Wizarding World Beekeeper

Chapter 43 Letter from Raven

When the seven little ones heard this, they all looked at the plant in the flowerpot with curious expressions, which actually made them sober up.

Fly over and look at the little white flower bones.

"It's not like the species in the Black Forest."

"Maybe they were brought in from outside."

"There is a magical power."

"It's looking for release."

The seven little guys were discussing each other word by word. Hua Mi listened in confusion and couldn't help but ask: "So, is there any conclusion?"

Xiaohong replied: "First of all, it must be an alien species. There has never been this kind of flower in the black forest."

Xiao Cheng continued: "Secondly, it obviously did not occur naturally, but was transformed using some kind of magic process."

Hua Mi was stunned when he heard this: "How can you tell?"

"Naturally occurring flowers will not produce such discordant magic fluctuations."

Xiao Huang held his chin and muttered: "This kind of thing that destroys the harmony of nature is very much like the work of an alchemist..."

The work of an alchemist?

In other words, this is most likely a plant that has been transformed by alchemy.

Like the bottle of mutation potion, it is an alchemical creation.

Could it be related to the original owner of this cabin?

Hua Mi thought of the skeleton at the bottom of the lake.

I thought that the alchemist might be the unlucky guy who died in the witch's eyes.

Xiaohong said worriedly: "The problem now is that we cannot predict what effect the magic contained in the flower will have after it fully blooms."

Xiaocheng said with concern: "Are you sure you want to continue cultivating it? It may cause harm to you after it blooms. Even if it is not necessarily fatal, it may also cause illness. It's really pitiful that no one will take care of you. Just throw it away."

Hua Mi is also thinking about this issue.

Between curiosity and life, he would definitely choose the latter.

But if we can ensure the safety of our lives, curiosity, as an important source of motivation for human beings, should be satisfied as much as possible.

Hua Mi thought for a while and asked, "How strong is the magical power contained in it?"

Xiaohong said: "It's not very strong, but the effect can at least cover this cabin."

Hua Mi nodded, knowing better.

Just wondering, how much energy can be stored in a seed?

Warhammer was only detected after using water magic to merge into the lake, and he didn't notice it at all when he was on the shore.

Then he had an idea.

"I will put it outside in the flower field, away from the cabin. You continue to use magic to ripen it, but don't let it bloom completely. The last step is to let it grow naturally. Can you do it?"

Xiaohong nodded: "No problem."

Xiao Lu said to him in surprise: "You are really a genius!"


Hua Mi moved the flower pot to the flower field outside, then stood far away and let the fake flower spirits cast spells.

They formed a circle around the flower pot, and like before, each channeled magical power to the plants.

For the first few seconds, Hua Guduo didn't react at all.

But suddenly, Huaguduo trembled.

Then, it began to squirm and grow.

The petals are also slowly unfolding.

What is quite strange is that as the flowers bloom, the originally pure white surface begins to differentiate into strips of color, and each color is distributed in a strip shape, just like a rainbow.

And as the perspective moves, those colors will also change.

After a few minutes, the seven little ones stopped casting spells. They looked even more tired and their wings were wilted.

It seems that they will have to treat them to a honey dinner later to make up for it.

"The magical power inside it is ready to go. If nothing happens, it will fully bloom in another day."


To be on the safe side, Hua Mi dug a medium-deep hole with a shovel and put the flowerpot into the hole.

After taking care of the potted plants, Hua Mi moved the beehive out as usual and let the bees come out to relax.

This has almost become his daily morning exercise. After more than two months, his physical fitness has really improved a lot.

The bees will still fly out, but they are obviously less active.

Unless Hua Mi gives them an order to move, the swarm will still line up neatly as soon as possible, like a group of well-trained soldiers.

After all, his orders have the highest priority.

The seven little ones are creating new ways to eat honey.

It must be said that they really have the talent of chefs, and they have developed no less than ten new ways of eating.

With nothing to do, Hua Mi started practicing archery.

It's not to hone his martial arts skills - his combat power basically comes from bee swarms, and controlling bees is his route to combat growth.

Just for fun.

Not to mention, compound bows are quite fun.

As a sport, once you get started, it is no less interesting than those mainstream ball games.

Hua Mi controlled the ring-cutting bee to cut a wooden disc. The dense growth rings on it were natural rings. Hanging on the trunk of the tree would be a good target.

He began to practice archery endlessly.

More than a dozen arrows were shot, and more missed the target, but he didn't care.

"By the way, that Fengshen arrow..."

Hua Mi suddenly remembered the gift Syndra gave him, saying it was a specialty of Emerald City and looked very luxurious.

"Try it."

So Hua Mi took out the special arrow and placed it on the bowstring.

The arrow body is completely green, with countless yellow-green light threads flowing slowly inside.

Hua Mi draws the bowstring to full length.

A strange feeling came from the tips of his fingers.

I saw white wind marks suddenly appearing around the arrow body, spinning rapidly around the arrow body.

The air pressure around the arrow seemed to change in an instant, causing a huge disturbance.

There was a whistling sound in my ears.

Hua Mi was caught off guard, and her arms began to shake uncontrollably.

Quickly relieve yourself.

The arrow body also immediately returned to calm.

Hua Mi breathed a sigh of relief.

It is indeed a "Wind God" arrow. The moment you draw the bow, you can feel a very powerful energy, as if you are in a hurricane.

Fortunately, I didn't accidentally touch it just now, otherwise I don't know how much damage it could cause by flying out.

"You can't play with magic arrows casually."

Hua Mi put away the Fengshen arrows properly and replaced them with ordinary arrows.

When he was about to draw the bow string, he suddenly heard a hoarse bird call from the sky.

The sight and arrow shifted at the same time, pointing to the sky.

I saw a big black bird circling in the sky.


Hua Mi squinted her eyes and saw something in its mouth, like an envelope.

It must be the messenger sent by Syndra!

Finally you are here.

Fortunately I didn't give up.

Hua Mi put down the bow and arrow in his hand.

The raven then started to swoop down.

But it didn't come towards him, but flew straight towards the window of the cabin. When it was still a few meters away, it opened its beak.

The envelope passed through the window accurately and flew to the table.


The raven turned around magnificently in the air, flapped its wings and flew high into the sky again.

Soon, there was only a black dot in the field of vision.

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