In the deep night, Xu Sen waited for a long time in the empty Odoria Park before finally waiting for someone.

The man was wearing a long black dress, his clothes were rigorous, and he had a long hair on the hem. The whole man looked exquisite and beautiful.

Is a very beautiful girl.

At this moment, the girl hurriedly came from a distance, then rushed into the Odoria Park anxiously, with anxiety in her face, looking at what she was looking for.


Looking at the girl coming from afar, Xu Sen took a deep breath, then stepped out, and in the eyes of that man, he walked directly to her.

“you are?”

Looking at Xu Sen in front of him, Chen Qing frowned and asked, feeling a strong Strength in this person.

That was the power of the awakening power on Xu Sen.

To this day, the era of awakening has officially arrived, and some things that should come have all come.

Just like Xu Sen and Yang Lin, the past life is the person of the heavenly awakening. At this moment, they have basically awakened the strength of the previous life.

Although he has just awakened, he does not have the future of the heavenly awakeners of the previous life, but the essence is still extraordinary and felt by Chen Qing in front of him.

“Your Strength, weird …”

She looked at Xu Sen in front of her and frowned.

At this moment Xu Sen, there are two Strength intertwined.

One of them is the original power that belongs to him. Although powerful in nature, it is not much for saintess, the sacred heart cult of Chen Qing.

But another Strength made her uneasy.

It was a deep, bright and majestic strand of Strength, like a soft moon in the sky shining on a person, bringing a little peace.

Compared with Xu Sen’s Strength, the number of Strength is not large, but the essence is extremely high, so that Chen Qing must be moved at the moment when he felt it. Mori.

This Strength is nothing else, just the power of the moon god that Adier once left on Xu Sen.

As a fifth-order existence, even if only a little Strength is leaked, it is enough to change a large area, permanently change a terrain, let alone deliberately perform baptism for people.

The point Strength that Adier left on Xu Sen at the beginning is still working on him until now, constantly strengthening baptism on his body, making his essence more powerful and horrifying.

“It doesn’t matter who I am.”

Standing in front of Chen Qing, feeling the unbelievable majestic power of Chen Qing, Xu Sen took a deep breath, then said, “It is important that I can take you where you want to go!”

“Do you know what I’m looking for?”

Chen Qing froze and asked.

“of course.”

Xu Sen was nodded. At this moment, there was no hesitation on the expression on his face: “The seal of the sun god is in this place, and I just know how to get in.”

“Okay, take the lead!”

Listening to Xu Sen’s words, Chen Qing said without hesitation.

In fact, she doesn’t have any hesitation until now.

In at least another hour or two, the Sun God will fully recover. If you don’t prevent the other party from recovering during this period, everyone in this city will die.

With this premise, she has no choice.

“Add me.” A cold voice came from a distance.

Chen Qing turned around and saw, at the end of the field of vision, a strong man wearing a Martial Master robe and a pair of steel gloves was standing there, walking towards her at this moment.

The majestic Strength and fighting intent breed on this man. I don’t know if it is an illusion. In this man, Chen Qing seems to see the blood and blood, like countless fights, and a man rising from the meager. All the way to the scene of growing more powerhouse.

The weak are angry, drawing a knife like the weaker, powerhouse is angry, drawing a knife to more powerhouse!

In front of this man, there is no doubt the powerhouse! !!

“The power of this person is not under me.”

Looking at the strong man walking slowly in the distance, Chen Qing flashed this thought.

“Li Wang, you are here too.”

Looking at the man appearing in the distance, Xu Sen was not surprised, but just said, “Go in together?”

“lead the way.”

Li Wang complexion grave and stern, nodded to Xu Sen, and then said lightly.

Seeing his response, Xu Sen shrugged, then said nothing, and walked directly in a certain direction ahead.

As one of the few celestial awakenings from the previous city of Odoria, he is one of the few who knows where the sun god is really recovering.

In the previous life, in order to trace the former ruins, he personally went to this Odorian park to find, and found the place where the Sato religion was worshiped.

This was an experience not experienced by several other rebirths, and it was because of this that Kermour asked him to come to Chen Qing.

Time is slowly passing.

The three walked in this huge park and soon walked for more than half an hour.

Finally, under Xu Sen’s leadership, they walked into a vast ruin.

A tall altar stands in an immensely large and vast ruins. At this moment, the rest of the people disappeared. Only the old man wearing a gray robe stood there, and it looked like he was there. Stand for a long time.

“long time no see.”

Looking at the old man standing on the altar, Chen Qing sneered: “Ganlai.”

“Chen Qing …”

Standing on a high altar, Ganlai turned gently and looked at the three people who came suddenly below, with a look of surprise on his face: “Can you find this?

“I thought you could only find this place at least the moment the sun god completely broke out.”

“Come on, Ganlai!”

Looking at Gan Lai standing on the altar, Chen Qing complexion grave and stern: “Now close, and join us to strengthen the seal of the sun god, everything is too late!”

“Do n’t you really want to watch the Sun God recover and kill all the people in this entire city of Odoria to be willing!”

“The saintess taught by the Sacred Heart is as naive as ever …”

Looking quietly at Chen Qing, listening to Chen Qing’s words, Gan Lai shook the head, a little bit of nostalgia appeared on his face: “This is the last time, this is also the last time, every time, you saintess, you will rush to me Tell me to stop … ”

“This is really … remembering.”

He looked at Chen Qing below, with a complex expression on his face.


Listening to Gan Lai’s words, Chen Qing froze, then complexion greatly changed: “You …”

“Some time ago, didn’t you have an old saintess with Sacred Heart by your side? It was the old fellow named Tu Xiusi.”

Looking at Chen Qing, Gan Lai faintly opened the mouth and said: “In a sense, I and her are old fellows of the same age.”

“I used to belong to a rebellion organization that was determined to fight the three gods and break the cycle of reincarnation, just like her Sacred Heart.”

“Don’t be too suspicious.”

His face was calm, and he said lightly, “World has gone through seventeen epochs. In the awakening period, there have been countless organizations that rebelled against the three gods. Sacred Heart is only one of them.”

“Compared to the organization I used to be, Sacred Heart is just a junior.”

“As a result, have you defected?”

Chen Qing frowned and looked at Gan Lai and asked.

“Yes, I am rebellious.”

Ganlai spoke openly, with little change in expression on his face from beginning to end: “If one thing doesn’t see hope, why should we continue to insist?”

“I vowed to fight the Three Gods, and again and again to prepare the most sophisticated plan, the strongest Strength, trying to resist the Three Gods, but in the end it was only a failure again and again.”

“The feeling of failing again and again, maybe you haven’t experienced it, and I have experienced four epochs as a whole.”

He said lightly: “Since the four epochs, I have failed again and again. The family and friends around me have all died, and I fight to the end. There is not much lifespan.”

“In despair, I betrayed my original choice, formed the Sotto in the previous era, and personally released the three gods in advance.”

“It turns out that it’s much easier to follow the trend than to go against the trend. I successfully achieved my purpose, released the three gods, and swallowed some of the three gods’ strengths through the altar, which greatly increased my lifespan. “

“So much can’t change your rebellious behavior.”

Xu Sen sneered: “Do you know how many innocent people will die because of your actions?”

“What about that?”

Gan Lai’s face was dull: “I have never been a savior, let alone a person willing to sacrifice myself to save the World.”

“I’m just a nobody. It’s enough to take care of myself, how can I manage that many.”

“The life and death of others has nothing to do with me.”

He lowered his head and looked towards Chen Qing: “Do you know why I say so much?”


Chen Qing’s face remained cold, and Gan Lai looked at him and said.

“You look a lot like me, I look alike.”

Ganlai sighed, watching Chen Qing whispered opened the mouth and said: “So here, I want to give you a chance at the end.”

“Let go of your fearless persistence.”

He opened the mouth and said: “For the past few months, you have been with Tu Xiu, and you must have known the Three Gods.”

“The three gods will recover sooner or later, even if they don’t recover today, they will tomorrow.”

“And you, you can’t resist the strength of the Three Gods, and you can only make unnecessary sacrifice.”

“give up.”

He faintly opened the mouth and said: “Everything is already doomed.”

“Oh.” A voice sounded in place.

Standing beside Chen Qing, Li Wang complexion grave and stern sneered dismissively: “Let go of your persistence and will and become a person who only exists for the purpose of living. What is the difference between this and the walking dead?”

“No matter how much you say, no matter how good you are, it won’t change your essence, but it’s all a weak person!”

Listening to this, Ganlai didn’t respond, and still stood there calmly, but stood beside Xu Sen’s corner of mouth twitching, with a weird awkwardness.

PS: Jie Nan’s new book will be available tomorrow. If you have time, please help me make a first order ~~~~ Jie Nan is ready to pick up guests

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