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“In that case, I don’t mind playing with you.”

A faint voice fell in nothingness.

Outside the Abyss World, the Lord of the Earth Demon has a light smile on his face, looking at God of Death in the front, his eyes are calm and deep, and there is an endless swell and death, as if there are several Worlds in the world. Indefinitely, falling and breaking open.

A touch of majesty emerged from it. It was the majesty of the 8th order existence. Just a thread of aura overflowed, almost collapsed all around the void, affecting all directions.

Although it is not the same as the power of the road mastered by the Emerald, the kind of power is exactly the same, frightening and desperate.

Within the material world, looking at this scene, several divine beings have dignified faces.

Another Supreme God power.

Moreover, it is different from the previous jadeite.

The jadeite is indeed the 8th level, and he has mastered the path of the self, forming a self-sublimation. Its Life Level is still above the ordinary 8th level.

But no matter how extraordinary its own path is, it cannot change the fact that it is an intruder.

No matter how he is in God World, he will also be strongly suppressed by the material World. Even if he is an 8th-order existence, there is no exception. The strength of a body has not been really displayed, and it has been weakened a little in the invisible. .

The King of Earth Demons is different.

It is not only the indigenous of God World, but also the master who controls the entire abyss World.

After mastering the initial authority of Abyss World and acquiring Strength of Abyss World, it can be regarded as a representative of the abyss itself, but it is Supreme’s sacred existence.

Even if the former King of the Sun is alive, at the time of its Peak, it is at most equal to the King of the Earth Demon in front of him, and it is extremely respected in status.

Being in the abyssal world within the realm, the favor he received was no less than the blessing of God of Death by the material world, and even more so.

After all, to this day, the King of the Earth Demon is already the master of the Abyss World, and God of Death has the tendency to become the king of the gods despite the strength blessing of the Material World, but after all, it has not yet reached that step.

The same is true in terms of strength.

The potential of God of Death is powerful. If you give it enough time, the gods present have no doubt, and most of them can go to the end of the gods and become a new Supreme God.

But at this moment, he has not succeeded, and he is undoubtedly weaker than the already promoted Demon King.

2 The status and strength of the two are not equal.

In the face of the previous emerald rule, God of Death can use his material World background, and the material World consciousness assists this advantage to offset some of the difference in strength.

But face to face at this moment, the King of Demon, undoubtedly can not be so.

2 There is a gap in strength between the two, especially in terms of identity.


one after another silhouette began to gather here.

In the void, Mar completed his promotion and became a new generation of Goddess.

At this moment, she had just completed her promotion, and then came behind God of Death with Angola and the others, where she looked at God of Death with some worry.

As a god of destiny, no one knows the Strength of the Demon King at this moment better than her.

Once God of Death started at this moment, even if they were assisted by these gods, they would simply be an impossible victory.

At least in the picture of fate he saw, Mare could not see the slightest hope of victory.

Under her worried eyes, God of Death made some movements ahead.

Standing in a piece of nothingness, God of Death’s black robe is worn out, the heroic and muscular posture is as usual, and there is a touch of golden divine blood dripping on his body, which looks incomparably heroic.

He lifts the head and glances deeply at the king of earth demons in front of him, and finally speaks coldly: “This time will not end here.”

“Master of the abyss, I hope you will give me an explanation.”

The words fell and stood behind God of Death, Mar and the others could not help relaxing.

Look at this, this battle will not fight.

“do not worry.”

Looking at God of Death, the King of Earth Demons has a careless smile on his face, and he looks confident: “I specially prepared a gift for you.”

“You will definitely be satisfied.”

“hope so…..”

God of Death’s face was cold, listening to this, he glanced deeply at the Demon King before turning around and leaving.

Looking at the silhouette of God of Death and the others leaving, within the Abyss World, the smile on the face of the Earth Demon King remains the same, so they watch them leave.

“You just let them go?”

In the void, a voice continued to sound.

The God of Destruction, a deep black robe, came to the side of the Earth Demon King at this moment.

He stood there, looking at the silhouette of the Earth Demon King, with some puzzled expression in his face: “Are you sure not to do something?”

The God of Destruction refers to a group of people like Adier.

In his view, after looting the previous Strength of the Abyss World, and by the way hitting the power of the gods, those exotic sacred effects have disappeared.

The best choice at this moment should be to join forces with God of Death and others, and leave it in the abyss world within the realm, and use their origin to make the abyss world more powerful.

But the Lord of Earth Demons did not do this. Not only did they let them calmly leave, but they appeared specifically at the gate where they were chased by God of Death, blocking God of Death and the others directly.

Such actions make the God of Destruction somewhat unreadable.

“What should I do?”

The Earth Demon King had a familiar smile on his face, looked at the God of Destruction on the side, and then took the head: “I can’t do anything.”

“The emerald dominates, not at all showing his full strength.”

“Once it breaks out, even if I join forces with God of Death, I can’t really keep it.”

“Isn’t such a terrifying Strength his full strength?”

The God of Destruction was a little surprised and felt a little surprised.

I have to say that Adier’s play is very similar, everything shown is quite satisfactory.

If it were not so, impossible deceive those gods.

You should know that even though the gods are not at level 8, they are also sacred after all. They also have some knowledge about the level of level 8.

If Adier’s play is too fake, simply cannot deceive them.

Including the God of Destruction, I thought Adier was really hit hard. If the King of Earth Demon also took action, he would be able to leave it behind.

But listening to the words of the Earth Demon King, it seems that this is not the case.

“If so, why did he behave so far?”

Looking at the King of Earth Demons in front of him, the God of Destruction could not help frowning, and at this moment a doubt raised.

The Earth Demon King glanced at him, his smile on his face unchanged: “Do you really think that God of Death is trying to kill him?”


The God of Destruction was stunned for a while, and then suddenly reacted, somewhat unbelievable.

“What do you mean by saying?”

He was a little surprised, even with the wisdom of the deity, this moment was shocked.

“Not bad.”

The Earth Demon King said softly: “Like me, God of Death is mostly collused with those sacred worlds.”

“And its collusion level is probably deeper than mine …”

The god of destruction unable to bear glanced at the king of earth demons.

So for a long time, you seem to be killed or killed, but you actually beat yourself?

The god of destruction cannot to bear thought about the result of this time, and finally couldn’t help but be surprised.

In the foreign invasion of this time, the three parties finally seem to have gained a lot of benefits.

Among them, the King of Earth Demon has obtained benefits, not only using those old wizards who have reinvented the Abyss World by those exotic wizards, successfully obtained the authority of the Abyss World, but also been able to promote Supreme God.

God of Death not only approached Supreme God’s power under the slaughter atmosphere, but also gained the favor of the material world and defended the reputation of the gods.

After this battle, if there is no accident, most of them can inherit the status of the Sun King and become the next Supreme God King.

As for the final Adier, its gains are also not small.

Not to mention the origin of the Abyss World and the Sun King, it is enough that it is only able to advance to level 8.

Calculated in this way, in the event of this time, the three parties have nearly won, and only the gods of the abyss and material world have lost.

the thoughts got to this point, the God of Destruction couldn’t help but feel a horror, even if it was a sacred existence, it couldn’t help but feel a shock.

“No need to be so nervous.”

A glance at the god of destruction, the Lord of Earth Demon, laughed, and he did not care about his reaction.

After God of Death retreated, the Lord of Earth Demons did not want to stay in this place, and left the place directly with the God of Destruction.

And on the other side.

Within the Wizarding World.

The gate of the golden world slowly opened, where it stood like a portal to the ancient Divine King, with a faint golden radiance flashing.

The bursts of World radiance spread, accompanied by World Gate throughput, and the wizards of each and everyone evacuated from them.

Those wizards who had followed many ancient wizards on expeditions now, with Adier’s order, each and everyone also began to return.

Because the actions of this time Adier and the others went smoothly, these middle and low-level wizards were not at great loss. Except for some bad luck wizards, few people basically fell.

The number of its falls can only be regarded as a small number compared with the number of people who traveled this time.

And unlike the past expeditions, almost all of the people who went on expeditions this time returned with full harvest.

At the beginning of the abyss, coupled with the later material world, the two worlds are the kind of rich resources, but they are resistant to the strength is not strong World.

In these two worlds within the realm, with the strength of the wizards who went on this expedition, you can easily gain a lot.

Because of this, after the battle at this time was over, almost all the returning wizards had a smile on their faces, and there was a warm atmosphere around them, and the joy of victory.

For a time, the surrounding scenes looked harmonious.

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