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A terrifying breath circulated throughout the Wizarding World.

The 4th 7th grade stands side by side, and the result is amazing.

At this moment, as Adier stood side by side, the breath from all over him spread out, and the entire Wizard World began to move.

In the midst of meditation, the originally silent World consciousness seemed to have some fluctuations, and began to oscillate within the entire Wizard World, constantly rippling to the outside world.

The terrible prestige is still permeating.

Under the concerted efforts of the 4 7th grade wizards, in some areas of the Wizard World, some of the original silence, the existence of no sense of the outside world also began to wake up, and a pair of eyes began to open, looking towards the center of the World .

“Mother of the Earth …”

They looked at the center of the world, looking at the mother of the earth and the others standing in it, and there was a flash in their eyes.

“Silent for such a long time, now, is it time for the wizarding council to begin again.”

“At this time, the call begins, what is it for?”

“There is still a new powerful existence, with the breath of the mother of jade, is it the new generation of jade master?”

A pair of eyes opened from everywhere in the Wizard World, and at this moment, without exception, all looked towards the center of the World.

Afterwards, they pondered for a moment, and they all got up and walked out of their Land of Sealing.

“Will they come?”

Standing in the center of the World, he will spread his breath and feel the changes of the Wizard World. Adier looks calm and asks.

“Will do.”

Standing next to Adier, the mother of the earth maintained the previous appearance, showing people with a huge one-eyed image. At this moment, one eye was slightly shining, and it looked very unique: “After that war, that year Some of the wizards are sealed in the Scourge World, and some are sacrificed. “

“But there are only a few others besides us.”

“The wizards were very damaged because of the war that year, so they were not in the outside world and were in a deep sleep.”

“However, no matter how sleepy they are, they will wake up in the face of the same call from us.”

She spoke so, and her golden eyes shone slightly.

As the voice fell, Adier looked up.

In the distance, with the voice of Mother Earth falling, a silhouette appeared in front.

It was an extremely tall silhouette, covered with a layer of black armor. Even his face was covered by a mask, and there was a cold breath all over his body, which seemed very indifferent.

Judging by the dress of this man, it is more like a warrior than a wizard.

But no matter how he dresses up, that extremely powerful strength is not fake.

In the sense of Adier, the strength of the people in front of him is extremely powerful. As far as Strength is concerned, the fairy lord and the mother of the earth are not inferior to the other.

“Dear Lord of Silence, welcome you.”

Looking at the tall silhouette that came in front of him, the goblin master stepped forward and smiled.

Just in front of her, the King of Silence just looked up at her and then walked aside, seeing that she didn’t want to talk to her at all.

In this regard, the Goblin Lord is also used to it, just shrugged, and does not care.

“King of silence …”

Looking at the tall silhouette not far away, Adier’s face was calm and his heart moved: “Another familiar name …”

As early as when he was weak, Adier had browsed a lot of information and learned many ancient legends from it.

In some ancient legends, the existence of the King of Silence is a very high-frequency appearance.

Legend has it that the King of Silence was originally an ordinary person, but the body was cursed and the body became twisted, so he could only cover his body with armor, so that outsiders could not see him.

He possesses a powerful and terrifying Strength, but because of the curse in his body, he cannot speak, and can only keep silent until eternal death …

This was originally some ridiculous legend, just didn’t expect, but it has its True Master.

And the prototype of its existence is actually a powerful ancient wizard.

In Adier’s memory, there are many legends about the silent king in front of him, but the overwhelming majority is untrustworthy and unimaginable by mortals.

For example, the King of Silence is an ordinary person, and the story of Strength derived from curse is absolutely false.

What kind of curse can make an ordinary person get the strength of a 7th grade wizard?

If there is such a curse, it should also be called a gift, what curse.

Of course, the so-called legend has some credibility.

At least in front of me, according to Adier’s observation, there is indeed a part of cursed authority in the body of the Silent King.

This King of Silence, among the world powers he holds, is likely to have curse power.

Standing on the spot, quietly observing the appearance of the King of Silence for a while, Adier looked calm, and continued to look away.

In his sight, not far away, a silhouette in a black robe appeared, revealing his appearance here.

It was a middle-aged man who seemed to look the same as a normal person at a glance, except that a face was a bit vicious and very strange.

Although it looks like it is no different from a normal person, standing on the spot, Adier can see something, and can see the other person’s unique breath of obvious ordinary creatures.

At the moment of seeing each other, between the faint, Adier could not help raising a strong sense of disgust, when he saw the man in front of him, he could not help rising, as if he saw his enemy.

This feeling made Adier frown, and was subconsciously puzzled.

While he looked at the existence in the distance, and not far away, the existence in a black robe turned around, and a pair of muddy gray eyes looked at Adier.

Then, a smile appeared on his face.

“What a familiar breath …”

There was a smile on his face, and he seemed a little intoxicated: “I smell the gastronomy …”

“Majeon, pay attention to some …”

Aside, the goblin lord said lightly: “This one is the new king of jadeite, and it also inherits the great existence of the mother of jadeite.”

“Is it……”

Maijan turned around, looked at Adier, and could not help but shook the head: “It’s really a shame that the humble elf family can still emerge a divine presence.”


The faint light sound erupted in place.

At the moment of Mai Jie’s tone barely fell, Adier shot directly.

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