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In the vast sea of ​​demons, pieces of bloody demonic eggs died in pieces, and they just died in front of Adier.

A large piece of dead demon eggs gathered in the sea of ​​demon, and for a while it seemed to form a sea of ​​blood, and it looked extremely magnificent and dazzling.

In this piece of dead demon eggs, there is also a new vitality gestating.

In the huge number of demon eggs, after all, there are some devil eggs that have adapted to the Blood Imprint injected by Adier. At this moment, they have completed the transformation and gradually began to develop.

In the end, under Adier ’s gaze, these demon eggs began to conceive like other demon eggs around them, and then were directly washed by the waves of the demon sea onto the black sand beach, where they developed and hatched into a demon bug. .

Adier watched calmly, observing the appearance of these demonic insects.

Compared with other demons and demons, the demons transformed by his Blood Imprint have not at all changed in appearance.

However, relative to other demons, these demons are generally much larger in size, and the overall battle strength is also higher than other demons.

However, this is not because Blood Imprint caused these demonic worms to become powerful.

On the contrary, it is precisely because their soul fragments are inherently strong enough that they can carry the Blood Imprint that Adier injects, thus successfully bred.

In other words, without such a powerful soul, they simply cannot bear the Blood Imprint injected by Adier, and will be killed by Blood Imprint at the beginning of development, and they will not be able to successfully conceive.

Adier took this seriously.

A slaughter started here.

In front of Adier’s eyes, the demon worms that were bred began to fight in front of them and gradually grew up.

Because of their inherent advantages, these demonic insects inherently occupy many advantages, and it is easier to stand out from the large demonic insects and quickly transform into a small demon.

At this stage, the impact of Adier finally began to show.

Compared with other kinds of strange things in the surroundings, all kinds of strange things, only you can’t think of, and there are no small devil you can’t see. Compared with the little devil affected by Adier Blood Imprint, its shape is undoubtedly much more stable.

These little demons are generally humanoid, with a pair of arms and a pair of legs. Their body shape is similar to that of humans, but they are covered with black scales, and their height is much shorter, generally only about 1 meter 3 4.

And above the bodies of these little demons, fluctuations in the power of the Dao abyss are occurring.

boom! !

A burst of light sound sounded in place.

In the distance, a little devil waved his arm, and then a little Strength began to gush out.

In an instant, a little glory began to flash, and a little abyssal force began to react and function, quickly condensing into a small Fireball in front of my eyes, and rushed towards the distance.

With the slamming of a light sound, a little demon was directly hit by it, and most of his body was burned into coke, which immediately became a dying look.

Then the little demon stepped forward and killed the other party very carefully.

Compared with the group of demons born before, the survival rate of this group of small demons is undoubtedly much higher.

Not only do they have a strong will and the ability to think for themselves, but also because of the Blood Imprint given by Adier, they have the ability to cast spells at the beginning of development.

The imprint previously injected by Adier contains the template of part of Adier’s own Bloodline, and the body developed by that Blood Imprint will automatically have the ability to cast spell during development.

And unlike the wizard who engraved the witchcraft template in his Spirit sea, these little devils developed by Blood Imprint are engraved in their own Bloodline, so they do not need them to go through a long meditation. Can directly possess the ability to cast spells.

In other words, these spells have become their Bloodline instincts, and they exist without learning at all.

Above the earth, these little demons set off a bloody wind on the black sand beach, growing rapidly among them.

Compared with ordinary little demons, the advantages of these little demons developed through Blood Imprint are self-evident, so they quickly gained an advantage in this competition.

Adier observed everything silently.

After observing for a while, he also discovered a characteristic.

It seems that because of the Blood Imprint he injected, the reason for the birth of humanoid creatures, so it can withstand that Blood Imprint, successfully bred out, most of his life is also a humanoid creature.

Some insects and the souls of various animals simply cannot match the Blood Imprint, and they will be killed by the Blood Imprint innately, without any exception.

Seeing this, Adier looking thoughtful, silently jotting down these characteristics.

Next, he repeated a lot of these experiments and began to adjust the abilities contained in the Blood Imprint, canceling some of the abilities previously envisaged and replacing them with some more practical abilities.

Of course, the most important thing is to contain a lot of Bloodline information in the Blood Imprint.

In this case, every demon promotion will no longer be disordered.

After accepting his Blood Imprint, each of these demons’ promotion and growth will follow the development of the message contained in Blood Imprint and gradually climb up.

In a way, this loses the random developmental characteristics of demons, but it also gains stability.

At least the demon that grew out of this way, its Bloodline form and the abilities it gains every time it is promoted are stable, and it will not develop in the direction of some unfathomable mystery for some reason of its own.

At the end of the development of these demons, the ultimate goal is naturally Adier itself.

This is because those Blood Imprint itself are simplified by Adier taking Bloodline of his demon body as a sample.

In a sense, the demons transformed by Blood Imprint are the descendants of equivalent to Adier, and belong to the same type of Bloodline.

“We need to add some regulation …”

Not knowing how many such experiments were done, Adier recorded many details, and then thought of a little.

He injected into Blood Imprint there, added different demons, and began to have gender differences.

In other words, if the demons transformed before were genderless, then the demons transformed today would have different genders.

It also has the ability to reproduce itself.

In other words, as long as these demons develop normally, sooner or later they can be descendants of themselves, and they will gradually reproduce the next generation, without having to transform through the sea of ​​demons, and they can breed a new generation of demons by themselves.

By this step, the race conceived by Adier has basically been completed.

Above the earth, unconsciously, between 1000 and 10000 demons gradually gathered around Adier.

Compared with other demons in the surroundings, these demons have a very uniform form. Although there are some differences in the details, the shape of each demon is particularly stable. It is very similar to the Adier in front of it and has a strong commonality.

They stood in front of Adier, feeling the breath of his body, a pair of bloody eyes with some longing and daze, and some kindness.

This little demon from 1000 to 10000 began to gather in this place, and then slowly knelt down and bowed to Adier as if to bow to his own life.

A strength began to spread from the abyss of all around.

In place, faint ripples flickered, and within the realm around the world kept ringing.

Indistinctly, a faint voice seemed to be heard, whispering in Adier’s ear, and he seemed to be talking about something.

A joy from the heart began to radiate in Adier’s heart.

More majestic strengths are emerging, and the strength that emerges at this moment is much larger than the plants that Adier created before.

This strength is huge and magnificent. If it talks about the essence, once it bursts out, I am afraid that it can easily blow up a Great World. At this moment, all of it flows into Adier’s body.

That is pure World Power of Origin, which represents part of the origin and strength of the Abyss World, and now it is flooded into Adier’s body under instinctive feedback.

Feeling this, Adier smiled on his face and raised his head, and a handsome and enigmatic face looked so striking.

In the breeze, his long hair fluttered so naturally, and his black robe danced with the wind. At this moment, all his body was filled with an unspeakable charm, no matter what kind of creatures, when he saw him You will feel a suffocation, and you will feel a fascinating attraction.

The originally suppressed Strength is no longer suppressed.

The source of the abyss that is so powerful that it cannot be restrained is directly injected into Adier’s body at this moment.

He embraced World and opened his arms at this moment to welcome the coming of World’s will.

“come on……”

There was a smile on Adier’s face, and at this moment his arms were spread, his mind and body were completely released, and he greeted the will that existed in the abyss.

Then the unimaginable purple World Source began to explode.

Under the constant injection of the abyss breath, the breath of Adier began to slowly increase, and continued to climb upwards from the original 5th-order limit, reaching a more terrifying level.

Towards the endless level began to climb and spread.

The whole Abyss World is shaking.

At this moment, a silent wave occurs within the entire world. At this moment, it is not known how many people attracted the attention.

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