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“It seems almost …”

Standing outside the first ancestor World, looking up at the world within the realm, communicating with the existence within the first ancestor World, Adier smiled on his face and muttered to himself.

As early as when he was not promoted to the 7th grade, he had sent one of his avatars to the ancestors within the realm.

In the blink of an eye, now that the years of thousands of thousands of years have passed, the world’s avatar has now been promoted to sacred, and even has reached the goal, and will soon reach the 8th level.

Such strength, even within the realm of the ancestors, is extremely good.

If there is no accident, give him a period of time, he can break the barriers and really promote to the 8th level.

Such strength has already exceeded Adier’s expectations, and he can accomplish his goal.

“You can start …”

A faint voice rang in place.

Standing in place, Adier opened his mouth gently, his face calm, turned silently, and left.

Within the ancestor World, I felt the silhouette of Adier disappeared, and the silhouette in it slowly lurked, silently closing my eyes without making any sound.

At this moment, within the Scourge World, a battle is beginning.

After tens of thousands of years of silence, the side of the gods launched the offensive again, and began a large-scale offensive towards the side of the Scourge World.

The mighty Strength boils, and the nothingness is disintegrated into pieces, and then slowly rises and falls.

In all directions, bursts of strength waves are constantly echoing. That is the fluctuation of the authority of the law. At this moment, this place is intertwined, almost turning this place into a sea of ​​laws.

The rule of one after another is continuously intertwined, and the mighty strength directly hits the sky and covers all around.

Under the agitation of this Strength, the entire Scourge World is trembling slightly, shocked by these nearly 100 sacred Strengths, and it is extremely terrifying.

A sound sound came from all around.

In the middle of the battlefield, God of Death’s face was cold, with a black robe, a silver long sword in his hand, and every thread of aura spread all over his body.

He stood here, fighting with a red woman in front of him, like a flame incarnation.

2 The laws of the two are imprinted at this moment, and gradually merge into one place at this moment, where the most terrifying fights are carried out.

This is the Crimson Lord, standing at this moment in nothingness, confronting God of Death head-on.

The strength of both sides is agitated, and it continues to oscillate here, slowly resounding, covering all 4 fields.

This is an 8th-order existence of fighting, if the aftermath of the battle between each other spills out, it is enough to seriously hit a 7th grade sacred.

In all around, the sacred surroundings avoided, and subconsciously avoided the battlefield where God of Death and the Crimson Lord confronted each other. They dared not get too close.

However, if you carefully observe the battlefield, you can understand that God of Death and the Crimson Lord continue to confront each other. The two seem to be evenly matched, but in fact God of Death has the upper hand and always keeps the Crimson Lord under him .

The same level 8 exists, the strength between the two is actually not much different, even because this place is the native of the natural disaster World, with the influence of the factors of World awareness, the Red Lord can still occupy a certain upper hand.

But in fact, the situation shown at the moment is quite the opposite.

God of Death’s face was cold and grim, and his black robe was deep. In this battlefield, he always pressed the red headlight, which seemed extremely strong.

“His Strength has been enhanced again!”

Gently waved his hand and bounced off the long sword waved by God of Death. The complexion ashen, the Lord of Crimson, flashed this thought in his heart.

As early as in the past, when this battle was just beginning, God of Death was only as strong as her.

At that time, the strength of the two may be a bit different, but no one can help each other. Even the Lord of Crimson can take advantage of the natural disaster.

But as time passed slowly, after hundreds of thousands of years, this situation was completely reversed.

The strength of God of Death is getting stronger and stronger, and has gradually suppressed her, even making her a little helpless, and a feeling of powerlessness rises in her heart.

Compared with God of Death, although her strength has also improved, it is far so terrifying that she simply cannot keep up with the speed of God of Death’s progress.

She didn’t understand that this was due to Death World’s blessing.

Unlike the Crimson Lord, God of Death is not only the King of Gods of God World, but also the World Controller of the Underworld, but the controller of the Underworld.

During the years of thousands of thousands, through continuous plundering to occupy the soul of Scourge World, the strength of Death World is also growing.

The soul that each and everyone was drawn by Styx is, in essence, a resource of progress for God of Death and the best element of his growth.

The Red Scarlet Lord has no such condition.

Therefore, although the conditions of the two people may be equal at the beginning, as time passes, the gap will gradually widen.

The gap is not too big at the moment, but if the time is lengthened to the number of million years, then the gap will be extremely obvious.

On the side, not far from the battlefield where they confronted, there were two places where turmoil was erupting.

In the other two battlefields, the King of Earth Demon confronts the endless ruler, and the God of Destruction confronts the natural disaster incarnation.

They swayed each other on their respective battlefields. With every blow down, their Strength was terrifying, and it would make any 7th grade existence terrified.

The Scourge World within the realm originally had three 3th-order sacred, which is certain.

Except for the Lord of Crimson and the Infinite Lord, the remaining sacred seems to have some kind of accident. As early as 100,000 years ago, he was separated from the Scourge World and went to an unknown distance.

Therefore at this moment in the realm of the Scourge, only the Red Lord and the Endless Lord are the two 2th-order beings.

The 2-bit 8th level exists, and it is naturally extremely difficult to contend with the 3-bit 8th level among the gods.

Therefore, in the past of hundreds of thousands of years in the past, the Red Lord and the Endless Lord have always been on the side of the beating, all supported by local advantages.

However, this situation was eventually changed 10,000 years ago.

At that time, the entire Scourge World was turbulent, and with the support of the power of infinite Scourge, a new tier 8 sacred began to appear.

Under the witness and blessing of Scourge World, Scourge incarnation was promoted to level 8 and became the new key battle strength.

It was the emergence of the natural disaster incarnation that brought the situation back to equilibrium again.

Whether it is God World or Scourge World, it has 3 sacred 8th ranks.

The two sides confront each other on the battlefield and are blocked by their respective top strengths.

As for the bottom, the rest of the sacred are also constantly fighting, and it looks very good.

Although there are many sacred numbers on the side of the gods, Scourge World relies on the local advantages, relying on the blessing of the World consciousness and layout. Although it is at a disadvantage for a while, it is also vivid with the gods.

Occasionally, you can also see ripples in the void, and the wailing of the law is generated, spreading to 4 directions.

This is a trace of the eruption of a divine existence.

Occasionally the gods, and occasionally the Disaster Lord.

However, both sides are already used to this.

Hundred of thousands of years of life and death, both sides have long been accustomed to the sacred fall.

Even if I saw it at the moment, there would be no sign.

After all, in the context of today’s World confrontation, even if the sacred fall, it will not be as serious as usual.

In usual times, once a sacred person falls, he will inevitably face the oppression of his peers. When he returns again, he may already be poor.

Even, it is not necessarily whether they can return.

But now, this is not the case.

In the context of World confrontation, the strength of World consciousness keeps blessing, and the kind of Power of Origin is like sprinkling without money.

No matter which side of the sacred fall, with the blessing of World Strength, it can return quickly, and it will never happen in the past.

Of course, be that as it may, but if you want to revive a sacred person, the strength it needs to consume is extremely scary after all.

If the sacred number of a certain party falls too much, in the end, the strength of the World is greatly consumed, which is also not conducive to the long-term battle situation.

This point is naturally understood by both parties, so both parties are extra careful.

In front of us, the battle continues.

As usual, with the continuous progress of the battle, the Strength on the side of the Scourge World gradually weakened, and the original defense line was almost collapsed, and it was about to fall completely.

If there is no accident, in a few hundred years at most, I am afraid that the Disaster Lord side will have to evacuate from this layer of World and let this layer of World archers free the gods.

For all this, both sides knew very well that there was no slight fluctuation in their hearts.

However, at this time, there were still some accidents.

In the middle of the battlefield, God of Death and the Crimson Lord are confronting each other.

They fought in the void, and each other’s strengths oscillated with each other. At this moment, the horrible strength cut through the void, like to destroy the entire Scourge World, and build a Great World on this basis.

God of Death’s face was cold and stern, his long sword waving in his hand, striking the inch of Ray of Death, and leaping forward.

Behind him, the illusory shadow of the underworld gradually revealed, the kind of atmosphere unique to the Great World emerged and pressed forward together.

“Give me back!”

In the face of this blow, Chi Hong’s face was calm, not only did not flinch, but instead faced up directly, and went directly to this blow.

The mighty Strength emerged, this place was twisted for a while, and even nothingness was penetrated, and a chaos appeared.

In the aftermath of this strength, the silhouette of God of Death slowly receded back, just wanting to continue to rush forward and continue to confront the Red Lord.

But at this time, an inexplicable strange feeling suddenly rose from his body.

A faint ripple ran across all around, and then a fatal sense of danger rose sharply.

Feeling this feeling, he turned around violently, just looking to the side, an existing face wearing a black robe, with a light of life on his body and a smile, was approaching him now.

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