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Pieces of demon eggs are hatching, and among them, a variety of demon worms appear and slowly crawl out of them.

These demonic insects have different appearances. Most of them have some tentacles, some carapace on their backs, and some demon insects. They also carry some physical features before being a soul fragment.

For example, the demon worm transformed from the ordinary person class may carry a face on his body, which is the appearance of his life.

Some demonic insects transformed from ordinary animals may carry other physical features.

Overall, each and everyone looks as weird as it seems, and some even look disgusting.

After the birth of these demonic insects, they first crawled out of their own insect eggs, and then instinctively found other demonic insects.

Then, driven by instinct, they started fighting each other.

A tiny demon worm began to fight on the ground, facing each other 2 2, and staged a unique slaughter scene on this black beach.

This fierce fighting reached the end, and the powerhouse came to the end, swallowing the remaining losers one after another.

Adier looked calm and watched all this.

He watched the demon worm fight in front of him.

The body of the demon worm just hatched at this moment is extremely special.

Ordinary life, even if it is a demon, is composed of pure flesh and blood, and is true and flesh.

But the demons that have just hatched in front of them are different.

Rather than saying that they are flesh and blood at the moment, it is better to say that they are composed of a pure Soul Body at the moment.

Their overall structure is supported by a little pure Soul Power. The external form is only the form of their Soul Power’s condense, not the real flesh form.

Because of this, they are able to devour each other at this moment, as long as they swallow the bodies of other demon worms, they can nourish their Soul Power.

Because at this moment, all evil Demon Insects are essentially Soul Body, and their bodies are filled with pure Soul Power. As long as they are swallowed, they can loot Soul Power contained in other demon insects, To further develop and nurture their own soul essence.

“So that’s how it is …”

I don’t know how long I observed in place, but Adier was a little surprised and understood something.

He knew the roots of the birth in the sea of ​​demons.

The gestation in the sea of ​​demons is actually not the appearance of cultivating soul fragments into demonic worms, but processing those soul fragments, transforming their body strength into a kind of existence of the abyss worms. form.

Only after this conversion can these demonic insects fight each other and devour the Soul Power from each other’s bodies.

Otherwise, it is just a pure soul, and does not have the strength to devour other soul fragments.

After all, the essence of the soul is pure, even if it is a fragment, which also contains impurities and branding of the soul itself, impossible is easily accepted by other souls.

Because of this, the Devil’s Sea is needed to breed it.

The birth of the Devil’s Sea is essentially a purification process. The impurities contained in the soul fragments and the brand are washed and turned into pure soul essence, completely separated from the lifetime.

To some extent, this is somewhat similar to a legend from Adier’s previous life.

After a person dies, the soul can be reincarnated in some way, but after the reincarnation, the person’s own soul and memory will completely disappear, and all things will be directly forgotten.

Isn’t this the case in front of me?

The souls of the dead souls gather in the sea of ​​demons and are washed by the strength existing in the sea of ​​demons. The memory and branding are cleaned up, and only the pure soul essence is re-breeded into a demon s life.

To some extent, is this an alternative soul reincarnation?

Of course, if the people of Adier’s previous life knew that the soul reincarnation was such a ghost, I am afraid not many people would be willing.

After all, compared to the legends of the previous life, this scene in front of it is much more realistic and cruel.

A demon worm is fighting in this place, and every moment a huge number of demon worms fall in this place.

The fall of each demon worm means that a piece of soul has been swallowed by other demon worms. Each and everyone more powerful demons are gradually gestating.

I don’t know how long it has passed.

Adier stood there for a long time.

The expression on his face had not changed, and the posture and appearance of his body had not changed, so he stood there silently.

However, in his surrounding moments, the surrounding devil worms, which had been called endless, have reduced a lot at this moment.

The number of demon worms, which had been huge in number, has been declining steadily. Instead, a more powerful little demon appeared in this place. One after another showed his silhouette in front of him, announcing his existence to this World.

The head of the little devil has a strong breath, and if each one gets the material world within the realm, it is enough to be comparable to a Knight.

They also look very different.

There are changes as their souls are different, and they are not exactly the same.

Some little demons are similar to Adier and are also humanoid.

And some little demons, crawling on the ground like insects, look very weird.

Various demons of various appearances appear one after another in this place. The whole looks like an exhibition hall of a strange monster, which is very strange.

No matter what it looks like, it can be seen in this place.

Of course, after a fierce fight at this moment, these little demons have completely changed from their original soul bodies to flesh and blood bodies.

At this moment, they have been transformed from the original void creature into real life.

It can be said at this moment that those soul fragments are truly reincarnated and truly alive.

However, as they possessed a flesh and blood body and succeeded in reincarnation, they also lost their strength that devoured other souls.

The little demons around the world began to ramp up.

These little demons were bred in the sea of ​​demons. At the beginning of the pregnancy, they were affected and infected by various emotional strengths. Therefore, the personality of each and everyone is full of factors of tyranny and confusion. Too stable.

Once formed at this moment, these little demons immediately stared at each other, began to face each other, and began fighting again.

However, no matter how violent their fight is, they are always far away from Adier.

As if they could not see Adier, they directly ignored Adier’s existence, and even instinctively moved away from this area, so that within the range of several hundred meters around Adier, they could not see any silhouette of a demon.

This is the instinctive induction of the demon’s body. Instinctively feels that there is an extremely terrifying existence standing in front. Even if it does not sense the specific existence, it also subconsciously wants to avoid it and dare not stand in front of Adier.

In this way, Adier stood in this place undisturbed, so calmly observing the four sides, observing the behavior patterns of the little demons.

I don’t know how long I stood in this place before Adier moved.

At this moment, time has passed for a long time. Around them, the little demons are fighting with each other. At this moment, most of them have already divided the victory.

The victorious demon dragged his tired body towards other places, and the loser fell to the ground and could never stand up.

The demons around became scarce, and soon, no longer could see any silhouette of a living demons.

The whole place is like a slaughterhouse.

In this regard, Adier didn’t take it seriously, just touched his head and looked at the sky.

At this moment on the sky of the abyss World, a burst of light was shining in it, falling down, as if it was raining.

It is not an ordinary water drop under this rain, but one after another soul fragment shimmering the glory of the soul.

one after another Soul shards fell in mid-air, under the traction of an abyssal force, rushed into the sea of ​​demons below, and then were entangled by the powerful Strength contained therein, gestated again in it, gestated into each and everyone Demon Egg.

Another cycle.

Adier’s face was calm and he continued to stand in this place, but this time he started to shoot.

He thought for a moment, then stretched out his hand.

Suddenly in front of him, a little Strength emerged from his body, affecting all life within 1000 kilometers around him.

An imaginary Strength began to gather in the Devil’s Egg, that is Adier’s Strength, which now appeared in the Demon’s Egg, blocking the power of the horror emotion contained in the surrounding Demon Sea, making it the Devil’s Egg It is not itself polluted by the power of that terror.

After doing all this, Adier stopped doing other things and just observed it quietly.

Time passes quickly.

In the sea of ​​demons, as time passed, the eggs of the demons were bred again, and then washed up on the beach, bred into a brand new demonic insect.

However, this time, the situation is a bit different.

Not far away, a demon bug got out of the devil’s egg.

Drilling out of the devil’s egg, this demon bug not at all followed instinctively to devour other demon bugs, but looked at the surrounding with a daze.

It can be seen that the previous life of this demon worm should be an ordinary person. At the moment, behind it, a faint face can be seen faintly, and it looks very scary.

He stood a bit dazed and stood on the ground, looking at the other demonic worms around him, and stayed in place at this moment, not knowing what to do.

Because the pollution of emotional strength is isolated by Adier’s strength, this demon worm appears very calm, not at all driven by the instinctive desire in his heart, and killed towards other demons.

But this is also inevitable.

In the surroundings, other demon worms that were not affected by Adier’s Strength and were still contaminated by the Devil’s Sea found him, biting him.

Then there was a fight.

Some of the demonic insects affected by Adier Strength and not contaminated by the abyssal forces died like this, but some still survived stubbornly, and even engulfed the bodies of other demonic insects along the way, successfully bred into small demons. Shape.

And at this point, the special features of these demons are really revealed.

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