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After God of Death formulated countermeasures and chose to stay on the outer layers of Scourge World to start construction and slow down its attack on Scourge World, the situation in front of him began to calm down.

On the one hand, the gods are busy building new sites, ready to vigorously develop on these sites, and build well to save strength as much as possible.

On the other hand, on the side of the Scourge World, the Disaster Lords are also accumulating strength.

Facing the danger of World overthrow, under the external pressure, the Disaster Lords gradually united, and gradually reached consensus under the leadership of the Red Lord and the Endless Lord.

Disaster Lords, who had fallen asleep in the past, came out and woke up from their deep sleep.

On the other hand, while being suppressed by God World, Scourge World did not completely stop its actions and began to actively expand outward.

On the one hand, they need to plunder Strength from other worlds to supplement their own strength. On the other hand, this is also their hope for breaking through.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that now, with the God World side slowing down the offensive, the two World competitions have gradually evolved into a comprehensive strength competition.

In this case, who develops faster will naturally have an advantage in the next time.

Simply in the comparison of absolute strength, Scourge World is already at a disadvantage. If it does not continue to exert force and strive to plunder other world, I am afraid that it will really not need to continue to fight.

In terms of World development, Scourge World still has an advantage.

After all, Scourge World is a World that has been developing outward since the beginning of ancient times. It can be described as experienced in this respect.

Compared with Scourge World, during these times, the gods of God World have also tried to open up, but in this respect, in the end, it can not be compared with Scourge World.

In this way, the gods of God World are busy building, and the Disaster Lords of Scourge World are busy plundering.

For a while, 2 different Worlds calmed down slowly, and it was so peaceful for a long time.

In this way, World slowly passed.

Unconsciously, more than 10000 years have passed.

More than 10000 years later, with a soft whistle, in the sense of the gods, the last trace of natural disasters belonging to this level completely disappeared and was engulfed by God World.

This level is completely engulfed by God World, where the traces left by Scourge World are completely disappeared.

Feeling this, all the gods couldn’t help but show their joy, and began to slowly look forward to the other levels of Scourge World.

At the same time, the Disaster Lords of Scourge World are also ready.

Both sides are very clear in their hearts. With God World completely digesting that level, another battle between Scourge World and God World is about to begin.

After 300 years, as the two sides expected, the war was started again.

Under the leadership of God of Death and the Lord of Earth Demon, God World launched an offensive against Scourge World.

each and everyone The powerful gods continue to move forward, rushing into the Scourge World at this moment.

The first obstacle they faced was the defense built by the Disaster Lords.

In these 10000 years, the Disaster Lords of Scourge World did not do nothing.

When they made a big foray and plundered to other world, they also actively arranged various means, laying a layer of protective great formation between different levels.

These protective great formations become the first layer obstacles faced by the gods.

Soon, a war broke out.

In the nothingness, the gods and Disaster Lords fought fiercely, and the two fight in the nothingness, distorting the nothingness.

This battle lasted for 3000 years, and the digital deities and the Disaster Lord fell and fell to this place.

In the war, a Disaster Lord from the Scourge World performed extremely well. Not only did he show the strength of the 7th grade Peak in the battle, but he also retired to the god of destruction and fought for the Disaster Lord. Precious time.

This Disaster Lord is no one else, it is the natural disaster incarnation, which is known as the existence of the Lord of Destruction by both parties.

After 10000 years of gestation, he has now succeeded in taking it further, turning it into 7th grade Peak, which is about to touch the field of 8 grades.

It’s just that despite the outstanding performance in this time’s battle, a 7th grade Peak can’t change anything.

Regardless of the efforts of the Disaster Lord, such as the Lord of Destruction, and how to fight in this time of war, the Disaster Lord side still retreated and had to evacuate from the Second Stage of the Scourge World, giving this place to the gods.

Subsequently, the 2nd floor of Scourge World was occupied by the gods.

As expected by many Disaster Lords.

After occupying the 2nd floor of the Scourge World, God of Death did not continue to attack, but instead continued to play steadily, began construction in it, and slowly transformed this level.

Looking at it like this, if this level is not completed, the gods will not continue to shoot.

For this situation, the Disaster Lord secretly sighed in relief while sighing in his heart.

They knew that the situation was slowly leaning against them.

If this situation continues in front of you, as time passes slowly, sooner or later, Scourge World will be completely occupied by the other party.

Even if they knew this, they had no way to deal with this situation.

Subsequently, another 20000 years passed.

After 20000 years of silence developed, the gods launched an offensive again, attacking the side of the Scourge World.

Faced with the offensive of the gods at this time, many Disaster Lords once again called Spirit and poured into nothingness.

2 The war between the two starts again.

At this time, an uninvited guest at the core of the Scourge World took advantage of the war between the two in the void.

The faint jadeite gleamed, slowly illuminating above the land.

At the core of Scourge World, Adier is a black robe, striding on this strange land.

The land in front of him is very strange to Adier.

It should be said that it is very strange to all wizards.

This is the core of the Scourge World, and it is the real heartland. In the past, except for some sacred people who were suppressed by the Disaster Lords, no wizard can get here alive.

Even during the War of the Ancients, when the Wizards’ Expeditionary Forces entered the Scourge World, the wizards did not reach this core place, only came to the periphery of the Scourge World.

To some extent, Adier may be the only wizard in the Wizarding World who has arrived alive in this area.

the thoughts got to this point, Adier could not help looking up, looking at the outside world.

The ground in front of me seemed normal at a glance, with mountains, trees and water, and the scenery was very nice at a glance.

But if you look closely, you will find the difference.

At the heart of the Scourge World, nothing in this place is ordinary.

Every grass and every piece of soil is a rare treasure. If it is placed in the outside world, it is enough to be robbed by countless people, but it is everywhere in this place.

Even if it seems to be ordinary water, it is also the water that contains the strength of the law. If it is drunk by mortals, it will immediately be contaminated with Law Aura, which will cause various changes.

On the sky, several suns of different colors shine on the sky, but they are very strange and reflect the radiance of pale-gold.

Standing on the ground, Adier looked up silently, looking towards the sky.

Unlike some Worlds, the structure of Scourge World is different from other worlds. The sun in them is not a star, but a huge original body piled up by countless Worlds.

In the past years, countless Disaster Lords conquered other worlds, occupied other worlds, and entered the realm, which slowly condensed into the sun on the horizon.

Those suns hang above the sky, burning the remains of other worlds, but releasing the pure origin Strength, shining on the spirits, will cause the life level of the spirits to begin to morph, and quietly complete a kind of Fierce transformation.

At different levels, the source of light you enjoy is also different.

At the outermost level, because of the transmission and fluctuation of the source light through layers of interfaces, it is constantly weakened. By the outermost level, it has become an ordinary brilliance. The source strength contained in it is very small.

But within this core area, the situation is naturally different.

As far as Adier senses the situation at this moment, within this core area, the light of the source reflected in it is extremely powerful, almost reaching a limit.

Even for the existence above level 4, there are great benefits.

If an ordinary creature can be lucky enough to come to this level, it doesn’t even need to do anything. It only needs to bathe this source of light in this area, and it can continue to complete the transformation above Life Level.

Becoming a formal wizard, or even a stronger presence, is only a matter of time that’s all.

It can even be said that to a certain extent, in order to survive in this core area, in addition to the 4th level requires its own aptitude and effort, the level below the 4th level, only need to be exposed to sunlight can automatically have.

It makes people feel suffocated easily.

Under such favorable conditions, there are naturally many powerhouses in this place.

At least in front of me, Adier saw no creatures below level 3.

Walking randomly on this land, Adier’s face was calm, and he walked silently in one direction.

The pale-gold’s sunlight shone on him, so that he was stained with a golden color, like a golden feather coat.

Adier walked slowly in this way, toward his destination.

He was naturally unfamiliar with Scourge World.

However, with the existence of the natural disaster incarnation, after the sharing of memory, Adier has gradually gained some understanding of the terrain of the natural disaster world.

And the destination he went to at the moment is also very clear.

Nothing else, it was the place where the ancient wizard expeditionary army was sealed.

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