“Destroy the Three Gods, and based on the origin of the Three Gods, walk to that being and defeat him?”

In situ, Adier frowned, listening to the old woman’s account.

This idea doesn’t seem to be a problem.

The opponent is the World consciousness of this world. Being in the World, let alone defeating, it is difficult to even approach the opponent.

In general, the strength of World consciousness is linked to the beings of the entire World.

But this world is different.

Because at this moment, the creatures manifested by the outside world are essentially projections of the past, not real.

Even if Adier kills the entire World, it may not weaken the other’s Strength, but may stimulate the other to recover from the silence in advance.

If you think about it, the only weak spot exposed by the other party is the Three Gods.

As the tentacles that the other party extended at the beginning, the three gods are, in essence, part of the other party ’s origins, and are tools that the other party was born to harvest this world.

This also means that the Three Gods are in communication with the origin of the secret mastermind. By consolidating the origins of the Three Gods, we may really be able to find its essence.

Until then, the two sides can truly stand on a level line and face each other fairly.

However, there are still some problems.

“Since you have long thought of this approach, have you practiced it in the past samsara?”

In front of the old woman, Adier asked calmly.

“We want to do it.”

With a bitter smile on her face, the old woman said to Adier: “The premise of this plan is that the three gods must be together.”

“And those of us are just the undead that’s all wandering in the past, and even the first step of this plan cannot be achieved …”

Suddenly, Adier corner of mouth twitching, a little speechless.

This is indeed a very big problem. The strength of the Three Gods is overbearing. Each of them can be taken out as a fifth-order strength.

This kind of strength is not what these people can deal with right now, let alone the origin of the Three Gods, and it is not bad to keep yourself.

After all, the reason why these people are hiding here is that they have already demonstrated their identity as losers. They were defeated once by the Three Gods while they were still alive.

If you are alive and not an opponent of others, will you die if you die?

Adier shook his head, not hopeful.

In fact, what these people can do is to convey information. As for others, they still have to rely on themselves.

This is probably the reason why these people are so cautiously about the arrival of Adier.

“The position of the Three Gods has been detected in the past few reincarnations. Except that the Sun God is being suppressed by you at this moment, the other two Gods are still asleep at this moment.”

To Adier, the old woman said, “For you, when the three gods are asleep, it is best to deal with them, and you can easily take them down.”

“If you wait until they are awake, and then you want to take them down, you have to go through a war like you did against the Sun God.”

“I naturally understand this.”

Adier calmly nodded, but also raised a question: “But at this moment, my body is still suppressing the sun god, it is impossible to leave, how can I suppress the other three gods?”

“This is indeed a problem.”

The old woman laughed, looking at Chen Ming in front of her, said with a smile: “So, you need this.”

She extends the hand. On the palm of the hand, a broken purple piece appears, and the first time it appears, it emits inexplicable fluctuations, which are vaguely linked to the whole ruin.

“this is…..”

Looking at the fragment, Adier’s eyes were frozen and he felt something faint.

Above this shard, he faintly felt the fluctuations of the power of the World, the mighty, profound, with the awesome vastness of Strength.

Seeing this fragment, in Adier’s body, a warm current was flowing, and Boundary Energy on his body spontaneously increased.

“Shards of World Consciousness?”

His eyes were dignified, and the thought flashed through his mind.

The nature of this thing is similar to the World Stone, and it is a treasure with a lot of World power.

It’s just that this fragment is even more valuable than World.

Just this piece of debris, if you take it to Zhong Prefecture, and rely on it to create several World Doors, there is no problem.

When it comes to value alone, even a fifth-order great wizard must be crazy about it.

Especially in this case, the value of this thing is even more obvious.

“This is the debris left over from the past that dominated the fall.”

Looking at Adier, the old woman said, with some nostalgia and remembrance in her voice: “It is easier for you to deal with the three gods if you have this.”


Adier nodded, extend the hand, took over the fragment.

This is the fragment left by the past World consciousness of this world. To a certain extent, it represents the orthodoxy of this world and naturally has a restraining effect on the origin of the Three Gods.

Even, to some extent, this also represents some kind of authority.

In this world, holding this fragment and using Chen Ming’s Strength is enough to do something that could not be done before.

The most direct case is that after possessing this fragment, the repressed Sun God will no longer be a problem. The Sun God power that originally required a long time to suppress and digest, can be greatly reduced at this moment.


Looking at Adier, the old woman’s eyes showed a little expectation: “Take this piece, go back to your body, and use it to completely solve the black hands that manipulate the World!”

“I do my best.”

Adier’s face was calm, silently nodded, without any extra words, he turned and left.

Following the path pointed by the old woman, he left the ruins and came to a canyon.

In situ, after he left, the old woman’s face was calm, her eyes were looking at his back, her eyes filled with complexity.

Eventually, she was deeply sighed, then turned around and left the corner.

on the other side.

“Things seem to be getting more interesting and more troublesome.”

Walking out of the canyon alone, looking at the endless desert in front of him, and thinking of everything just before, Adier flashed this thought in his mind.

To be honest, until now, he didn’t believe anyone.

From the moment he realized that his enemy was the World consciousness of this world, Adier understood that at this moment in this World, no one could believe him.

The influence of the previous manifestation, the so-called another one may be false, and the old woman who calls himself Chen Qing may also be false. Everything in the outside world may be false, which is how World consciousness induced him. One.

The only thing he can believe is himself.

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