Wizard's Life Simulator

Chapter 244 Unacceptable punishment and not even once (

The void outside the wizard world.

Time passed slowly, and Chen Mu's body was suspended in the void without any other movements.

A moment later, the figure of the Deep Blue Realm Lord reappeared in front of Chen Mu.

"How is it?"

Seeing the Deep Blue Realm Lord come back, Chen Mu asked curiously.

The Deep Blue Realm Lord is blessed by the mysterious symbol, and there will be no accidents if he forcibly enters the wizard world.

But Chen Mu does not have the protection of the mysterious symbol.

The reason why he came back to the wizard world is just because he wants to have a deeper understanding of the event that the wizard world was destroyed by the Canglan Realm.

As for entering the wizard world in person, Chen Mu will not do it.

After all, if that happens, there is a high possibility that this reincarnation simulation will end.

Chen Mu himself still knows his own strength.

So after the Deep Blue Realm Lord entered the wizard world, Chen Mu chose to wait in the void outside the wizard world.

Hearing Chen Mu's words, a solemn look appeared on the face of the Deep Blue Realm Lord.

"Just as I guessed after using the power of destiny to test it, this wizard world is not simple."

"It is certain that this world has indeed produced an existence that transcends the limits of the world."

"Even if I have the mission symbol, this is not a mission I can complete."

The Deep Blue Realm Lord said.

He did not need to deceive Chen Mu on this point.

After all, Chen Mu and he are both the realm masters of Canglan Realm, and in this case they must be united against the outside world.

So the Deep Blue Realm Lord did not hide the information he got and told Chen Mu directly.

"Does that mean you want to give up this mission?"

Hearing the words of the Deep Blue Realm Lord, Chen Mu also clearly understood in his heart that this mission was not so easy.

So after the Deep Blue Realm Lord's voice fell, Chen Mu asked.

But in fact, Chen Mu had already expected it in his heart.

After all, he had personally experienced the world invasion of Canglan Realm in the real body simulation before.

The scene at that time was definitely not something that a realm master could do.

Even so, the wizard world was not without the slightest resistance in the end.

Even after the Canglan Realm took action, it still persisted for hundreds of years.

Hundreds of years doesn't sound like a very long time.

But you have to know that the wizard world persisted for hundreds of years under the action of the Canglan Realm.

What kind of world is the Canglan Realm? Chen Mu, who has reincarnated into this world for the third time, is naturally not unfamiliar with it.

In this world, there are tens of thousands of small worlds.

This world is located in the center of the world sea.

Compared with this world, the wizard world is like a large ant, and there is no comparison.

If there is no Mansur, an eighth-level wizard in the wizard world, it can't persist for hundreds of years.

Let alone hundreds of years, it is estimated that persisting for decades is a luxury.

As soon as these words came out, the Lord of the Deep Blue Realm shook his head gently.

Seeing the Lord of the Deep Blue Realm shaking his head, Chen Mu's heart also moved.

Sure enough, the task of destroying the wizard world, which was instinctively issued by the world consciousness of the Canglan Realm, is not so easy to give up.

Chen Mu only has some understanding of the tasks issued by the world consciousness of the Canglan Realm, but in fact, he doesn't know much.

After all, he had not completed these tasks in person.

So he could not really understand them.

That was why Chen Mu asked this question.

Fortunately, although he asked directly, he did not arouse the suspicion of the Deep Blue Realm Master.

Instead, the Deep Blue Realm Master just thought he was curious and told him without hiding anything.

"The tasks issued by the world consciousness cannot be abandoned."

"If you cannot complete them, you will be judged as a failed task in the next destiny space."

The Deep Blue Realm Master shook his head and continued to speak.

He knew that Chen Mu had not been a realm master for a long time and had not accepted any tasks issued by the world consciousness of the Canglan Realm.

Chen Mu certainly did not know much about the mechanism of this kind of task, so he explained it to Chen Mu.

This actually made Chen Mu owe him a small favor. After all, everything he explained would be used by Chen Mu sooner or later.

Hearing what the Deep Blue Realm Master said, Chen Mu nodded thoughtfully.

As he guessed, this kind of task was not so easy to give up.

It's easy to guess that with such great privileges during the mission, how can the mission be abandoned at will?

Even if there is a reward for completing the mission, it's not justified.

And since this kind of mission has rewards, there must be punishments.

It's impossible that there is no punishment after the mission fails.

If this is true, then this kind of mission doesn't seem to be so important, and not all realm masters will pay so much attention to it.

After all, a large part of those who can become realm masters probably don't look down on the rewards after completing the mission.

Thinking of this, Chen Mu spoke again:

"Is there a punishment for mission failure?"

Although it was a question, there was a hint of certainty in Chen Mu's tone.

There was no need to ask this question, but Chen Mu still asked it.

After all, sometimes, guesses are not necessarily true.

Hearing Chen Mu's words, the Deep Blue Realm Master nodded.

Chen Mu was not surprised at all that he could think of this, after all, the meaning of his previous words was already very clear.

"Not only is there a penalty for mission failure, but the penalty for mission failure is unacceptable to all realm masters."

The Deep Blue Realm Master nodded and spoke again.

He did not continue to explain after saying this.

After all, Chen Mu was not stupid. Chen Mu could understand the meaning of his words.

The punishment that all realm masters could not accept could be guessed without thinking.

"If the mission fails, will you lose your status as a realm master?"

Chen Mu whispered softly.

He knew that this was probably the case.

After all, the only mission punishment that all realm masters could not accept was this one.

This was the first time he knew about this.

After all, he had not personally experienced the missions issued by the world consciousness of the Canglan Realm, so he was not fully aware of all of this.

"That's right, lose your status as a realm master."

The Deep Blue Realm Master spoke, confirming Chen Mu's words.

His tone was very calm, as if this punishment was insignificant to him.

Although his face had a solemn look, there was no worry or concern at all.

It was as if he knew that even if the mission was difficult, it would not be so difficult that it could not be completed.

After the Deep Blue Realm Lord replied to Chen Mu's words, he seemed to remember something.

The solemn expression on his face disappeared, and a hint of interest appeared on his face.

He looked at Chen Mu and said:

"There are at least hundreds of thousands of missions issued by the world consciousness. Can you guess how many of them failed?"

This sentence actually aroused some interest in Chen Mu.

It happened that there was nothing to do at this time, so it would be okay to guess.

Thinking of this, a hint of thought appeared on Chen Mu's face.

After a moment, Chen Mu said:

"Between one hundred and two hundred?"

Chen Mu finally guessed a more conservative number.

After all, compared with the hundreds of thousands of tasks mentioned by the Deep Blue Realm Lord, the number between one hundred and two hundred is indeed very conservative.

Hearing Chen Mu's words, a smile appeared on the face of the Deep Blue Realm Lord.

It seemed that he had expected Chen Mu to guess such a number.

However, the Deep Blue Realm Master still shook his head, indicating that the number Chen Mu guessed was wrong.

Seeing the Deep Blue Realm Master shaking his head, Chen Mu was also a little surprised.

The base number of hundreds of thousands is really too large, and it is definitely not an easy task to guess the specific number.

However, after seeing the smile on the Deep Blue Realm Master's face, Chen Mu suddenly had a bold idea in his heart.

Although he didn't know the Deep Blue Realm Master very well, Chen Mu also knew that the Deep Blue Realm Master would not show such an expression unless he encountered something particularly interesting.

Thinking of this, Chen Mu uttered a sentence.

"It won't be that there is no failed mission."

Chen Mu said uncertainly.

Because he really couldn't be sure that his guess was correct.

This is a bit too fantasy.

Hundreds of thousands of missions, no failures?

It's a bit impossible to think about it, but Chen Mu still guessed it this way.

After all, this is just a bored adjustment, and there will be no punishment for guessing wrong.

So Chen Mu naturally guessed whatever he thought of.

But just after Chen Mu finished speaking, there was a hint of surprise in the eyes of the Deep Blue Realm Lord.

It seemed that he had not expected Chen Mu to guess such a result.

Seeing the expression of the Deep Blue Realm Lord, Chen Mu did not understand that he had been fooled.

There really was not a single failed mission?

This was too exaggerated.

Not a single failure, doesn't it mean that there is no margin for error.

But Chen Mu was not angry.

"I know you may not believe it, but that's the fact."

"From the time the world consciousness began to issue tasks to now, there has not been a single failed mission."

The Deep Blue Realm Lord spoke, confirming Chen Mu's guess.

Chen Mu actually guessed it, what's the point.

He was just waiting for Chen Mu to guess it and then reveal the answer, and then see Chen Mu's surprised expression.

But he didn't expect that Chen Mu guessed the correct answer the second time.

After getting the confirmation of the Deep Blue Realm Lord, Chen Mu did not continue to speak.

Now he finally knew why the Deep Blue Realm Master was only a little dignified after learning about the extraordinaryness of the wizard world, but he was not worried at all.

The reason why Deep Blue relied on his confidence was very simple.

There was no failure in hundreds of thousands of tasks, which was definitely not just a coincidence.

Chen Mu was sure that among these hundreds of thousands of tasks, there was definitely a task that was more difficult than destroying the wizard world.

But even so, the final outcome was still the successful completion of the task.

There must be some explanation for this, or some hidden rules, but Chen Mu didn't know it yet.

Chen Mu's thoughts gradually diverged, thinking about the reasons.

After a while, Chen Mu thought of something.

He was not stupid. The Deep Blue Realm Master had said this. Chen Mu didn't have any more guesses, and his previous experiences would be in vain.

"You want to invite other realm masters to take action?"

Chen Mu said.

There was no uncertainty in his words, but there was a hint of curiosity in his tone.

After all, such a guess is the most consistent with the result.

Because Chen Mu knew from the beginning that the attack of Canglan Realm on the wizard world was not just the action of one realm master.

Then the Deep Blue Realm Master would not give up the task and let others take over, so the ending could only be to invite other realm masters to take action together.

In addition to the first time, Chen Mu also had some other guesses.

However, the possibility of those guesses was not great, so Chen Mu did not ask about them.

Hearing Chen Mu's words, the Deep Blue Realm Master was not surprised.

It was normal for Chen Mu to guess it, after all, he had said so much before.

"That's right, I, the realm master alone, probably can't complete this task."

The Deep Blue Realm Master said without hesitation.

The task exceeded the original difficulty level. If you want to continue to complete the task, you naturally have to ask other realm masters to take action.

"Even if other realm masters take action, they should not be of much help to you."

Chen Mu said.

He asked this, in fact, the question was already very euphemistic.

He knew that the Deep Blue Realm Master would invite other Realm Masters to help, but Chen Mu was still a little curious about how other Realm Masters would help the Deep Blue Realm Master.

After all, the task of destroying the wizard world this time was the Deep Blue Realm Master's own task.

Even if other Realm Masters were willing to help, would they be willing to put themselves in danger?

Just like Chen Mu at this moment, if the Deep Blue Realm Master invited him to help, then Chen Mu would definitely refuse.

Even though he and the Deep Blue Realm Master were already somewhat familiar with each other now.

But he knew his own strength, and Chen Mu knew very well that if he swelled his face and pretended to be fat, then the ending would definitely not be good.

Hearing Chen Mu's words, the Deep Blue Realm Master chuckled.

He naturally heard the meaning of Chen Mu's words.

But he was not surprised, after all, Chen Mu had been a Realm Master for too short a time, so it was normal not to understand.

"Of course, ordinary realm masters can't do it, so we must invite the realm masters who have also accepted the task this time."

"Although the tasks are different, the realm masters who accepted other tasks this time also have task symbols."

The Deep Blue Realm Master explained.

Those realm masters who have accepted tasks generally will not refuse such invitations.

After all, the future of those realm masters may also need the help of other realm masters.

It is precisely because of this that it is an unspoken rule for different realm masters to complete a difficult task together.

This is also the reason why there is not a single failed task among hundreds of thousands of tasks.

After all, there are too many realm masters in the Canglan Realm.

After hearing the explanation of the Deep Blue Realm Master, Chen Mu suddenly understood everything in his heart.

Including why there was no failure in a single task, Chen Mu also understood the reason.

Seeing Chen Mu's expression, the Deep Blue Realm Master smiled.

The next moment, the mysterious symbol floated in front of him again.

A force of destiny was summoned by him and injected into the mysterious symbol.

ps: Thank you for reading, thank you for the monthly ticket, love you guys~ (End of this chapter)

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