Wizard's Life Simulator

Chapter 176 Bane's Mission and the Black Light Group (Subscription Request)

Chapter 176 ‘Bain’s Mission’ and ‘Black Light Group’ (Subscribe)


[Simulation is over, please choose your reward! ]

[Retain realm] or [Retain spells]

[You can choose to retain three memories! ]

“Retain realm!”


Chen Mu thought to himself and chose to retain realm.

The moment he retained the realm, Chen Mu’s spiritual sea slightly stirred up waves, but calmed down after a moment.

“Retain the memories of seventy-five, seventy-six, and seventy-seven.”

The next moment, Chen Mu’s mind moved.

Three unfamiliar memories appeared in his mind.

After digesting these three unfamiliar memories, Chen Mu slowly opened his eyes.

In a blink of an eye, two years have passed since he became a fourth-level wizard.

This is the fourth text simulation since he became a fourth-level wizard.

After ending this text simulation, Chen Mu did not hide the panel immediately, but focused his attention on the last column of the panel.

Two years later, the number of reincarnation simulations has accumulated again.

After the simulator was upgraded, the number of reincarnation simulations accumulated changed from one year to two years.

This was the first reincarnation simulation opportunity accumulated by Chen Mu after the simulator was upgraded.

[Number of reincarnation simulations: 1]

[Do you want to start reincarnation simulation? ]

Looking at the two black words in front of him, Chen Mu did not hesitate.


The next moment, the reincarnation simulation was turned on, and Chen Mu's consciousness appeared in the reincarnation space.

In the reincarnation space, Chen Mu looked at the countless light balls of various colors around him.

Last time Chen Mu did not look carefully, this time he looked carefully at all the light balls in the space.

Most of the time, his conscious gaze stayed on those newly appeared light balls.

After a while, Chen Mu's gaze stayed on a huge black light ball.

This light ball was one of the new light balls that appeared after Chen Mu became a fourth-level wizard.

Even the light ball representing the wizard world is only one-tenth the size of this light ball.

If it was before, Chen Mu would not spy on this black light ball with his personality.

But it is different now.

After the simulator was upgraded, the rule cover would allow him to not worry so much.

Now he was extremely curious about the world represented by this black light ball.

Chen Mu's consciousness stayed on this black light ball.

After a moment, his consciousness was getting closer and closer to the black light ball, until his consciousness and the black light ball were completely merged.

Chen Mu's consciousness went dark and fell into darkness.

I don't know how long it took, it could be a moment, or it could be countless years.

In short, when his consciousness recovered, he was not surrounded by a strange environment, but the familiar top floor of the wizard tower.

[Reincarnation simulation ended! ]

[Reincarnation simulation memory has been successfully retained! ]

[It was detected that the host will not be affected by the reincarnation memory, and the simulator memory protection function is not turned on. Do you want to turn it on actively? ]

"Don't turn on memory protection."

Chen Mu thought in his heart.

Chen Mu rubbed his eyebrows subconsciously.

He still overestimated himself. The more advanced the world, the more uncontrollable it is.

What's more, the world represented by the black light ball is much more advanced than the wizard world.

The number of reincarnation simulations that can only be accumulated once every two years was wasted.

He tried to recall the memory of reincarnation, but it was blank.

Obviously, he died before breaking the mystery in the womb in this reincarnation simulation, and even died before he was born.

This situation is not the first time.

There was a reincarnation simulation before that was also like this.

This reincarnation, there was no gain at all.

This is not good news, which means that even if he still chooses to reincarnate in this world next time, there will be no advantage.

Even Chen Mu felt a little distressed about the number of reincarnation simulations wasted in vain.

Each simulation is precious to Chen Mu.

Moreover, after the simulator is upgraded, the accumulation time of simulations has become longer.

Chen Mu suppressed his thoughts and stopped thinking about it.

Since the number of simulations this time has been wasted, it is useless to think more.

The next moment, Chen Mu began to operate the meditation route and continued to practice meditation.

Time passed, and two months passed in a flash.

When the Queen of Truth in the sea of ​​​​spirituality received the message, Chen Mu stopped practicing meditation.

Chen Mu put away his mental power and checked the information in the Book of Truth.

After checking the information, Chen Mu got up and left the Wizard Tower.

When Chen Mu's body appeared again, he was already in Bane's Listening Sea Pavilion.

"Teacher, you are looking for me."

Chen Mu said.

"I have accepted a new mission for the Sea of ​​Watching and will leave the Sea of ​​Watching soon."

"This time I will not come back for at least a hundred years."

Bane saw Chen Mu coming and said.

The mission of the Sea of ​​Watching cannot be avoided by all members of the Sea of ​​Watching.

Even Bane is no exception.

Although his mission deadline has not yet arrived, he still accepted the mission of the Sea of ​​Watching in advance.

"So early? I remember that your mission deadline should not have arrived yet."

Chen Mu said.

He remembered that his teacher Bane was not so enthusiastic about completing the mission.

Every mission was accepted at a certain point, so why did he accept it in advance this time.

"Yes, this time I took over the task in advance."

Bain spoke.

Chen Mu nodded to express his understanding.

There must be a reason for Bain to take the mission in advance. Chen Mu would not take the initiative to ask if Bain didn't tell him.

"Teacher, where is the location of your mission this time?"

Chen Mu asked.

Most of the tasks for level 4 wizards take place outside the wizarding world, or even in other worlds.

The most striking feature of this kind of task is that it takes a long time to complete the task.

It usually takes a long time to complete the task completely.

Maybe the mission is not very dangerous, but the time required to complete the mission must be very long.

"The fourth void battlefield in the Blood Sea Realm."

Bain spoke.

Hearing this, Chen Mu frowned slightly.

The void battlefield in the Blood Sea Realm.

The cross-border war between the Wizarding World and the Blood Sea Realm has just begun.

It is true that the danger in the void battlefield is very low.

But this low-risk premise is in the void battlefield of the wizarding world.

Because this is the home of the wizarding world, the number of wizards is far greater than that of blood descendants, so the risk is not high.

But the void battlefield in the Blood Sea Realm is different.

That is the territory of the Blood Sea Realm.

It can be said that the current void battlefield in the Blood Sea Realm is much more dangerous than the Blood Sea Realm.

Just like for blood descendants, the void battlefield in the wizarding world is definitely much more dangerous than the wizarding continent.

What's more, this kind of task takes a long time to complete.

This means that his teacher Bain will stay in the fourth void battlefield in the Blood Sea Realm for a long time.

The danger is absolutely extremely high.

Chen Mu remembered several simulations in which Bain lost his life because of a mission.

The location of that mission is the void battlefield in the Blood Sea Realm.

It's very likely that this is the mission that Bain is talking about to him now.

"Teacher, this mission is a bit too dangerous."

Chen Mu said solemnly, hoping to attract Bain's attention.

He knew that without intervention, Bane would most likely lose his life as a result of this mission.

This is not Chen Mu's imagination, but a conclusion drawn from countless simulations.

Bain laughed a little when he heard Chen Mu's words.

He summoned Chen Mu just to tell Chen Mu that he didn't expect his student to be so worried about him.

"You don't even know what my mission is, so why is it so dangerous?"

"Although the location of this mission is the Void Battlefield in the Blood Sea Realm, the specific mission is not dangerous to me. Your worries are unnecessary."

Bain said with a smile.

No matter what, he could feel his students' concern for him, and he was naturally in a good mood.

"Teacher, I'm serious."

"Since the Blood Sea Realm has the confidence to launch a cross-border war against the Wizarding World, it definitely has a trump card."

"The war will break out sooner or later, and the place where the war breaks out is likely to be in the void battlefield in the Blood Sea Realm, and you may be involved."

Chen Mu said seriously.

The scenes in the simulation were reflected in reality, which made Chen Mu attach great importance to it.

He didn't want his teacher to lose his life because of a mission.

Hearing the solemnity and seriousness in Chen Mu's tone, Bain's face gradually became serious.

Bain knew his student well, and he knew that Chen Mu rarely joked.

Since Chen Mu said this, there must be a reason.

"Did you find something?"

Bain asked.

"Just a guess, but enough."

Chen Mu replied.

Naturally, he cannot be said to have experienced it in a simulation.

After all, no one would believe him even if he told about plug-ins like simulators.

Hearing Chen Mu's words, Bain frowned slightly and began to think.

In fact, he didn't care that much about this mission.

But after Chen Mu said this, he decided to keep an eye out.

"I know, I will make more preparations."

Bain spoke.

Hearing this, Chen Mu breathed a sigh of relief.

He knew that by saying this, Bain meant that he had taken this matter to heart.

As long as Bain is vigilant in advance, there is a high possibility that things in the simulation will not happen.

"How's the witchcraft build going?"

Seeing that Chen Mu's expression became more relaxed, Bain changed the topic and spoke.

"It's not bad. We should be able to complete the construction of the first four-ring witchcraft within ten years."

Chen Mu said.

His ability to tell lies with his eyes open is now perfect.

"Ten years, it's already very fast."

"I remember that it took me forty years to construct the first four-ring witchcraft."

Bain said with some emotion.

The world of geniuses and the world of ordinary people are indeed not the same world.

However, if he knew that Chen Mu had constructed three four-ring witchcraft at this time, his tone would not be filled with emotion.

After all, Chen Mu is not a genius, but a loser.

"Are you going to stay in the Sea of ​​Watch and continue to build witchcraft, or are you going to stay in the void battlefield in the wizarding world for a while?"

Bain spoke, with a hint of curiosity in his tone.

After all, the last time he talked with Chen Mu, Chen Mu had wanted to go to the void battlefield in the wizarding world.

After hearing this, Chen Mu thought for a moment.

If it had been before, he might have gone to the void battlefield in the wizarding world to stay for a while.

But after experiencing four text simulations and one reincarnation simulation, Chen Mu changed his mind.

Wait a moment.

At least until the next reincarnation simulation is completed.

"Just wait a little longer. I probably won't leave the Watching Sea in the next few years."

After a while, Chen Mu spoke.

To him, it was the same there.

After all, if he simply wanted to practice meditation, he would not improve much wherever he practices in reality. The key is to rely on the simulator.

However, based on the accumulation of simulation times, the Sea of ​​Watch is definitely much safer than the void battlefield.

Staying in the Sea of ​​Watch, at least for now, Chen Mu will not be in any danger.

Bain nodded and said:

"If you want to go to the Void Battlefield, the sooner you go, the better."

"The further back you go, the more dangerous the void battlefield becomes. A hundred years from now, perhaps the Sea of ​​Watch will also be involved."

Hearing this, Chen Mu nodded.

Bain is actually right. The further the cross-border war goes, the more unsafe the void battlefield becomes.

But there is something wrong with what Bain said.

That is what the Sea of ​​Watch may be involved in a hundred years from now.

In fact, the Sea of ​​Watch has long been involved, and even this cross-border war has a great relationship with the Lord of Watch.

Time passed, Bain and Chen Mu talked for a while, and Bain left first.

After Bain left, Chen Mu did not stay here too long, and disappeared on the top floor of Tinghai Pavilion.

Time passed, and one and a half years passed in a blink of an eye.

Sea of ​​Watch, top floor of Wizard Tower.

Chen Mu sat cross-legged on the ground.

In front of him was the panel that had just been hidden.


Exhaling a breath, Chen Mu slowly opened his eyes.

The three memories retained this time are of great use to him.

Just as he thought, after his teacher Bain was fully prepared, the danger of the mission was reduced to the minimum, but he was still seriously injured.

However, after three text simulations, Chen Mu has found the best solution.

Just wait for him to go to the fourth void battlefield in the Blood Sea Realm.

Without thinking more, Chen Mu did not get up, but continued to practice meditation.

Time passed, four months later.


[The simulation is over, please choose your reward! 】

【Keep realm】or【Keep spell】

【You can choose to keep three memories! 】

"Preserve the realm!"

Chen Mu had a thought in his mind and once again chose to retain his realm.

"Keep the memories of five hundred and twenty-two, five hundred and twenty-three, and five hundred and twenty-four."

After digesting the three memories, Chen Mu once again focused on the last column of the simulator.

[Number of reincarnation simulations: 1]

[Do you want to enable reincarnation simulation? 】

"Turn on."

Chen Mu thought in his heart.

The moment the reincarnation simulation started, Chen Mu's consciousness appeared in the reincarnation space again.

Everything feels so familiar.

Looking down at the various colored light groups below him, Chen Mu finally focused on the black light group.

It must be said that Chen Mu has a adventurous character.

He had wasted opportunities in his two previous reincarnation simulations, but in the end he still chose to reincarnate into a world where he wasted his opportunities.

This time is no exception.

Chen Mu's consciousness moved and he merged into the black light group.

ps: Thank you everyone for your monthly votes, okay~

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