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A breath of terror brewed throughout the abyssal age within the realm.

A silent pulsation began to surge, echoing through the entire world.

In this brief moment, whether it is a 7th grade wizard of aloof and remote, or an ordinary 4th-level wizard, he can perceive the pulse of World Strength through the power of his True Spirit.

Abyss World has begun to recover.

The strength of the entire world started to recover.

In this brief moment, within the scope of the World, the strength of the layers of the abyss is surging, stirring from 4 sides.

An inexplicable change began to take place.

“my hand……”

In one corner, an elf wizard stared at his arm.

I saw in front of him, on his arm, a black scale was spreading, and a black mark appeared in it, which seemed to contain some unique pollution strength, which was polluting his body and mind.

In the wizard’s induction, an inexplicable Strength has invaded his body, and is now wreaking havoc in his body.

The power of pure True Spirit is rippling, and it can still be blocked within a short time, and the power of the layered abyss is blocked.

But if the time is long, the final result is probably unpredictable.

“My body is being polluted …”

As a sorcerer, he immediately understood his condition, and his face became ashamed.

This situation is not rare.

As they came to Abyss World, the time spent in the realm with the realm became longer, and the influence of Abyss World began to emerge.

Under the erosion of the power of the abyss, the body of each and everyone wizard began to be eroded, and various mutations began to appear on the body, which was terrifying at a glance.

That is the influence of the abyssal will.

Under the influence of the will of the abyss, the huge power of the abyss is eroding people’s mind and body, and it is necessary to corrode the person from in the depth of one’s soul, making it imprinted on the abyss, in the fallen abyss, and become a demon in the abyss .

This is the corrosion of the soul level. Starting from the depths of the heart, little by little traces the most painful and uncomfortable scenes in your heart, and then puts that feeling on the Great Accomplishment 1000 to 10000 times, hitting the mind in a moment. Empty.

Then the abyssal will can follow the trend, starting from the level of True Spirit, corroding your body and mind.

Of course, up to the present position, except for a handful of wizards with great defects in their minds, most wizards can maintain their own reason and keep themselves intact.

After all, the wizard is highly sensible.

A wizard who can be promoted to Tier 4 has a spiritual resistance that is far more comparable.

Except for the very few who are promoted by special means, and there are great defects on the spiritual level, many wizards can easily resist this level of erosion.

But this is just the beginning.

In the abyss world, within the realm, many wizards can feel that with the passage of time, the strength of the abyss World is gradually increasing, and the impact on many wizards has also begun to increase.

At first, it may be very weak, but in the end, it may reach an extremely horrible level.

If it reaches that level, I am afraid that many wizards will be eroded by the abyss and become minions of the abyss.

Feeling this, Chimudan couldn’t help shaking his head.

“We don’t have much time.”

“It’s a little troublesome.”

The mother of the earth also started slowly, and a huge one-eye gleamed, and the voice also seemed a little dignified at the moment: “Almost stop.”

“Build an array to protect the World Gate.”

“Then we will leave.”

“Let’s go.”

A faint voice rang around.

Chimudan and the mother of the earth were a little surprised. They turned around and looked aside, staring at Adier.

Standing in place, Adier’s face was calm, looking at the huge silhouette in the distance, lightly opened the mouth and said: “Leave this guy to me.”

“Jade Emperor.”

Chimudan was stunned for a moment, and was about to say something.

But at this time, Adier had already moved forward.

Crisp footsteps began to sound at 4 places.

Obviously a very clear voice, but at this time it seems to become the only melody of the entire world.

As Adier slowly moved forward, an inexplicable change began to take place.

Around the world within the realm, the strength, which had been changing all the time, was instantly healed. It seemed to be affected by the breath of some inexplicable existence and was suppressed.

This is not the result of the collision between Strength and Strength, but the phenomenon caused by the overflow of a single point of breath.

As Adier moved forward, a bland and magnificent, horrible and quiet breath came out.

Just like the opening of ancient times, the god of splitting heaven and earth apart opened his eyes, and in an instant, only the instinct of his breath overflowed, which caused boundless influence on the void of the ten thousand li, making the World a fixed form and a complete stereotype.

At this moment, as Adier keeps moving forward, the breath of his whole body overflows, a kind of horror power that is enough to split heaven and earth apart is also overflowing.

A faint shimmer is on, and the surrounding world begins to change.

The entire world is distorted by forcibly and changed back to its previous appearance.

Just living in the realm, there seems to be a concept.

There is an additional existence called Adier.

At the moment when Adier appeared, and the breath was revealed here, it was just the overflow of its own breath, so forcibly added a concept in the real world within the realm, juxtaposed it with gravity, Life and Death Law, and became a composition World-based concepts.

I haven’t really shot yet, just after it came, the whole Heaven and Earth is full of me.

At this moment, this concept constitutes a brand-new trend, converging here, moving forward, and gradually condensing into one after another sacred silhouette of Wei An, which emerges behind Adier.

At first, the devil Heraudi slowly raised his head.

The night was shrouded, and the dark mist formed by the evils of World shrouded his face, making it impossible to see his face, but despite this, many wizards could still see it from this king. Kind of grave expression.

Feeling that the turbulent trend that is condensing ahead and about to erupt, even the first demon who is in charge of the initial authority of the abyss can’t help being dignified at this moment, and can’t help facing the people in front of him.

“This kind of Strength …”

A faint sound rang here.

The sound spreads far away and sounds in the minds of countless people, but different voices emerge spontaneously, automatically adjusted to the most suitable frequency.

Of course, in reality, this is not a sound at all, but a voice of soul.

Facing Adier in the distance, the devil’s face was solemn at first, silently let go of the white deer in his hand, and released the original trapped fairy master.

In midair, the giant spirit eater whispered, and its sound rippled within the realm, causing four changes.

The two silhouettes faced each other, and the pure Soul Power began to collide.

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