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From the edge of Scourge World, all the way, Scourge incarnation saw a lot of scenery.

The scenery along the road is very bright and beautiful, with an extremely unique feeling, people can not help but look at it at a glance.

Looking at the scenery along the way, the natural disaster incarnation couldn’t help but sigh. At this time, I didn’t know what to say.

Along the way, through the Wizarding World, the natural disaster incarnation thought that the scenery he had witnessed in his life was already wonderful enough.

However, Rao is that he has seen so many world scenery, but he never thought that one day he could still see the scenery like today.

The scenery of Scourge World is absolutely unique.

The uniqueness of this World does not lie in the harshness of the World environment or the uniqueness of life within it, but in the structure of World itself.

The World Structure of Scourge World itself is absolutely unique.

This is not just a World, but the cumulative superposition of countless Worlds.

Just like an egg, the outermost shell is the eggshell, the inner is the egg white, and the last is the core yolk.

The 3-layer result is clearly outlined and easy to identify.

The same is true of this Scourge World.

However, compared with the 3-layer structure of normal eggs, this World’s structure level can be much higher.

Walking along the road, at this time of the day, the natural disaster incarnation did not know how much distance he had walked and how many layers of interface he had crossed.

The interface level of this World is so unbelievable.

Moreover, each additional level will have a different environment.

If the outermost structural level is very loose, even the most ordinary life can survive in it.

Then the inner world is like hell, horrible and grim.

Normal people are in this place, I am afraid that simply cannot survive for long.

Starting from the outermost layer and gradually deepening into the interior, the deeper the natural disaster World, the worse the environment inside, and the more horrible the living creatures inside.

At first, the natural disaster incarnation can still feel the peace of the surrounding world, but after reaching the inside, it can only feel a horror.

“The life of this World, it is really difficult for them to survive in this World for so long.”

On the way, the natural disaster incarnation shook the head. At this time, I don’t know what to say.

Unconsciously, he has come into a very deep field.

At the level where he is, the surrounding space is extremely heavy, and he is in it. Every time, there seems to be a depressing mountain, which makes people feel lethal pressure.

This is an extremely horrible environment, and it is so terrible.

According to the estimation of natural disaster incarnation, after reaching this level, basically, if the strength is lower than level 4, I am afraid that simply cannot survive.

Without being promoted to Tier 4, having the extremely powerful essence of Tier 4, there is no way to resist the pressure of Strength around the world everywhere. Even if it is temporarily supported, it will sooner or later collapse and die.

In other words, the essence of beings that can survive in this place is at least 4th in nature.

A whole level is 4 levels.

There is no doubt that this is a terrible thing.

At this level of the natural disaster incarnation, although the Tier 4 existence is not a big deal, in fact, this does not mean that the Tier 4 existence is weak.

In fact, let alone put it in a trifling world with the realm, even if it is put in countless worlds, the 4th order existence belongs to the absolute Peak, is located at the top of the pyramid powerhouse, belongs to the absolute ruling class.

The so-called strength is only relatively speaking. For the natural disaster incarnation, the ordinary fourth-order existence is not much, but for ordinary creatures, this is already a terrifying existence like a god.

And now, the living creatures in this level, even if they are the weakest, are all above level 4.

After feeling this, the natural disaster incarnation could not help but be cautious and no longer as casual as before.

In such a terrifying hierarchy, Tier 4 is only the most common life, which also means that in this hierarchy, if there is no accident, there will probably be some more powerful existence.

Level 5 and even level 6 are possible.

The natural disaster incarnation is an incarnation formed by Adier’s own differentiation of origin to seize the strength of the former Disaster Lord’s strength.

After condensing and molding, because of the long-term weakness, this incarnation’s Strength not at all really reached the 7th grade level, and Strength has weakened. At this moment, the strength is only able to reach the 6th level that’s all.

Of course, although the strength has weakened, this does not mean that the strength of natural disaster incarnation will be weak.

In fact, although his strength is weak, he has the strength left by Adier, coupled with his own extraordinary nature, if he really fights with people, his strength will never be inferior to the 6th-level Peak.

Coupled with being in the realm, as the Disaster Lord, you will get the favor of the natural disaster world in the underworld, and there is a blessing of World consciousness invisible.

Various conditions are superimposed, although the strength of the natural disaster incarnation is weakened at this moment, as long as it does not encounter the real 7th grade, there are still not many problems.

Existing above the 7th grade, unless the 6th level Peak, otherwise it is impossible to be his opponent.

But be that as it may, but the natural disaster incarnation does not want to be too compelling.

The Scourge World is, after all, a Great World comparable to the Wizard World. There are a lot of 7th grades in it. If you wantonly act too much, and accidentally provoke several Disaster Lords, then the waves will turn over.

To be careful, the natural disaster incarnation still converges all its own breath, suppressing its own Strength reaction, leaving only a little weak breath remaining.

At this moment, from the appearance, he is an ordinary 4th order.

With this posture, the natural disaster incarnation moves all the way forward and continues to walk towards other regions.

He wanted to find a few native indigenous people and get some information about this world from the indigenous people.

Coming to this World, Disaster Lord can say at the moment that two eyes are smeared, even if he wants to do something, he can’t do it at all.

After experiencing many Worlds, Disaster Lord knew in his heart that this kind of two-eye blacking is the most dangerous. It is very possible that he has done something dangerous invisible, and he still does not know it.

In order to avoid this, Disaster Lord slowly moved forward and wanted to find a few natives.

In this search, I searched for a full six months.

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