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After Adier defeated Doron and acquired God of Slaughter’s Divine Spark, the movement of the Church of the Gods began to accelerate continuously throughout the material world within the realm.

In order to awaken the gods of their own beliefs as soon as possible, many god churches grabbed a real wind and rain within the realm of the material world, which made the whole material world within the realm rising winds, scudding clouds, but it seemed quite confusing.

Faced with all this, Adier looked on with cold eyes, just sitting quietly in the Adier empire, where he quietly settled.

He has a unique channel to connect other worlds with his own abilities, and gain strength and faith from other worlds, so he does not have to be limited to a small material world.

Therefore, from the promotion of Demi-God, in the realm within the realm, he has always been very calm, simply not much action.

After defeating Doron and acquiring God of Slaughter’s Divine Spark, his center shifted to the matter of studying Slaughter Divine Spark.

Divine Spark is a unique product in God World. In essence, it is a unique product formed by the combination of 7th grade mastering and comprehension of World Strength and God World’s unique rules.

In essence, this existence is actually the same as the wizard’s perception of World Strength. It is an understanding of the authority of the world and the rules of the world’s operation. It involves the most basic range of laws.

God of Slaughter Strength is not weak among the former gods, it can even be said to be very powerful, only the second only to Supreme God power sequence is ranked in the second series.

Such a powerful existence, the Divine Spark left behind by itself, the mystery contained in it is naturally very large.

As long as Adier can absorb the Divine Spark left by God of Slaughter and integrate the information contained in it into his within the body, it is enough to enable him to obtain further strength, enough to fully grasp the authority of the slavet, and use the slavet An authority seals the gods, and truly condenses its own divine throne.

Therefore, at this moment, he did not shoot again, but just sat in the Adier Empire, where he quietly absorbed the strength and essence contained in the Slaughter Divine Spark.

In this way, time passed slowly, and soon decades passed.

In these decades, with the help of the entire Church of the Gods, the situation of the material world appears to be more rising winds, scudding clouds.

Although the surface is still calm, there is a hidden current of one after another hidden in this calm, once the eruption will drown anyone directly.

The churches of the gods competed within the realm throughout the material world, competing in them for their own purposes, and each launched their own actions.

Beyond the material world, in another realm of the same giant within the realm, an undercurrent that also has one after another is emerging.

Abyssal World within the realm.

“Is this right …”

An old man wearing a black robe, who was still tall and tall despite a weak body, came to a dim area.

In his eyes, the area in front of him seemed extremely special.

The land of the Abyss World is always a piece of crimson, which appears very barren, and there is no life on it.

Not to mention some wild animals, even some wild grass does not exist at all, and no life can be seen at all.

From ancient times to the present, the whole Abyss World has always been like this. It is barren without the slightest life force. Apart from the devil, no other life can be seen in this place.

Normal life seems to have nothing to do with the Abyss World, even though countless years have passed, there is still no life in sight, only the devil with a chaotic atmosphere is constantly growing.

But in the area in front of us, everything that was originally inertial was broken.

In this place in front of me, the old man rarely saw plants growing one by one in this place, and looking like this, the growth was still very vigorous.

The life force of those plants and everyone is very vigorous, each of them looks very gratifying, and they are very large. Each one is taken out and measured at least 3 4 meters long and wide.

Above these plants, a faint Life Aura was uploaded from it, which made the old man in front of him appear a little trance, and a little expression of consternation gradually appeared on his face.

I have to say that this scene in front of me is still very big for ordinary people.

At least the old man in front of him froze when he saw this scene, and it took a long time to react.

“What are these things for?”

After a while, he slowly recovered, looking at the plants in front of him and asking.

“These plants are specially planted and used as rations …”

Beside the old man, a black robe worshipped the rows of plants in front of him and said with some respect.

“Ration …”

The old man was stunned again. At this moment, he stared blankly at the rows of plants in front of him. After a while, he began to say: “Grow rations in the abyss … Who is it for?”

“Of course it is for those demons.”

black robe said as it should be by rights.

Suddenly, a question mark appeared on the old man’s face, and the doubt in his heart became more intense at this moment.

“Demon eats rations?”

A scene appeared in his mind.

In a calm and empty room, sitting on a table and chairs, a little devil took food seriously, eating bitterly planted food bit by bit.

The style of this scene is really a bit of a violation, so that the old man in front of me can’t help but look at the head, simply can’t continue to think about it.

But the more insignificant scene is still behind.

The old man thought that the pictures he had just come up with were enough violations, but the scenes he saw after didn’t expect were more exciting.

I saw that on a flat earth day by day, a piece of red land was reclaimed. At this moment, on that piece of land, each and everyone had a burly figure and a tall body. A little demon whose size was similar to humans was working hard , Holding a variety of agricultural tools in his hands and constantly reclamation.

They worked hard on the earth, yelling vaguely devilish words in their mouths, holding various agricultural tools in their hands, working there, and farming hard.

The old man looked at this scene coldly for a long, long time. At this time, he almost suspected that his eyes were hallucinating.

What did he see?

Devil is farming?

A race that has ruined the slaughter civilization with tyranny and chaos, is it farmed obediently and honestly?

You are demons! It’s killing without blinking an eye, a devil who doesn’t frown when he cuts people!

Isn’t it a bit of a tragedy for you to do this kind of productive labor here without wrecking havoc?

Is this major a bit too strong?

The old man was very speechless. By this time, he had no idea what to say.

On the side, several black robe priests were still beside him. This moment was very introduced to him:

“Rice is planted there, some magic materials are planted there, and some potions can be made after harvest …”

“There are only some other unique materials. Although they are plants, they can actually be used to make some unique armor as additional materials. The effect is very good …”

They sat in front of the old man and introduced them continuously to the scene in front of them, so that the old man in front of him was in a trance.

“Can these things be used on the surface of the world for people in the material world?”

Looking at the hard farming in front of me, it looked like a fiery little devil, the old man suddenly flashed over this single thought, and said quickly.

This question of him was considered to be an idea.

For the intelligent race, the importance of agriculture is self-evident.

It can be said that it is precisely because of the existence of agriculture that it can lead to an increase in the number of people, thereby developing a more prosperous civilization.

No matter for anyone, food is extremely important, as long as there is enough food, there will be enough people.

And having a sufficient population means sufficient faith, sufficient troops and troops, and reorganization is both reserve service.

With a substantial population, the country will be able to receive sufficient finances and taxes, and the church will be able to reap enough faith, and it will be able to select enough good sacrifices from many believers to become fresh blood.

And to have a full population and a sufficient number of people, you need to ensure the supply of food and ensure that people can eat and drink.

And if these grains planted in the abyss before them can get the material world within the realm, then there is no doubt an excellent opportunity.

In a situation where the land is tight and there is almost no place where there is no intelligent race, there is a large area of ​​land in the abyss that is abandoned. The surrounding land is basically blank. Simply no one is planting and cultivating.

In the past, because no plant can grow on the land of the abyss World, it makes no sense that this land is abandoned, simply nobody cares.

But now, a plant and crop that can grow in the abyss within the realm and have multiplied have appeared.

So for a while, the vast area of ​​the abyss immediately had value.

As long as there is land that can be cultivated and crops that can be planted, then everything else will not be a problem and can be properly resolved.

If you can cultivate in the abyssal world within the realm, and then transport the food cultivated between the abyss world to the material world within the realm, then it is foreseeable that the population of the material world will be due to the food supply of the abyssal world within the realm , And produced explosive growth.

At this moment in front of us, the old man saw this possibility.

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