On the sofa in the living room, looking at the temporarily transferred information, Chen Qing complexion ashen.

“Lin Jiayi has three ex-boyfriends, the first of whom is the Young Master of Otto Real Estate, a well-known Huahua Young Master, and the second is the founder of Sansan Automobile. The only child of the mayor is also a disgraceful second generation. “

Standing on the side, Yang Lin teased: “Lin Jia is only nineteen this year, but since the age of sixteen, she changed her boyfriend three times within three years, including a second-generation rich man, a middle-aged man, and an official Second generation. “

“Now she looks after your younger brother.”

“Let ’s not talk about these three ex-boyfriends. How many times have she been played in this body? Just say she suddenly fell in love with your brother. Do you dare to believe it?”

Yang Lin is sneaked.

Chen Qing complexion ashen, looking at the information on his hand, both hands were shaking slightly, and he was so angry that he couldn’t speak.

To the side, Thu Xiuschuckled: “Maybe someone occasionally wants to change their tastes. They don’t like the powerful ones, but instead they like the ordinary ones?”

Chen Qing complexion ashen, did not respond to this.

It ’s okay twice, but three consecutive boyfriends in the past, each of them are rich and powerful, no matter what the other party ’s consideration is, it has already explained the fact that the other party is by no means one who likes ordinary kids. Rich woman, but a very realistic person.

The three boyfriends in front of each other have almost no good reputation, which also shows the other party’s values, even if you choose a rich and powerful Huahua Young Master, a successful middle-aged man, and a poorly reputable official second generation, Will not consider a good man in a poor family.

Judging from these materials, the other party is a full-fledged realist, even if it is called a gold worshiper.

And such a girl, suddenly fell in love with a poor-born Han Family court, low education, ordinary boy with no money and powerless appearance?

Chen Qing is a saintess of the Sacred Heart. It is not false, but she is not a virgin in the bottom of her heart. How can she believe this kind of nonsense?

“Besides that, the background of the other person’s home is also very problematic.”

Yang Lin then sneered: “According to reports from people under me, the other person’s business is also very problematic.”

“Lin Jia’s father, on the surface, is sitting on the normal drug trade, but in fact, it is doing human trafficking, even drug trafficking.”

“Her family’s early money came from trafficking girls.”

“This is the case with father. Are you sure that this girl named Lin Jia is totally unaware of this?”

boom! !

Hearing this, Chen Qing could not help but slap on the table.

Even if she did not use the Holy Power, only the Strength contained in her body shocked the wooden table in front of her. A palm-shaped depression directly appeared in the place photographed by Chen Qing.

Fortunately, Lin Xiao had already gone out at this time, and now there are only three of them in the whole house, otherwise I’m afraid it’s hard to explain.

“This woman …”

Raising his hand slowly, Chen Qing complexion ashen: “No matter what his purpose, she will never allow her to approach Yaduo again!”

Looking at Chen Qing’s reaction, Yang Lin laughed and said nothing more.

Now that he had made his judgment, Chen Qing was ready to act.

The main person who wants to cut off the relationship between Yaduo and Lin Jia is Lin Xiao.

Lin Jia’s mother and Lin Xiao are very close friends and relatives.

Because of this, Lin Xiao has always wanted to match Lin Jia and Yaduo, and he is definitely one of the most enthusiastic about this matter.

Therefore, to isolate the connection between two people, we must first dispel Lin Xiao’s thoughts.

However, what Chen Qing did not expect was that someone had already rushed ahead of her before she had done it.

Not far away, on a busy street.

“Are you Lin Xiao Young Lady?”

Walking on the road, Lin Xiao was holding the vegetables he had just bought, and was preparing to go home. He heard a sound coming from his eyes.

She turned and looked around, and on the side of the street, a woman in a black suit with long flowing hair looking very delicate and beautiful was standing there, watching Lin Xiao smiling at this moment.

“you are?”

Looking at this person in front of him, Lin Xiao was a little subconscious.

The experience of encountering robbers some time ago still comes to mind, making her still in a state of high vigilance and feeling very alert to all strangers.

Although the girl in front of her looked very beautiful and made her feel a little safer, she also raised her mind.

In front of her, feeling the vigilance in her heart, the pretty woman laughed in front of her, and then pulled out a business card from her pocket: “Lin Young Lady, you don’t have to be nervous, I’m a detective.”


Subconsciously, Lin Xiao was not relieved, but he was more confused: “The detective came to me for what?”

“I was commissioned this time to deliberately come to tell you something.”

The woman who claimed to be a detective had a professional smile on her face, and then said, “It’s about Lin Jia.”


Lin Xiao was a little puzzled, staring at the detective in front of him with a doubtful look.

Feeling the doubt in her eyes, the detective woman did not speak, but laughed, and then took out some photos from the briefcase she was carrying.

“These are some photos of Ms. Lin Jia from the past three years. Please take a good look.”

Lin Xiao frowns, took the photo from the woman’s hand, and then his face changed.

I saw in her hands that the content of each photo was an intimate photo of a woman and different men.

The protagonists of these group photos are Lin Jia, whose content includes holding hands, kissing, and even more intimate actions.

More importantly, the actor in these photos is not all one person, but three different men.

“Jiajia … have done these things with men?”

Looking at the pile of photos on his hands, Lin Xiao’s hands were shaking, only a fire was brewing in his heart.

As an elder, because of Lin Jia’s excellent learning and outstanding temperament, she always thought that Lin Jia was an excellent girl with good character. She never thought that her junior would have had such intimacy with several men. contact.

Subconsciously, she had some unbelief in her heart, and she couldn’t help but say, “Isn’t it that you composed these photos?”

“of course not.”

The detective woman’s face had a professional smile on her face: “The three men who appeared in this photo are different from Lin Jia’s three ex-boyfriends.”

“One is the Young Master of Otto Real Estate, one is the founder of Sansan Automobile, and one is the child of a mayor.”

When speaking, she handed Lin Xiao something: “If you think these photos are composite, I still have many videos here. Well, some of them may be larger.”

“In addition, I have some background information about Lin Jia’s home here, and I also recommend that you look back.”


Lin Xiao’s mood was a little complicated. Looking at the detective woman in front of her, he shouted, “Tell me these things, what do you want to do?”

“As you can see.”

The detective woman spread her hands and said, “Lin Jia’s style of life in the past was not very good. She didn’t get used to it. There were many people who did not like her. My employer was one of them.

“Some time ago, my employer heard that you knew nothing about Lin Jia’s past, so I sent me to tell you.”

“In a way, I don’t think it’s a bad thing. You even have to thank my employer, at least she let you know some truth.”

“Yes, I do want to thank her.”

Lin Xiao’s face flushed, and at this moment she was inexplicably angry.

Not to others, but to yourself.

She even tried to have her child with such a woman?

Looking at the photos in her hand, she could hardly imagine how bad the life behind the girl she had admired was.

This kind of thought and thought reached the zenith after she read Lin Jia father’s information.

“A drug dealer, a trafficker’s daughter!”

Looking at the information in his hand, Lin Xiao complexion ashen: “Three gods are on top, what have I done !!”

“I even tried to match up such a woman with Yaduo !!”

When she thought about what she had done during this time, she felt an upsurge in her heart, and it took a while to slow down, looking at the detective woman in front of her opened the mouth and said: “Thank you for your reminder.”

“If possible, thank me to the employer behind you.”

“No matter what purpose and original intention she is, she has helped me a lot!”

“Ok, no problem.”

The detective woman spread her hands, saying there was no problem.

After thanking the detective woman, Lin Xiao held the information in her hand and hurried out, rushing back to her home.

In situ, watching the silhouette of Lin Xiao leaving in a hurry, the detective woman shrugged, then turned and looked towards a corner.

There, a girl wearing a long black dress, with a beautiful face and a cold temperament, came out slowly.

“Is things done?”

Looking at Lin Xiao hurried away in the distance, Ke Moer asked.

“Yes, it’s done.”

Detective woman nodded, said: “She also asked me to thank you, it was your reminder that she avoided a major mistake.”


Kermour’s face was cold and he said, “You did a good job.”

“Now that this is resolved, go to Lin Jia’s ex-boyfriends.”

“What do you want?”

The detective woman froze and asked with uncertainty.

“Let them come back to Lin Jia.”

Kemuer said indifferently: “I do n’t care what you do, coercion, or temptation, anyway, I want them to come back and continue to get involved with Lin Jia, and then make some movements, let everyone know what she is . “

“Will this be excessive?”

Detective woman corner of mouth twitching: “How much resentment do you have?”

“It’s better to go overboard.”

Ke Moer said coldly: “Let Lin Jia’s ex-boyfriends all come to entangle, it is best to entangle in the face of the Yaduo family, so that their family, especially the boy named Yaduo, knows Lin Jia True face. “

“But in the process, it is not allowed to injure the family of Yaduo.”

“I remember.”

The detective woman was nodded and then said, “But why bother?”

“If you really want to deal with the other party, just report the other party’s father’s things.”

With the power of the Kermoer family, it doesn’t need to be so troublesome to deal with an ordinary businessman, it’s just a matter of words.

Not to mention that the other party is a problem in itself, whether it is human trafficking or drug sales, it is a major crime.

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