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A sacred mountain stands, shining brightly, with light rays of light blooming on it, it looks like a kind of god gold casting, there is a boundless sense of weight.

There is no doubt that this mountain is very out of the ordinary, and there is a breath rising in it, which is contained in the deep mountains. Once it breaks out, it will be Heaven Destroying destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth.

It can be said that only this mountain, once it erupts, its strength can not be inferior to a high-level Demonic Artifact.

Adier expression congeals, looking down and heading down.

Above the huge boundless mountain, one after another silhouette stands, each silhouette is incomparably tall and out of the ordinary, a cold and deep breath radiates from all over the body, like is a respect Fiendgod gathered here.

Undoubtedly, every demon here is a powerful supreme powerhouse, and every one of them is enough to blood wash an area, making a whole small world mourn and feel deep pain.

Everyone is above 4th order.

There is no doubt that this kind of powerhouse is extremely rare in the outside world. It is in the abyss of powerhouse as clouds. It is very difficult to find one.

The abyss is vast, and no one can know how big it is. In such a large area, although there are many powerhouses of Tier 4, it is not enough to allocate to these areas.

Normally, it is not easy to see one statue, but at the moment, several such demons have appeared together and gathered in this place.

Adier observed for a while, and after confirming that there were no problems around him, he thought for a while, and turned into a stream of light to land below.

He fell on that divine mountain and looked around.

One after another stared at him, and there was another kind of scrutiny.

Some of that look is like looking at your own prey, and some like looking towards your own enemy.

Adier is not their enemy, but is located in the abyss. When he sees a strange demon, he subconsciously treats it as an enemy. This is quite normal.

There is no equality between demons. When the two demons meet, they are either a slave and the other, or they are each other’s rivals.

There will be no more possibilities.

Being watched by many eyes, Adier’s face was calm, and the dignity of his body spread out.

The breath that belonged to the big demon appeared on his body. This moment seemed to collapse the void, and the surrounding space was twisted. There was an extremely terrifying strength.

It was a great horror. Once exposed, it would definitely easily collapse an area and seriously hurt a Small World.

Fortunately, it was on top of this unique mountain, otherwise the breath leaked from him alone was enough to collapse the entire mountain and the earth.

This is not an exaggeration, but the real situation.

Tier 4 demons have this kind of strength, and every move will have a significant impact on the world around them.

That one after another took back one by one with a gaze of scrutiny.

The faintly discernable terrifying aura on the surrounding demons gradually converged, and no longer came out of the targeted explosion, but was hidden.

Can admit to Adier’s qualification to stand side by side with them.

The scene seemed harmonious.

The great demons around didn’t speak, each occupying a site to rest there, waiting for the last moment to come.

The entire area appears very quiet at this time.

The demons have a strong concept of their own territories. Even if they came to this place, they instinctively each seized a piece of land, each occupying a piece of territory, and did not talk like ordinary intelligent creatures 2 2.

Adier was not surprised, and found a place alone, where he sat quietly.

While still free at the moment, he also looked around and observed the appearance of other demons for a while.

The appearance of other demons is mostly all kinds of strange things.

There is no universal aesthetic in the abyss, and there is no such concept of reproduction between demons, so everyone looks very casual, and each and everyone looks as weird as they seem to be.

There is a big devil with several wings and a bloated body.

There are also tentacles all over his body, and there are horrible demons engraved with various mysterious patterns.

For Adier, everyone and everyone are extremely weird, and it might make people sick to eat outside.

Worthy of the name of the devil.

Of course, these demons look very strange to Adier, but maybe in the eyes of these demons, this demonic body of Adier is also very strange.

Everyone’s aesthetic is different and cannot be generalized.

Adier closed his eyes silently and began to feel in this place.

His own Spirit began to spread, exploring towards all around.

The huge Spirit force explores in a very subtle way.

Shenshan at the foot began to exude a unique breath.

It’s huge and heavy, like the entire Small World contained in it, it spreads a terrifying atmosphere.

Indistinctly, Adier seemed to see countless demons roaring and fighting above the mountain.

The blood energy is boiling and rolling in this place. There are too many signs of the devil’s life passing away in this place, leaving a deep mark in this place that cannot be wiped out at all.

In addition to these, there is a huge abyssal force lurking in this god mountain, very active, but it is bound in it and cannot be completely exploded.

The deep and terrifying powers of the abyss permeate this place. It can be said that if all the demon are Tier 4, the ordinary little demon came to this place, I am afraid that it will take a few minutes to directly collapse the body, the mark of life It will be corroded by this god mountain and turned into nourishment for this mountain peak.

This is true even for demons with strong resistance to various environments in the abyss, not to mention ordinary persons.

“It turns out this structure …”

Sensing the breath of this magical mountain, Adier explored the structure of this magical mountain accurately, a little bit realized.


A voice came from the front.

Adier lifts the head, the line of sight is gradually obscured by a huge silhouette.

I don’t know when a demon stood in front of him.

Being able to stand in this place, this demon is undoubtedly a great demon of Peak.

The other person’s body is 7-8 meters tall, standing in front of Adier like a giant. At the moment, when he sees him lifts the head, there is a little grin on his face: “You look … It looks delicious what……”

Is it so straightforward?

Adier was a little surprised, looking at the big demon in front of him, couldn’t help laughed, also said: “Over the prize, you are the same …”

The big demon was stunned, and then suddenly angered, a fist bigger than Adier’s head slammed down.

The power of the abyss is boiling, the space is twisted, and a huge whirlwind is coming from the front.

The place seemed to be distorted all at once, the entire field of vision was unclear, and there was an extremely hazy sense of blur.

The fist slammed down, and there was a terrifying Strength raging and erupting. Several marks could be seen flashing faintly. If it hits other places, it can definitely smash a city.

Adier raised his hand casually.


The big devil’s fist was blocked by him, and then the power of the terrifying True Spirit exploded and raged out.

The place was boiling in an instant. A divine light filled the place and enveloped the demon’s body in front of him. I could vaguely see a field open and rush forward.

With a bang, the two collided with each other in an instant, impacted 2 to 100 times, and then retreated to each other at a speed that ordinary people could not imagine, looking at each other.

have equal shares.

“Do you want to fight?”

Adier didn’t care, waved his fist and laughed casually.

The demon’s eyes were a little suspicious, then he turned around and went straight to the other side.

Looking at the silhouette of the demon, Adier shook the head, I don’t think it’s strange.

This is the case in the abyss.

He didn’t know why the demon came to trouble him, but for the naturally chaotic and belligerent demon, does this kind of thing need a reason?

Right now this can only be regarded as normal operation that’s all.

Adier didn’t care too much.

After a while, the sky began to change color.

The bloody sky is constantly changing above the sky, a burst of blood energy rises, covering the whole sky, and then a silhouette emerges from it.

That silhouette is huge, showing that it is more than a dozen meters tall, with a wing growing on the back, and the scales on the body are still shining in the cold light. There is a burst of abyssal air on the sky, lingering in the entire area.

Just after it had just arrived, the surrounding air suddenly deserted a lot, and the power of the abyss in the entire region was spontaneously pulled away, roaring and cheering beside him.

The will of the whole abyss is faintly fluctuating, and the huge Strength is accompanied by the arrival of this demon, and it is wrapped around it, giving it a terrifying majesty.

The space is turbulent, the whole mountain is trembling, and the breath of strength up to the 5th level escapes without hesitation, covering the area in thehundreds of thousands.

The earth began to shake continuously, one after another sharp light broke through the sky, making this silhouette extremely tall and magnificent, full of a dreadful strength.

On that black mountain, the bodies of many great demons began to shake. Although they had been prepared for a long time, the bodies were still shaking.

This is the natural repression of the upper demons in the face of the lower demons. Although their strength of each and everyone is extremely powerful, they are still extremely weak when facing the silhouette in front of them.

The suppression of lower demons by higher demons is inscribed in the flesh and soul of demons.

As early as when it was still the state of the abyss worm, it was gestated and formed. This model has been portrayed in the flesh and blood of the devil and cannot be changed at all.

Adier’s body was also shaking.

Despite its powerful nature, he is also a demon at the moment, and it is inevitable to be suppressed when facing the upper devil.

However, he also saw something from it.

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