“The entire World, the twentieth century, the first nineteenth century, with the Three Gods as its hand, keeps harvesting and consuming the World ’s own resistance to Strength. The last epoch is the harvest, the complete harvest of the World, and the continuous cycle and collapse of time and space . “

“Time is broken, time is fickle, this is the greatest terror.”

The quiet great hall is opposite, another Adier is still speaking, the sound and breath always seem calm, and it is the same as Adier’s body: “Eight reincarnations, here you are, the ninth.”

“This message was deliberately left by Chen Qing for the purpose of reminding and alerting.”

“This world is already in a state of collapse. Every scene you go through and everyone you see is a wave that has long been buried in past history. It is both real and illusory, just because of this. The time and space of the world collapsed before it could be reproduced. “

“Only in this relic can we avoid being affected by the strength of reincarnation, and barely keep the next message for the next me.”

“Now you can listen.”

On the opposite side, another Adier took a deep breath and then said, “This is a game of gambling on everything. The two sides of the game are us, and this world.”

“The loser will be swallowed up by the other party and become a further aid on the other hand.”

Hearing this, Adier frowned.

How crazy is it to play against a World’s consciousness?

This idea is too dangerous. In most Worlds, the World has no consciousness and can only be placed at the mercy of people. Only a small part of the World with a large number of souls can have a dim World consciousness born.

This World consciousness has only the most obscure instincts, and although it is still difficult to deal with, as long as you have a proper coping style, there are still many opportunities.

But the consciousness of this world is different now.

The fall of the devil has breeded a tumor. Through long-term efforts, this tumor has given birth to primitive wisdom, gradually eating away the power of the original World, and gradually becoming a new World consciousness.

Except for not completely usurping the last point of authority, this is almost a wise World consciousness.

Playing against such a World consciousness in someone else’s World?

This kind of thing, just thinking about it, is enough to make people big.

“Don’t find it difficult.”

In front of him, it seemed that he knew the thoughts in his heart clearly, and another Adier continued: “Under normal circumstances, if we are the beings of this world, we certainly can’t fight the consciousness of this world.”

“Our biggest advantage is that we are not indigenous to this world, which is a variable for World itself, not in the reincarnation of this world.”

“His origin is divided, and one part becomes the three gods, but the original ontology exists in the sea of ​​this world origin.”

“Putting together the origins of the three gods to cross the strength of the power can open the channel of the sea of ​​origins. By then, there will be a first-line opportunity to obtain the ultimate victory!”

“If it fails, turn on the crossing ability and leave immediately.”

“Because of his strength, I ca n’t think of the previous seven experiences, and I do n’t know what happens when the ability is activated in this world. Maybe I disappear directly, or the reincarnation is turned on. This memory of time and space becomes It ’s empty, yet another cycle begins. “

“In any case, we have the opportunity to come back again, and if nothing can be done, leave immediately!”

“Think of the teachers and friends in the Mason area, think of our mother and elder sister, and think of Edith and our child. We must win back.”

“Think of our promises with Lera, Chimu, and Schilim, and we’ll take them and fight again.”

“So, try hard …”

In front of him, another Adier solemnly said, the silhouette gradually faded and began to disappear: “Trust yourself in your judgment, don’t let yourself regret it!”

Hua Ying fell, while a moment of elemental force drew, his silhouette completely disappeared, turned into light raindrops, and eventually disappeared in place.

Looking at the disappearing self, Adier froze, seemingly indulged in these messages, and had not yet responded.

“how is it?”

Aside, the sound of old woman’s aging came.

She stood by Adier, looking at Adier, her eyes very bright, as if looking forward: “Do you understand?”

“I understand a bit.”

Facing the statue in front of him, Adier rubbed his forehead, only to feel that he was a little bit confused at the moment, with thousands of words in his heart, and he didn’t know where to start.

So he waved his hand, some helplessly said: “Don’t talk first, let me slowly.”

Standing alone, his thoughts gradually became clear.

Is the identity of another one true or false?

When did this game begin?

There is another loophole in his own words …

“My child, is this reminding me?”

Standing in the corner, Adier murmured to himself, raising doubts in his heart.

The other piece of information that he said is correct, but at this point, there are great loopholes.

Adier can’t remember what child he was.

The other side deliberately uttered this incident, exposing such a big mistake, only two possibilities.

Or, this person is completely false, and what he said is only to induce Adier to achieve some purpose.

Either it is deliberately so, to remind Adier something.

However, no matter which is possible, it is not possible, and there is no need to falsify, on some basic information.

“Playing a game against a World consciousness is really not something I can do.”

Eventually, Adier laughed, ruling out his thoughts and gradually calming down.

“Think clearly?” Aside, the old woman’s voice continued to sound.

“I understand a bit.”

Adier nodded, and then said, “You don’t look surprised at this scene?”

“of course.”

The old woman was nodded, and then said, “As I said before, similar scenes, I have seen it more than once.”

“We’ve met each other since you first came to this world.”

“But you were not the same as you are now.”

“Not the same?”

Adier was a little confused.

“Your original identity was also my younger brother. In order to defend the city of Odalia, you also chose to suppress the sun god.

“But then, you seem to notice something, and you didn’t wait for the Sun God to fall completely, and left this world directly.”

“The second time, you noticed the clues of World itself. Before you suppressed the sun god, you found it here, and you saw a few lingering Ganlai at the time.”


Adier froze, a silhouette of an old man in a black robe emerged from his mind.


old woman nodded, then said: “Unlike you, we are all undead who have been buried in the past. They should have died long ago. It was only because of the power of the World we have and the unwilling resentment that we were struggling. on whilst at death’s door, survived one after another. “

“Same for Kamlai.”

“In the second reincarnation, you saw Ganlai, who was dying at the time, and was about to fall completely, and saved him, leaving a mark on him so that he would remind you to come to this place in the next cycle.”

“So after the second reincarnation, you will come to this place every time.”

She glanced at Adier and asked with a smile: “You too.”


Adier thought back slightly, and finally couldn’t help but nodded.

“This is the bottom of the World. It is the sacred place in the center of the World. It was blessed by the Lord of the World before it can maintain its existence in the subversion of the World and shelter our long-dead souls.”

“The first time you came to this place, it was a coincidence and the result of your intentional search, but the next few times, it was a means you intentionally left to entice you to come here in the next cycle, These dead souls get the true truth. “

“Speaking of which, one of the interesting things happened.”

The old woman laughed, looking at Adier in front of her, and seemed to think of something interesting: “Although this place is sacred, it is also corroded, and there are all kinds of pollution and traps around it.”

“In the first few reincarnations, your avatar will always fall down here, and then your body will immediately fled away, alerting you to an amazing point.”

“In the end, we had to take a shot, clean up most of the pollution near here, and then clear out the remaining traps around to avoid your avatar disappearing in this place.”

She looked at Adier with some admiration, but she didn’t know whether to admire or despise.

Adier’s face was calm, and he didn’t seem to care about the old woman’s eyes.

There is nothing to say in this matter.

In case of indecision, Mingzhe defends himself. This is the way Adier works.

The Wizard’s World is full of dangers, no matter how you say, there is only one human life. If you are not careful, I’m afraid that you will die in a different world journey sooner or later.

If this avatar of Adier falls here, then the body of Adier will definitely leave immediately, without any hesitation.

“Fortunately, after this situation has gone through four or five times, we have probably figured out your situation, so if it is not necessary, you will never let your clone fall, or even dare not let you. The connection with the ontology is broken because the result will be the same. “

In the face of Adier, old woman shook the head, it seems that there is deep grievances for Adier’s promotion.

In this regard, Adier also had nothing to say. Looking at a fast stone wall in front of him, he could only change the subject bluntly. Opened the mouth and said, “What’s going on outside?”

“You mean another me outside, do you still rely on them?”

The old woman took the topic very skillfully, looking at it, as if guessing that Adier would have asked this question.

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