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“It’s Interesting …”

Looking at the scene in front of him, he looked at the devil’s body that was fully opposite to Ankra. Adier had a faint smile on his face, looking calm, and his expression did not change much from beginning to end.

His breath is still the same as before, full of peace, without the tyranny and terror of the devil.

Just looking at Ankara in front of him at this moment, he couldn’t help waving his hand, his breath began to change slowly.

A pair of ten-meter-long demon wings slowly spread out. At this moment, with the change of the breath of the body, Adier’s own body began to change.

The mist of black boils here, the power of the majestic abyss rolls in, and is constantly being drawn.

Then in the diffuse black mist, a silhouette slowly spread out.

His body is also tall, stretched out to be 4 500 meters tall, with a pair of black wings on the back, a little mysterious scales on the wings are covered, like a layer of armor.

On the body, a large black mark spontaneously appeared, with a demon pattern on it, and there was a mysterious Strength vaguely between the vague, ordinary people would have boundless illusions as long as they looked at it, and they were lured and fallen , Become the slave of the demon in front of you.

A pair of pure eyes looked forward, exuding a little light, which seemed to be calm, but it showed a suffocating killing intent.

The breath of terror escaped from the body of this demon body, sweeping across the 4 areas.

At this moment Adier’s demon body completely unfolded, standing directly opposite Ankra, opposite its front.

2 terrifying demons collided in an instant.

Between the chaos, there seems to be a natural disaster here, the last moment was calm and tranquil, the next moment there will be a big earthquake, the storm continues to rise.

The violent storm destroyed everything in all directions, like sweeping the area of ​​all directions, making the surrounding World miserable.

One after another screams came from all directions, very obscure, but this moment was very loud.

In the surroundings, accompanied by the breath of 2 large 5th-order demons from here, countless demons issued screams in this brief moment, and the body burst directly, unable to withstand the terrible majesty.

This area was completely transformed into a dead place, with almost no living things left around.

The reason for this is almost because there are still several caught fish.

Those black robe sacrifices were not at all died at this moment, still standing on the previous black mountain.

This is not to say that their strength is strong enough to withstand the majesty and breath of the 2 Tier 5 demons.

They were able to live together in harmony just because Adier made a Strength and sheltered them in silence, allowing them to preserve that’s all in this violent situation.

In any case, this is also the sacrifice of several gods, and from the previous situation, it seems that they still want to achieve what purpose through Ankla.

For Adier, these people are still useful.

Since we can reach cooperation with Ankra, there is no reason why we cannot cooperate with him.

After he defeated Ankara in front of him, plundered the authority existing on the other side and became the demon lord in this area, these people may have some use.

If it’s useless, it’s not too late when the time comes.

Roar! !

A roar came out of my eyes, all directions were shaking, the emotion contained in it shocked the surrounding World, and fiercely rushed towards Adi’s mind.

In an instant, all kinds of emotions are constantly rolling in the mind, and moments such as confusion, regret, hatred, etc. emotions spontaneously rise in the mind, but in an instant instead Adier ’s mind becomes blank, like Nothing can be recalled in general.

Then in front of him, a paw suddenly leaned towards Adier.

boom! !

A clear sound erupted in place.

Like a nuclear bomb exploded suddenly, there was a violent light flashing in mid-air, and the various rules in this brief moment were crushed into fragments and completely turned into nothingness.

A terrifying burst of sound continued to sound. The place in front of me was Heaven and Earth turning upside down. There was a sense of devilishness that was unique to the devil, and everything was covered, and the four sides of the earth were crushed.

It’s just in an instant that Adier collided with Ankra’s claws suddenly, and the two were stuck close together, starting the most terrifying and deadly fight.

The most primitive temptation began, and at this moment, all words no longer matter.

2 people stared closely at each other, each other’s eyes showed through each other’s eyes, at this moment only pure killing intent was brewing in each other’s hearts.

In an instant, they counted 100 moves.

A deep paw print appeared on Adier’s chest, and a gap was opened on it, in which the blood of the black demon was flowing and was torn directly.

A strong strength remained on his chest, hindering the spontaneous recovery completely and recovery of the wound, and even spreading into the whole body, continuously impacting the whole body.

As for the opposite, Ankra’s body is also very miserable.

One of his right arms exploded directly, and a clean bite mark appeared on it, which appeared to have been directly bitten by Adier.

And everywhere in his body, one after another subtle wounds also continued to appear. Although they were subtle, they accumulated very impressively. There was also a little bit of pure demon blood flowing above.

Two terrifying demons are fighting here, launching a more terrifying conquest.

The earth began to crack, the sky was torn open directly, and there was a void of nothingness.

A little bit of pure black blood of the demon continually dripped onto the earth, and the power of the abyss in this area rose and began to boil.

The will of the abyss in the middle of the world began to be active. At this moment, feeling the fight between the two big 2th-level demons, it began to boil, and a little Strength blessed the two.

A huge paw swings down, in an instant, Adier’s chest has a more opening, several black scales are torn directly, and fiercely falls to the ground.

At the same time, Ankra’s body also quickly reversed, and there was a deep wound on his chest, and the bones below could be seen faintly, which was directly torn by Adier’s claws.

Overall, the result of the confrontation between the two was that Ankra fell.

“This is impossible!”

Feeling the gradual disappearance of his own strength, Anchor groaned in situ, a little unbelievable at this moment.

As a demon lord, when did he have such an experience?

Abyss World does not have a demon who has no place to go for no reason. Every demon lord who has reached the top, in the past is undoubtedly the most Peak warrior, which is the strongest existence selected from 100000000 10000 demons.

Whether it is from its own Strength or fighting experience, as well as other aspects, it is impeccable Peak.

Because only in this way can they be allowed to go from weak to strong, and finally walk to the position of the demon lord.

But at this moment, as a demon lord, Ankla was crushed in the face-to-face battle with Adier.

This is an extremely incredible thing.

At this moment, although his body was hit hard by another avatar of Adier, the Strength dropped a lot at this moment, far less than at the peak period.

But don’t forget, there is also the power of the abyssal will in him.

Blessed with the power of the abyssal will, in all respects, it has a strong advantage. In the face of ordinary demons, even with the existence of Tier 5, it should be able to face with no difficulty and even overcome.

But the result in front of me is the reverse.

The Adier in front of him is really too powerful. It is almost not as strong as a newly promoted Tier 5, but like an Old Monster that has been quiet for many years.

The opponent not only had an extremely powerful fighting experience, but also a terrifying battle. Even the Strength was awesome, not inferior to Ankra at the moment.

Under the head-on fight, Ankra fell backward.

This is an extremely amazing thing.

With the blessing of authority, this ending can still be played, which only shows one result.

If other factors are excluded, after losing the blessing of authority, the two sides will adjust their status to Peak. In the head-to-head battle, Ankra is mostly not Adier’s opponent at this moment, and will be suppressed by him.

But how is this possible?

How many years has he been promoted to Tier 5 to become a demon lord? Adier in front of him has been promoted again how many years?

2 The time to achieve Tier 5 is not at a level.

But even so, Adier had just been promoted and was able to suppress him.

Not only was Ankra surprised, angry and unwilling, but even the priests watching in the distance felt a little unbelievable.

“Really strong demon …”

A priest said with a deep dignity in his voice: “With the strength of this demon, if he defeated Ankra positively and seized the authority of the other party, how strong would it be?”

“I look forward to this …”

Another priest said, “From the performance of the other party, we are obviously still useful to the other party …”

“Perhaps the tasks that could not be done in Ankra can fall on this new demon lord …”

They looked at Adier in front of them and said, there was some exclamation in their voice at this moment.

As a new demon lord, Adier’s performance is too amazing.

Just after being promoted, you can press the original demon lord to fight on the ground, so after its true inheritance authority and become a real demon lord, what strength will it have?

I am afraid that even between the demon lords, it will be Peak.

At this moment, looking at the performance of Adier in the front, these priests had predicted that a powerful demon lord would rise in this area in the future, and within the realm of the abyss, a battle would be raged.

The terrifying Strength is roaring.

A black sharp claw grabbed down between the chaos, and immediately grabbed the large flesh of Ankra’s body, revealing the bones under it.

At this moment, Adier’s demon body roar towards the sky, a pair of bloody eyes fixed on Ankra.

Fiercely then grabbed down.


A clear sound spread.

Along with Adier’s eruption, Ankara’s body was paused in front of him, and a huge head was carried with some fierceness. At this moment, he fell weakly.

Declared the end of the battle.

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