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Standing on the spot, looking at Adier who suddenly appeared in front of him, the purple haired man was stunned.

Although it has been falling for many years, and now only the last mark and the source are still supported, but he was once a sacred person, how could he be touched behind him without realizing it?

Being able to do this can only show one fact.

The Adier in front of him is at least as powerful as he was at the time, and even surpassed it. It cannot be impossible to have this performance.

A divine presence of at least 7th grade.

The purple haired man was a little shocked.

He is not the mother of Emerald and has no close relationship with Adier on Bloodline, so it is not clear about Adier’s dynamics.

At this moment, his impression of Adier still remained 10,000 years ago, when he was promoted to the rank 4 wizard.

Now that tens of thousands of years has passed, have the weak wizards of that year now grown to a sacred level?

He couldn’t help being trance, with some shock.

The promotion of the divine existence is not so easy.

The entire wizarding world within the realm, since the war of the ancients, I do n’t know how long the years have passed, but until now, there has not been a new 7th grade sacred, which shows its difficulty.

If Adier is really promoted to the sacred level, it must be that the world first place has been promoted to the holy wizard since countless years?

There is still a gap between his ideas and the facts, but the gap is not big.

To a certain extent, as the World Star bred in this era of Wizard World, Adier is indeed the first place the Wizard World has promoted since the ancient war.

Standing on the spot, looking at her face calmly, her appearance seemed to be exactly similar to the past, and she seemed to have changed a lot of Adier. The purple haired man was a little trance, but still reacted quickly.

“You are here to rescue the mother of Emerald, or for something else?”

Looking at Adier, he gently opened the mouth and said.

The sacredness of the Wizard World appears here, so it is only possible to come to rescue them.

In front of him, looking at the purple haired man, Adier looked calm and gently nodded.

“You are one step late.”

Purple haired man sighed softly, opened the mouth and said: “Mother Emerald and several other lords have exhausted their strength and fallen into an eternal sleep.”

“If you come here in the morning for 10000 years, you may still be able to see her, but now, you can only see me.”

“Even, if you stay a few thousand years in the evening, I won’t even see it.”

“Although it is a step late, it is always better than not coming.”

Standing in place, Adier shook the head, said softly.

He could feel that the presence of the mother of jadeite had disappeared.

At that time, when Adier was still weak, the strength of the mother of jade had not disappeared. Therefore, there were still some strengths, which could even cross the world, to assist Adier, who was still very weak at the time, and gave him the strength of the jade mark.

But until now, after a long time, the strength of the mother of emeralds has withered away. At this moment, he can no longer maintain his existence and continue to keep his own will awake.

However, although her will fell into an eternal sleep, her traces still exist, and that unique trajectory still exists in this place, tightly suppressed by this piece of Land of Sealing.

For Adier, this is enough.

For these divine beings, their own fall and falling into an eternal sleep does not mean that they will disappear forever.

As long as some traces of itself still exist, the traces spread through this point, and as time goes on, there will be a day of continuous recovery after all.

In God World, those gods that have fallen in the past are recovered in this way.

Now that the gods of God World can, so the mother of jadeite, and even other sacred ones, can naturally.

Standing in place, Adier sensed it carefully.

There is a burst of breath around, and a unique trajectory is formed here, which is very special.

In all around, in addition to the trace of the mother of jade still exists, the remaining sacred traces still exist, and they have not completely disappeared at this moment.

This is the result of countless years of suppression by the Scourge World.

From the battle of ancient times to this era, at least tens of thousands of years or more have passed.

But until now, the trajectory of these suppressed holy existences still exists.

This shows how tenacious the life force of the divine existence is.

Of course, this is also because the suppression here is not a single sacred, but a large number of sacred sake.

At least in front of me, at least at this moment in Adier’s reaction, this place was suppressed by a sacred existence, at least no less than ten, of which there are also two of the eighth-order sacred.

It was such a huge quantity that was suppressed together, so that they were able to persist for so long.

Otherwise, if it is a sacred person who has been suppressed for such a long World, I am afraid it has already disappeared at this moment, and even the last trajectory will be completely gone.

The thoughts got to this point, standing on the spot, Adier could not help shaking his head.

“How do you take us out?”

In front of him, looking at Adier, the purple haired man spoke softly, at this moment he couldn’t help asking.

“This place is guarded by the Scourge World all year round, and there are even several Disaster Lords stationed here all year round. They are very strong and it is not easy to go out.”

“Do you have any way to avoid these people and take us out of this place?”

Looking at Adier, the purple haired man could not help asking.

This is indeed a problem.

The structure of the Land of Sealing in front of me is special. It is a prison created by the Disaster Lords of the Scourge World.

No matter what method is used, if you want to break out of this place, you will inevitably alarm the guard of this place, impossible has an accident.

Adier in front of me may have a way to get in from the outside, but I’m afraid it’s not easy to go out.

At least for the long time it was suppressed, the purple haired man did not think about the means of getting out, but no matter what the method was, it was finally rejected by him.

no way.

Being in the Scourge World, and wanting to escape from the prison of the Disaster Lords’ traits, and wanting not to disturb the Scourge World, is itself an incredible thing.

However, since the Adier in front of him dare to come in person and can even enter this place under the circumstances of many Disaster Lord unconsciously, then he must have his grasp.

Therefore, at this moment, the purple haired man can’t help but be curious about Adier’s way out.

What surprised him was that, in front of him, listening to his words, Adier took the head.

“There is no special way.”

Standing on the spot, Adier’s face was calm, and he turned silently to look at the outside world, and said gently: “Just type it out.”

The faint words fell, and suddenly, the purple haired man in front of him froze.

Then in the next moment, he saw the radiance of Adier’s body gradually brighten in front of him, and at this moment he continued to spread outward.

The huge strength is brewing, and a deep jadeite power is roaring, with a kind of authority breath that is very familiar, rippling at this moment.

4 parties were disturbed.

With Adier’s own breath revealed, the entire Land of Sealing began to turmoil.

A wave of changeable situation began. In the midair, the ripples of one after another ran across and spread towards all directions.

The terrifying Strength roared, spreading towards the entire Land of Sealing in midair, almost shaking the entire world.

Hong long! !

The earth began to oscillate, and the vast Strength crossed the sky without the discoloration of the severe li rivers and mountains. At this moment, it was enveloped by a force of jade and gradually transformed.


Looking at Adier’s movement in front of him, the purple haired man was stunned for a moment. At this moment, the complexion changed, and he suddenly looked up into the air.

Sure enough, with his gaze, in the mid-air, an invisible ripple swept across, the vast Strength is gradually rising.

Among them, with the emergence of a little bit of the power of natural disasters, a pair of huge eyes slowly emerged, without the slightest emotional fluctuations, just like the World consciousness that dominates a World, aloof and remote, no human nature.

With the appearance of these eyes, the entire Land of Sealing was trembling gently, the terrifying Strength was oscillating, and at this moment a unique wave emanated, sweeping towards this place.

The branding of the one after another rule began to spontaneously form, and at this moment it became one after another chain, pressing down towards the place where Adier was located.

The pressure of terror is coming, as if the entire world has begun to recover. At this moment, it is aimed at the existence of Adier, and it will be suppressed in an instant.

“Suffering …”

Looking at this scene, purple haired man complexion ashen.

Those eyes in midair are the means left over by the Disaster Lords at that time, and they have gathered all the Strength Brands of the Disaster Lord, gathered here to form a unique existence, whose Strength is not inferior to the higher sacred.

If you are in this Land of Sealing, plus the strength possessed by this particular Land of Sealing, the two are combined with each other, and the strength that burst out is enough to suppress a 2th grade in an instant, even if a 7th grade The sacredness of Peak will also be suppressed to a certain extent in this place, and it is absolutely impossible to break out in a short time.

And once they can’t break out immediately and are blocked by this World, then the Disaster Lords who are responsible for guarding this place will react immediately and quickly come.

Even more terrifying, it is likely that the Disaster Lords of the entire Scourge World will be alarmed and will all come here.

At that time, I am afraid that no one can save.

In midair, a wave of horrible ripples traversed continuously, and the chains condensed by the one after another law kept rising and falling, so it fell down like this.

Only then, looking at the scene in front of him, the purple haired man was helpless.

When the terrifying Strength came over, standing in place, Adier’s face was calm, and he seemed to care about everything in front of him.

On him, an unprecedented and powerful power slowly emerged.

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