a Knight training class?”

Listening to this question, Adier took a subconscious look before answering, “Because it’s fun.”

“I usually can’t learn anything in school, and I just need money at home, so I tried it. I didn’t expect it to succeed.”

Looking at Lin Jia in front of him, he said casually.

“It must have been a difficult time.”

Lin Jia laughed: “Yado, you are amazing.”


Adier perfunctory.

As he deals with Lin Jia, on the other side.

“What? Lin Jia’s bitch is back !!”

After receiving a call from Xu Sen, listening to Xu Sen’s report, Ke Moer could not help but sneer on his face: “She still has a face to find the Moon King?”

“Those things from the previous life haven’t happened yet. Of course she has the face to come to find the Moon King.”

On the other side of the phone, listening to Ke Moer’s annoyed voice, Xu Sen’s face couldn’t help showing a weird expression.

I know that you, the female awakeners, each and everyone is not good at the Moon King.

He murmured secretly.

Ke Mo Er also admired the Moon King very much, and his past life was very clear.

Because of this, in the previous life, the other side had mocked Lin Jia in private more than once.

In this life, the other party was reborn, and it was the first time to come to find the moon king. Xu Sai guessed what the idea was.

“The other party’s distant relative, after all is Moon King, has a great advantage over those who are not relatives or strangers.”

He casually said, “The attitude of the other party in the previous life, in the end, Yue Wang still reached out and helped the other party once, and this time the other party was reborn, the advantage was even greater.”

“I look at the other person’s appearance, I can’t wait to post it directly, and immediately lock the Moon King beside me.”

“Oh, she deserves it too?”

Ke Moer sneered again and again: “It’s okay if you don’t say it. Something I have collected from previous lives just comes in handy now.”

“You mean …”

Hearing this, Xu Sen froze, and then quickly reacted, and the corners of his mouth could not help but pump.

Because Lin Jia became a joke in the previous life, some things about the other person ’s past were also dug up by a lot of awakenings and used as black material to laugh at the other person.

Although most of these so-called black materials are inexhaustible and are made up indiscriminately, some are indeed true.

In previous lives, as the top awakening of the heavenly ranks who often mocked Lin Jia, Ke Muer could hold a lot of black materials in his hands.

“Is this the rhythm of tearing?”

Thinking of something learned in the previous life, Xu Sen corner of mouth twitching, somehow felt sympathetic to Lin Jia.


“I am back.”

There was a sound in the corridor.

Back in the small and shabby home, feeling the familiar atmosphere, Chen Qing felt relieved all of a sudden, and the exhaustion that had originally occurred due to long-term assassination quickly subsided.

“Qinger, you are back!”

Hearing Chen Qing’s voice, Lin Xiao quickly walked downstairs and walked towards the gate with a surprised look.

“How was your vacation outside this time? Are you having fun?”

Before the person arrived, she kept talking, and then walked in front of Chen Qing, and couldn’t help but hesitate.

It turned out that two people were still standing at the moment behind Chen Qing.

A young man in a white robe with white hair, who looked very Spirit, a full-fledged old woman, and a young man with a straight, handsome face and a black robe.

“I had a good time outside.”

Seeing Lin Xiao froze in front of his eyes, Chen Qing flashed a little embarrassed on his face, and then quickly said, “Mom, I’ll introduce it to you. This is Tu Xiu, and Yang Lin is my friend.”

“Aunt is good.”

Yang Lin was polite and nodded, watching Lin Xiao opened the mouth and said.

“Ah, hello.”

Lin Xiao stood for a moment, then his expression quickly became enthusiastic: “Come and come, come in and sit down, don’t stand outside.”

She asked Chen Qing to enter the door with two guests, and enthusiastically accepted it for a while, then hurried to the kitchen to handle the food in the kitchen.

“This is your home?”

Looking at the rough surroundings, Tu Xiusi clicked one’s tongue in wonder: “Not so good?”

“Did Holy Sect have fallen to this point, even the dignified saintess, so difficult at home?”

She looked at Chen Qing and said curiously.

Sacred Heart is a long inheritance church with a long history and great influence.

As a saintess, why shouldn’t their family be so poor?

“it is my fault.”

Hearing the picture, Xiusi brought up this, and Chen Qing’s face showed some guilt: “I only became a saintess through the baptism ceremony half a year ago. For the past six months, I have been fighting with Sotto and rarely stayed at home, so that I ignored my family. . “

“Some time ago, I have arranged for someone to promote my father to become the director of a certain factory, and then I will find a reason and give it directly to a fund.

“The situation at hand will soon improve.”

“Well, find a bigger place as soon as possible so that I can rest assured.”

Tuxiu nodded: “Holy Sect saintess, although we must understand the meaning, but also treat our family well.”

“This is the last bit of tenderness in this dangerous World.”

“I see.” Chen Qing nodded, expressing understanding, and then opened the mouth and said: “teacher are you going to live with me?”

“of course.”

Tuxiu nodded: “This era will soon begin, and the next World will soon become dangerous. I must hurry up and teach you, by the way, keep you safe from close distances, lest you die too soon.”

“Okay, I’ll arrange the room later.”

Chen Qing was nodded, then looked at Yang Lin who was sitting aside.

“Can I stay here too?”

Seeing Chen Qing’s eyes looking, Yang Lin laughed, with some inexplicable meaning in his eyes: “I can protect you too.”

Chen Qing didn’t speak, but stared at him until he couldn’t bear to surrender automatically: “Okay, okay, I’ll go find a hostel nearby.”

Seeing what he said, Chen Qing let him go and turned his sights elsewhere.

Tu Xiusi watched the interaction between the two with great interest. For her old fellow, this is also a rare adjustment in tedious life.

“By the way, what about your younger brother?”

Sitting on the sofa, Tu Xiusi seemed to remember something and asked suddenly.

During this time, she also learned a lot about Chen Qing. In addition to knowing some things about her, she also learned that she has a younger brother.

“At this time, Ado should still be in class.”

Chen Qing said with some uncertainty.

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