To the horizon, the radiant light is flashing.

Between them, a golden Divine Bird soared into the sky, making a long beep.

The golden light spread across the world, and faintly, there seemed to be a golden sun suddenly exploding, and in a short period of time, everything was burned and bloomed.

In the midair, the Divine Bird form of golden gradually became apparent, and was clearly seen by people throughout the city.

It is a huge golden Divine Bird, the whole body is at least ten thousand meters, a pair of golden wings spread out, with an extreme sense of honor, like a god in ancient legends, it is daunting. As.

Strictly speaking, this is indeed a true deity, a true sun god.

But at this moment, the state of the sun god is a little bad. A deep wound appeared on the right wing, and a little golden blood flowed on it. At this moment, as the sun god burst into wailing, it gradually dropped to Above the earth.

A drop of golden divine blood dripped and fell to the ground, as if one after another golden little sun, which contained the immortal origin of Strength.

Each drop of golden blood, once dripped on the ground, will immediately form a giant golden lake, in which bursts of golden gods rise, like the god spring recorded in myths and legends, possessing incredible power.

The existence of the fifth-order existence is a miracle in life. Every drop of blood on its body and every inch of fur contains the original strength. It is the rarest treasure and the hidden treasure of the God of the Sun. Dropping, there was such an amazing scene suddenly.

“The sun god ….. really hurt !!!”

Looking at Divine Bird, who is screaming in the distance, and the deep wounds on the wings of Divine Bird, Tu Xiusi’s face was excited, and her face was covered with tears unknowingly.

How many years have passed!

For countless years, she has been looking forward to this day, and hope that human beings will one day truly master the Strength against the Three Gods.

This kind of most urgent and real hope and expectation has been rising in her heart again and again and again and again.

Now, real hope finally comes!

Just looking at the scene in front of him, Tu Xiusi has an urge to cry.

“My old friends, comrades who have fought together! Did you see them!”

She looked up at the sky, staring at the sun god tightly: “Three gods, their rivals are finally here !!”

“Looking forward to countless years, the day we look forward to is finally here!”

Compared with the excitement in Tu Xiusi’s heart, while standing aside, Yang Lin’s face was equally excited, but he could see the situation on the field more clearly.

“The danger has not been lifted!”

Looking at the sky, he said, “In addition to the sun god, the moon king is also injured!”

He looked in the direction of Adier and said so.

The crowd was sober from the shock of the sun god’s injury, and their eyes turned to the other side.

I saw in that direction, a giant silver giant beast stood there silently.

On a wide flat ground, Adier stood quietly, his exquisite and handsome face looked towards the distance.

On his chest, a deep wound also appeared, with a strong hot force on it, and the meat was almost cooked directly.

This wound was eventually fed back to Moon King Semblance, which is another look.

In the huge and majestic silver giant beast, the void was completely dignified at this moment.

In front of the giant beast’s chest, the silver scales that had been covered in layers were completely broken at this moment. True Blood with strands of silver dripped on it, and gradually fell to the ground.

A strong emerald force brushed all around. At the wound, the strong emerald power of Adier within the body was boiling. At this moment, it seemed to feel the invasion of a different Strength, boiling directly, permeating the wound, and gradually expelling the supreme strength of yang from the wound.

When it comes to levels, both Strength are fifth-order, but Adier’s Bloodline is extraordinary after all, even if he hasn’t grown to Peak at this moment, he still has a trace of Strength at a higher level. Keep the wound within a certain range.

“Strong …”

Standing still, the giant Moon King appeared, and Adier looked up at the sun god in the sky.

Among the antagonisms, the double counter-seekers seem to be evenly matched, but in fact, it is Adier that is even more disadvantaged.

The opponent’s Strength is too strong, and the source is strong, almost reaching an incredible level.

It was only a short time before they confronted each other. Adier almost thought that he was not facing a fifth-order, but an entire World.

Compared with the new fifth-tier Adier, the other party hardly knows how many years he has lived, and his accumulation has reached an incredible level.

Unless the other party seems to have some problems, the original will is in chaos, resulting in Strength’s control is far from being comparable to Adier, otherwise only the blow will be enough to put Adier into the downwind, not the current result.

Thoughts were in my head, and a long whistle sounded again.

Adier looked up subconsciously and looked forward, just above the sky, a golden Divine Bird gliding down again.

Before the silhouette of Divine Bird arrived, the majestic momentum of the atmosphere had already emerged first, and the solar source force contained in it had exploded, almost reaching a trembling level.

The majestic prestige of the sea erupted. In an instant, a golden spark ignited in front of the eyes, and then quickly spread outwards. In just an in instant, it spread throughout the sky. Everything that can be seen is lit.

Just like the doomsday scene!

As if the legend of extinction in the mythology is reproduced, at this moment I don’t know how many crying voices came from the entire city, everyone can feel the Strength contained in that flame, and his face becomes terrified.

That is the Strength that can absolutely burn the entire city together. It is extremely horrible and horrible to this day. In a moment, it seems that a sun is really on the ground, and it is moving towards the city slowly falling.

The second round of two fifth-order existence begins.

Feeling the burning sky, and the scorching sun that was falling fast at that moment, Adier took a deep breath, and at this moment no longer stayed.

Within the body The majestic power of the emerald flickers, accompanied by Adier’s will, it begins to fluctuate, and instantly transforms into the power of the pure luna, and then bursts out.

Roar! !

The king of the moon is really roaring. In front of the chest full of scale armor, a complex and immense moon mark emerges. Among them, the honorable and dazzling Strength is gestating and erupting!

A silver moon emerged in the air, the majestic lunar power was flashing, accompanied by the roar of the moon king, and rushed straight up to face the sun that was falling at that moment.

In Odoria, Chen Qingyi looked at the scene in the distant sky.

In her eyes, a sun and the moon were approaching quickly, and then they collided suddenly.

Thanks to the bookmate for opening a thousand starting coins that Huakai X rewarded again, thanking the bookmates for two hundred starting coins for rewarding 20190520081926107, thanking the bookmates for one hundred starting points for non-black rewards, and thanks to bookmate Menphisto for rewarding One hundred starting point coins, thanks to book friend Trow twilight noodles and noodles, one hundred starting point coins, thanks to book friend Freedom1010, one hundred starting point coins, and one hundred starting point coins One hundred starting point coins for the bookmates’ mixed game, good night everyone ~~~ Say Jie Nan is going to Luoyang to find classmates tomorrow. (? Ω?)

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