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In the center of Wizard World, a welcome meeting is being held.

Gafina and the others were a little surprised to see Adier returning from the Scourge World.

Earlier, when Adier said that he would personally go to Scourge World to rescue the mother of the Emerald and the others, Gafina thought it was just an unrealistic idea.

In the past, many wizards of the Wizard World did not think about going to the Scourge World within the realm, rescue the mother of the Emerald and the others, and even made many attempts for this.

But all these attempts ended in failure.

No matter what they do, the Disaster Lords of Scourge World are the barriers they cannot avoid.

When the strength is not as good as Scourge World, no matter what they do, the end result is the same.

Therefore, when Adier said so before, they thought that the result of Adier this time will also be the same as in the past.

But didn’t expect, but ultimately succeeded.

They could not help but be surprised and surprised.

“James, you are finally back.”

Aside, looking at the purple haired man in front of her, the mother of the earth spoke softly, and there was a brisk voice in her voice: “How does it feel to return to the wizard world?”

“It feels great.”

The purple haired man named James Li laughed lightly and said at this moment: “For such a long time, I almost thought I was going to die over there, but didn’t expect to have a chance to come back in the end.”

“It’s great to be able to step on the land of Wizard World again and see you again.”

“The kingdom you used to be in is now north, and it has been sealed since you fell.”

Beside Gafina, Chimoudan was black robe, gently laughed.

In the original God World campaign, after returning to the Wizard World, under the leadership of Adier, several wizards of the God World expedition took action together, and each issued a Strength to wake up the past few wizards.

Chimudan is also among them, as early as 10,000 years ago, he has returned, and now nourished by the origin of Strength, Peak has been restored.

Beside him, a black-robed, indifferent-looking man stood there, his breath a little similar to Chimudan, but with some difference.

This is McDonnell, and has also been promoted to 7th grade at this moment, becoming a sacred.

Before Adier proposed to conquer God World, as a World Star in this era, Macdo’s strength had reached the 6th level Peak level.

In the subsequent World conquest, he also had a lot of gains within God World, so he was promoted successfully after returning to the Wizard World, and became a 7th grade sacred in this tens of thousands of years.

Not only him, but also in the Wizard World at the moment, there are two other people who have also benefited from God World ’s conquest, and they have been promoted to the 2th grade.

In addition to Adier, this is the 7th grade for the first time since the Hundreds of Thousands of Witcher World is holy.

“My real body has already fallen in the past, and there is only a little brand left at the moment.”

In front of him, looking at the many wizards present, James was deeply sighed and said: “If you want to restore your past strength, I am afraid it will take a long time.”

“It’s ok.”

Looking at Jamri, Chimudan laughed: “In the recent period, we have found several great Great Worlds. When the time comes, as long as these World Raiders are used, the source of strength is Strength. Give it to you in parts, which will definitely speed up your recovery. “

“That’s a problem.”

Listening to Chimudan’s words, James also did not shirk, nodded with a smile.

“For the time being, I’m not in a hurry.”

Standing in the middle of several ancient wizards, listening to the conversation between the two Chimudan, Adier said softly: “Now, the world of God World and the Scourge World has begun to explode. If nothing happens, we still have a long time to go Cultivate slowly, don’t be too anxious. “

He said so, turning the attention of several people around him at once.

“How is the battle between Scourge World and God World going on?”

Looking at Adier in front of him, Chimudan asked.

Around, the other wizards also turned around, apparently paying close attention to this issue.

This is no wonder.

The battle between Scourge World and God World is related to their future choices and decisions.

At this moment, they naturally have to pay close attention to this.

“A bit bad …”

Feeling the sight of several people present, Adier spoke softly, then waved his hand.

A little light of jadeite appeared, and it just appeared around.

In it, scene after scene gradually began to emerge.

A deep darkness began to emerge, that is the eternal void.

The void is deep and immense, in which there seems to be no matter or life, only an endless darkness, no light at all.

At this moment, in this boundless darkness, there is boundless light rising.

one after another glory keeps rising and falling again.

In the nihility, two kinds of completely different, but yet revealing the light of the world with a unique essence, emerged at this moment.

These two World Lights represent Scourge World and God World respectively.

In the light of these 2 worlds, nearly 100 stars slowly appeared in it and emerged at this moment.

One after another stars flickered in nothingness, fighting each other, all covered with a strong light of authority, with that kind of unique essence, representing the divine existence of one person.

At the moment, nearly 100 stars are shrouded here, and the result is even more terrifying.

The darkness is illuminated by it, and the light is born at this moment, the entire world has undergone all kinds of changes and has a new and unique feeling.

Indistinctly, the clash of nearly 100 stars directly made the World in front of them extremely bright, like a brand-new World was born, and it looked very bright.

Looking at the scene presented in front of him, many of the wizards present at the scene were slightly changed. Rao was already mentally prepared. This moment was still shocked.

The strength of God World is very strong.

For this, they had already known it before the invasion of God World.

Earlier, the reason why they were able to invade God World and plunder in God World, but they played a neutral gear that’s all.

At that time, the ancient gods were shot down by Peak, and within the entire world, even a few sacred people in Peak could not be found.

But once God World restores Peak and regains the strength of Peak period, then the strength of God World will be terrifying.

Once it broke out, it was enough to scare anyone.

The strength of Scourge World is equally strong.

In ancient times, Witcher World and Scourge World had been entangled for a long time. The two sides were deadly enemies. Naturally, they knew each other’s strength very well.

The two worlds collide together, and the outbreak of the battle must be terrifying.

For this, many of the gods present were already expected.

But although they expected, they didn’t expect that this battle was terrifying to this point.

Nearly 100 battlefields with sacred existence.

What is this concept?

Looking at the scene in front of him, the sorcerer’s face was dignified. At this moment, he had no idea what to say.

“Look at it like this, if there is no accident, the Scourge World may be defeated sooner or later.”

Looking at the scene in front of his eyes, McCaydough’s face was solemn, and he made such a judgment at this moment.

This is an obvious fact.

On the battlefield in front of us, God World’s sacred number is nearly three times that of Scourge World.

The amount of such terror is enough to overwhelm everything, even if there is a local advantage.

Over time, it was destined to be a dead end.

“Even if you want to die, with the foundation of Scourge World, you can at least last a long time.”

Looking at the scene in front of him, Adier said softly: “According to the play of God World in front of me, this battle may continue for hundreds of thousands of years.”

The voice fell, and the several wizards present were helplessly nodded.

God World’s style of play, even in their opinion, is too safe, and it makes people feel horrified.

Under the leadership of God of Death, every time the gods attacked a layer of World, they must use God World’s Strength to transform that layer of World clean and start construction on it. .

This approach is considered safe, and its advantage lies in being invincible.

In the case where the strength is weaker than the downwind, no matter how the Disaster Lords do, it is impossible to turn over in this case.

But this approach is not without its shortcomings.

The disadvantage is that the time it takes to play this way is too long.

It takes time to capture the next layer of World itself, and it takes a longer time to build and transform the newly acquired World.

There are as many as 37th-layer in Scourge World. If you continue to fight in this way, 5 100,000 years will not be able to stop it. I am afraid that the time will expand towards the number of nearly million years.

Even if many wizards were present, this was an extremely large number.

“In God World, that God of Death is really patient.”

Looking at the scene that appeared in front of him, silently deducing the situation changes, McKidger said to Unable to Bear.

“However, this is just right.”

Adier spoke softly, looking at the people present and said, “hundreds of thousands of years, such a long time, is enough for us to call back the wizards who have fallen in the past one after another.”

“Before that, let them fight slowly.”

He spoke softly, saying so.

In the surroundings, the remaining wizards were laughed and invariably nodded.

After talking about the situation in front of him, standing in front of the many wizards present, Adier began to assign tasks to several wizards.

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