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Looking at the God of Death in front of him, listening to the conditions of God of Death, the Lord of Earth Demon’s face was calm, so nodded.

The voice fell, and behind God of Death, the gods secretly relaxed.

Opening the Abyss World to allow the gods to enter it is one of the bottom lines of the gods.

If this condition is not agreed, this battle is destined to start.

Now that the King of Earth Demon has agreed, then there is still talk, and it will not be the last step.

Despite their huge power, to be honest, the gods are actually very afraid of the strength of the Abyss World.

Although there are few gods in the Abyss World, each one is Supreme God, and has the Strength blessing of the Abyss World.

3 sacred, is the 3 Supreme God power.

Although such strengths are far inferior to them in number, they will certainly not be better once they really fight.

Even if it can win in the end, before that time, I am afraid that many gods will also fall with them and be buried together with them.

Now that we can get everything at the negotiating table without doing it, it is naturally a good thing.

Thinking of this, the gods secretly relaxed, and then continued to look towards their eyes, continue to listen to this negotiation enough to affect the entire God World.

Under their eyes, the negotiations in front of them continued.

“Second, hand over the technology of World Gate and the coordinates of that World.”

Sitting there quietly, God of Death’s breath was deep, and at this moment all his body was shrouded in the radiance of the material World consciousness, and the whole person looked so sacred.

The massive Strength is blessed on it, and the horrible World Strength is hovering over it, wrapping it together.

That was the strength of the Strength of the Material World. It is so blessed on him at this moment, making him look so sacred and so noble.

Under the Strength of Material World, he stood there quietly, just looking at his eyes, and spoke coldly.

The icy voice fell, and behind God of Death, the originally calm gods suddenly gave a shock.

The technology of World Gate is undoubtedly extremely important for God World.

In the past countless years, the whole God World never went out to develop because of World’s own mechanism.

God World is shrouded in a mist, and the creatures inside God World will be shrouded in that mist once they try to step outside the world, preventing them from returning to God World.

This also made the development of foreign world impossible.

After all, if you go out and find that you ca n’t go home, then you probably do n’t have much to think about.

God World’s mechanism was originally intended to protect God World so that it will not be attacked by external enemies. Its own coordinates cannot be easily captured by the outside world, but in the end it limits the development of God World.

Because it is not easy to develop, naturally, God World has become a blank in terms of the technology of the boundary sea, and it can be said that there is basically no.

The Wizard World is a big expert in this respect.

As the source of World War from the beginning of birth, conquering the other world and growing up by this, the World of Wizards has accumulated in this respect is extremely strong, definitely far exceeding 99% of the World.

In this respect, apart from the natural disasters such as the Scourge World, which continue to invade other worlds and have the same nature as the Wizard World, there is not much Boundary Energy comparable to it.

It can be seen from before.

The sacred and massive invasion of God World by Wizard World is obviously not accidental, but a premeditated thing.

If there is not enough mature cross-border technology as a support, this kind of attack on the world is almost impossible.

The gods see this situation in their eyes, and naturally are very excited about the cross-border technology mastered by the wizards.

The World Gate technology developed by the Wizard World was finally summed up by the joint efforts of countless ancient wizards, which is enough to support the long-distance crossing.

If the gods can obtain this technology, they can naturally overcome the obstacles of God World’s mechanism and truly get out of God World.

For the gods in front of him, this is naturally a huge temptation.

Although God World is good, there are many gods in it.

Being in it, although it can reach a certain level, if you want to go further, you must face other divine beings.

Rather than doing so, it is better to open up and plunder in other worlds.

For God of Death, it is also necessary to obtain the cross-border technology of World Gate.

In addition to completing Adier’s plan, if he wants to stay in the realm within the realm and maintain his status as the king of the gods for a long time, the technology of the World Gate is also necessary.

In the realm, within the realm, after the 8000 years of World transformation, the population of the realm within the realm has grown significantly, and now the number of creatures in it is enough to carry the gods.

But this is still not enough.

People will never be satisfied, as spirits, to pursue upward, this is one of the meanings of their existence, even if it is the gods.

Material World has limited resources, and no matter how it develops, there is still a limit.

The aggressive spirits of the gods are infinite.

When they have completely stabilized their position, they will naturally look forward and want to go further.

God World ’s resources are limited. At that time, the gods will still go the old way, and they will spontaneously stare at the believers of other deities and continue to start the process of contention.

This process may be long or short, but as long as the current pattern does not change, it will certainly happen.

At that time, the contradiction will gradually escalate, and the currently united gods will once again face the situation of collapse, having to separate several camps and fight each other.

And once the situation evolves to this point, God of Death will also follow the old road of the Sun King.

Therefore, the technology of World Gate is indispensable to God of Death.

Behind God of Death, the consciousness of the material World began to fluctuate, and with the voice of God of Death, its Strength began to rumble at this moment.

Although it does not have its own wisdom, the instinct of the material world still has a desire for the gate of the world, and the instinct feels the great benefits of this.

With the whistling of material World consciousness, the breath of God of Death gradually became horrible, and in this brief moment became more profound.

He sat there, looking at the Earth Demon King so calmly, waiting for his answer.

Under the gaze of the gods, at this time, the King of Earth Demons did not hesitate and laughed directly.

“Actually, you don’t need to say, the technology of World Gate, I will give you.”

He sat there, looking at the God of Death in front of him, and could n’t help laughing: “After all, some too large prey ca n’t be completely eaten by me alone, with my Strength.”

Too big a prey …

Listening to the words of the King of Earth Demon, the gods present couldn’t help moving.

The strength of the Earth Demon King is already 8th level, and the Supreme God power level of equivalent to God World is not much different from that of the former Sun King.

And beside him, there are two Supreme God powers of the Destruction God and the original devil Hera Udi.

Three Supreme Gods have joined forces, and such a prey that cannot be eaten in one breath, what kind of World will it be?

the thoughts got to this point, the gods present could not be moved by their hearts.

The face of God of Death couldn’t help but change, and it seemed to be a little surprised: “You really mastered the coordinates of the World?”


The Earth Demon King shook his head, the smile on his face remained the same: “Those people are not that stupid.”

“Since I have made a deal with me and come to our World to make a fortune, how can we stay behind and give us the opportunity to do this?

“What I have is another World.”

He said so, then waved his hand gently.

In his hands, a world coordinate begins to shine, and under the support of the strength of the Earth Demon King, it begins to show.

Faintly, in the void, there seems to be a huge and boundless world coming.

The power of natural disasters is sweeping, a vast world that has traversed the border sea for countless years, and the huge origin of the conquest of myriad worlds has begun to emerge, and it emerges at this moment.

The brilliance belonging to the world is overflowing. Above the illusory shadow of the world, a natural disaster lord swept across the myriad worlds, enslaved the souls, and the scene of occupying the world continued to emerge.

The kind of glory that belongs to the World first appeared, and immediately made the whole God World react.

At the moment when the breath of Scourge World appeared and appeared in God World, the entire God World began to react.

The originally silent great consciousness began to recover, and in this brief moment began to become active spontaneously.

A silent will began to come, and it emerged at this moment, and was revealed at this moment.

The will of the entire God World began to fluctuate, and there was some reaction to the appearance of Scourge World’s breath.

A feeling of excitement began to brew, flooding the entire God World, and was felt by many gods present.

It was a reaction from other origin World, which gradually diffused at this moment, rippling through the entire God World.

In fact, not to mention God World itself, even the gods themselves, when they feel the breath of Scourge World at this moment, they are also shocked.

“这… .this World… ..”

They feel the brilliance of Scourge World, and feel the inside light of Scourge World, the majestic light of World. This moment is stunned, and I don’t know what to say.

An instinctive desire came to their hearts, that is the desire for the origin World, rooted in the origin of any sacred existence.

“A world not inferior to the gods, and the original World of the previous World …”

Sitting opposite the Lord of Earth Demon, feeling the breath of Scourge World, God of Death sighed softly, then slowly raised his head and looked at the Lord of Earth Demon in front of him.

“So precious World coordinates, dominated by the abyss, how did you get it?”

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