“Why not tell him things?”

In situ, in Chen Qing’s room, after Adier left, the silhouette of Tu Xiusi appeared, and asked Chen Qing with a surprised look.

“Some things, it’s better not to involve him.”

Chen Qing’s face was a little hesitant, and he finally said, “It’s good to have such a peaceful life now, there is no need to get him involved.”

“As your younger brother, it’s a matter of time before he gets involved.”

Tu Xiusi shook the head, watching Chen Qing say this: “As an awakened man, this is his destiny to face sooner or later.”


Chen Qing said lightly: “But if I can, I still hope that this day can be as late as possible.”

“Don’t you always tell me that there are still at most a few months before the new era of awakening?”

“It’s only a few months, so let him live a more secure life.”

“With you.”

Tu Xiu shook the head. He neither opposed nor agreed with Chen Qing’s idea, but only defaulted.

As Chen Qing said, a few months later, this time is the awakening era.

At that time, as an awakener, Ado could not escape the fate of the enemy of the three gods.

That being the case, what about waiting a few months …

After a long time, Tu Xiu can still wait for this time.

Time passed slowly, and days passed quickly.


In a spacious and gorgeous villa, looking at the middle-aged woman in front of her, Lin Jia couldn’t believe it: “What did you say to Yaduo!”

“not me.”

Sitting on the sofa, looking at Lin Jia’s unbelievable expression, the middle-aged woman’s expression of helplessness: “Since I promise not to interfere with your affairs, I will naturally not do it.”

“Then why did Auntie get this reaction?”

Lin Jia’s face was complicated, and her mood was so complicated at this moment that she couldn’t say anything.

The contact with Yaduo was good from the beginning.

There are two relationships that have been in the relationship for many years. The other mother likes her very much and constantly matches her with Yaduo.

Following this trend, she will soon be able to reach her goals and be with those she likes.

But since a few days ago, Lin Xiao’s attitude has changed. Although she is still very enthusiastic about her, she never mentions that she is with Yaduo.

She even offered to visit Yaduo several times, but she was politely rejected for various reasons.

When she noticed the change in the attitude of the other party, what she first suspected was what her mother said to the other party.

But looking back and asking, she ruled it out again.

“What could be the problem?”

She frowns, thinking constantly.

In the previous life, because she had no interest in the Moon King from the beginning, this scene not at all happened.

So to this day, she also does not know whether this is an event that has already occurred, or whether it is a joint reaction caused by her rebirth.

“Perhaps it’s your father’s question …”

In situ, looking at Lin Jia’s appearance, the beautiful woman sitting on the sofa was helpless, and finally thought about it before she said so.


Hearing here, Lin Jia’s face tightened: “You tell him what to do about this thing! I didn’t tell Mom before you, can’t you tell this to others?”

“I didn’t say it was your ex-boyfriend who came to your door.”

The middle-aged beautiful woman looked helpless.


Lin Jia froze for a while, but didn’t respond for a while.

Some memories of previous lives are too far away.

Some impressive things were okay, but some happened too long and were not considered important. Naturally, they were ignored by Lin Jia early.

For Lin Jia, the few predecessors she met when she was young and ignorant were not important people at all.

If it weren’t for the beautiful lady’s reminder at this moment, she would almost forget that he had also had a few ex-friends at this time.

“Your boyfriend came to you some time ago. It was your dad who accidentally encountered him when he was doing business. It was a guest brought by an important client of your dad. I heard that he is a distinguished person and is the Young Master of Otto Land.

The beautiful woman said, “As soon as the other party saw your dad, he immediately called to your uncle and told you about your past relationships. He also said that he wanted to propose to you and be with you forever.”

“That’s the Young Master of Otto Real Estate. Of course, your father and his father will not refuse. They also proactively preach around. This has spread all around.”

“You Aunt her, you probably heard the news, that’s all.”

She said, and then she persuaded, “Actually, it’s fine for me to say that.”

“Adona child I have seen before, although it is quite honest, but the conditions are too bad, and you are not too good with Jiajia.”

“The Young Master of Otto Real Estate is not the same. In the future, he will inherit the family business. He will leak a little more than ten times better than your dad. If you stay with him, you won’t have to worry about it forever.”

Listening to his mother’s words, Lin Jia didn’t speak, but her whole body was trembling slightly, and she didn’t know what to say for a moment.

Young Master of Alto Real Estate? The so-called family business?

Is it worth the slightest hair of last month’s king! !!

Not to mention Moon King herself, even in her previous life, as an awakening celestial order, as long as he speaks a little, I don’t know how many forces larger than Otto’s real estate have to take the initiative to flatter and try to please her.

It’s fine if you haven’t seen the top scenery, but since you have seen the top scenery, how can you be surprised by a small mountain!

After seeing the moon king, who is as powerful as a god, how can he be considered a mortal again! !!

Lin Jia complexion ashen, looking at the beautiful woman sitting in front of her, without a word, the whole person turned and left.

Stepping out of the villa at home, she took a car directly, opened the mouth and said to the driver, “Master, go to the city of Odoria at the fastest speed!”

“Okay.” The female driver sitting in front was silent nodded, and then slowly moved the car up.

In the afternoon.

When the bell rang at the end of the class, Adier got up from the class, carefully arranged his schoolbag, and was ready to take out a book and watch.

At this time, a sound came from outside.

Some fairly familiar classmates walked in from the outside and shouted to Adier across the distance: “Yado, someone is looking for you outside.”

Listening to the sound, Adier looked up and looked towards all around.

At this moment, the classmates around him were looking at him, and the expressions on his face seemed a little complicated, like envy and jealousy?


Adier shook the head, put down the book on hand, and then go out.

I saw a girl standing there on the scene outside the campus.

The girl was wearing a pale white dress with delicate braids on her head and delicate makeup on her face. She was standing in the middle of the playground at this moment.

The sun spread from the sky, illuminating the eyes of the girl, making the girl’s temperament look more beautiful and peaceful.

Perfectly match the appearance of the first love girl.

She stood there with her hands on her chest, and seemed to be in a dazed mood, until she saw Adier coming from the classroom in the distance, she was secretly relaxed, with the best smile on her face: “Yado.”

World seems to be better at this moment. Many passing students are staring at each other, staring at Adier coming out of the classroom in the distance, envious and jealous.

“How did you come?”

Looking at Lin Jia standing ahead, Adier was a little surprised.

“Can’t I miss you?”

Lin Jia laughed, couldn’t help moving forward, and looked closely at the appearance of Adier at this moment.

In her eyes, the teenager in front of her looks ordinary, but she has some delicate and pretty between her brows. The more she looks, the more she can discover the uniqueness.

He stood so quietly opposite, even if he just stood there quietly, with a unique temperament exuding, giving people a sense of extreme tranquility.

This feeling is quite different from the moon king in Lin Jia’s memory, but it has already had that outline.

In fact, this is due to the influence of Adier’s own Strength.

Although it only came, the essence of Adier is too powerful. This body has been infected by Adier’s breath Strength for a long time, and it will slowly move towards Adier.

If it is long enough, maybe this body will become Adier in the end.

“I …. Let’s … go outside and talk.”

Looking at Adier in front of her, feeling the gaze of the surrounding students, Lin Jia seemed a little uncomfortable, so she said.

“it is good.”

Adier nodded, then took Lin Jia, and slowly walked to the side.

In front of this, the Secondary Academy is not a big one, and there are students all over the place who are alive and skipping classes.

According to the original memory of the body, Adier quickly walked out of the back door of the school and slowly walked to a remote street.

Because it is not a holiday now, there are very few people on the street, only some children are walking around, making a lively sound.


Walking on the road, the two remained silent for a long time. In the end, Lin Jia still gently opened the mouth and said, “Have you heard of those things?”

“I heard some.”

Adier nodded.

Today, Lin Xiao and Chen Qing have been bombarded in his ears. Some things about Lin Jia have naturally been known to him.

“Well, things are not what you think.”

Seeing Adier nodded admitting that Lin Jia smiled bitterly on his face, trying to explain: “That was just my ex-boyfriend, and I don’t know why he contacted me recently.”

“But I swear, I really have nothing to do with him.”

“I believe you.”

Adier calmly nodded, so he said.

He does believe in Lin Jia.

Some things are hard to discern, but for others it’s easy.

Even if you don’t actively read the other person’s thoughts, the basic emotional fluctuations cannot be covered up.

Lin Jia thought of Adier not at all Evil Thought. On the contrary, she also carried extremely pure friendliness and like.

This is why Adier did not avoid each other.

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