Wizard's Life Simulator

Chapter 257 The Abyss has no time and strange situations (Please subscribe

Chapter 257 ‘The Abyss Does Not Keep Time’ and ‘Strange Situations’ (Subscribe)

As Chen Mu’s thoughts surged in his mind.

His body also began to move in the Demon Mother River.

As time passed slowly, Chen Mu’s understanding of his surroundings became deeper and deeper.

Exactly the same as in the inherited memory, he was now in the Demon Mother River of the Crimson World.

All the newly born demons in the Crimson World were born here.

Chen Mu actually did not expect that this reincarnation simulation would appear at this time.

After all, before this, he had never reincarnated in the world of the Abyss Realm.

This reincarnation simulation was Chen Mu’s first real reincarnation in the world of the Abyss Realm.

As time passed slowly, Chen Mu was also slowly getting familiar with his body.

The demon body he had when he reincarnated into this world was actually his newborn body.

Although it was his own body, he still needed to adapt.

Just like humans, even humans had to adapt to their own bodies when they were just born.

It is impossible to learn to walk all at once.

The same is true for the demon race.

It's just that after having the inherited memory, Chen Mu will be familiar with his body very quickly.

But after a moment, Chen Mu has completely adapted to his demon body.

In the reincarnation simulation, there is nothing that Chen Mu cannot adapt to.

After all, Chen Mu has experienced too many reincarnation simulations, and at this time, he is already very experienced.

Even the way of thinking that just made Chen Mu extremely uncomfortable, Chen Mu has now adapted.

This single-threaded way of thinking is not completely a bad thing.

This way of thinking allows Chen Mu to think about problems one by one, and there will not be many ideas in his mind at once.

This also means that Chen Mu will not think too much, but Chen Mu can still think of the key issues at the first time.

"There seems to be no memory about how to increase the level of demons in the inherited memory."

Wandering silently in the Demon Mother River, Chen Mu muttered to himself.

This is actually something he is more concerned about.

After all, the level of the demon actually represents the strength of the demon.

This level is somewhat similar to the level of wizards in the wizard world.

Like in the wizard world, the demons in the Crimson World are also divided into levels one to nine.

The Crimson Lord who controls the Crimson World is a level nine demon.

These memories are directly in Chen Mu's inherited memories, so Chen Mu can have these understandings.

If there were no inherited memories, Chen Mu would not have known these.

He would not have been able to come into contact with these.

There is a great possibility that the level nine demon can be on par with the level nine wizard.

If the potential of the wizard path can be on par with the potential of the demon path, then the level nine wizard should be at the same level as the level nine demon lord.

Of course, this premise is that the wizard path can be on par with the demon path.

So whether it is possible or not, Chen Mu is not sure.

After all, at this time, he does not know how strong the level nine demon lord is.

He also does not know how strong the level nine wizard is.

The wizard world has been born for tens of millions of years, and the level nine wizard only exists in theory.

From the birth of the wizard world to the present, no wizard has ever been able to cultivate to the level of a ninth-level wizard.

Let alone a ninth-level wizard, even an eighth-level wizard has never been cultivated to this level in the wizard world.

In the future, there may be a Mansur who cultivates to the level of an eighth-level wizard.

But Mansur's true identity is actually an existence in the world of the Abyss Realm that was pulled into the wizard world.

He is not an aboriginal in the wizard world.

The limit of the wizard world is only a seventh-level wizard.

Even if there is such an existence as a ninth-level wizard in the wizard world's theory, it is almost impossible for such an existence to be born.

After all, after a wizard becomes an eighth-level wizard, he is actually a transcendent.

So comparing the wizard level in the wizard world with the demon level in the Crimson World is just Chen Mu's idea.

The two will never be compared together.

After all, in the Crimson World, the ninth-level demon really exists.

Even this level of existence directly controls one of the largest worlds in the Abyss Realm.

Chen Mu couldn't imagine how powerful such an existence was.

After all, his horizons were set there.

The strongest person he had come into contact with at present could never reach the level of a ninth-level demon.

But such an important demon registration determined the demon registration of Chen Mu's reincarnation simulation this time, but Chen Mu's inherited memory did not have any such memory.

In his inherited memory, it was only introduced that demons had levels.

But how to improve the level of demons was not in the inherited memory.

"At this moment, I don't seem to be even a first-level demon."

"Is it because I was just born that I don't have any memory of this aspect?"

Chen Mu said to himself.

The single-threaded way of thinking allows Chen Mu to think about every problem.

As long as he can think of it, he can slowly sort out and think about it one by one.

This idea is actually not groundless.

In fact, in the world sea, there is a world that has many similarities with the deep red world where he reincarnates at this time.

That world is the True Spirit Realm.

The True Spirits in the True Spirit Realm also have inherited memories after they are born.

It’s just that the inherited memories are not all inherited at once.

Instead, as time goes by, or as the strength increases, some new memories will be gradually inherited in batches.

That’s why Chen Mu wondered if it was because he was just born, so the inherited memories were not complete.

If this is true, then it is definitely a good thing for Chen Mu.

After all, in the reincarnation simulation, time is what Chen Mu cares least about.

Chen Mu has plenty of time and patience.

If he can get something just by waiting, Chen Mu will definitely not lack the patience to wait.

After going through so much, Chen Mu still has this patience.

Of course, these are just Chen Mu’s guesses.

Whether this is the case or not, Chen Mu himself doesn’t know.

After all, the deep red world he reincarnated in at this time, although there are many similarities with the true spirit world, there are still many places that are completely different.

So Chen Mu can't directly apply the worldview of the true spirit world to the deep red world.

It seems that there is one thing that makes Chen Mu a little confused.

That is, after so long, Chen Mu has not encountered other demons except himself.

Although Chen Mu can't see everything around him at this time.

But the instinctive perception of the demon body can make him feel very clearly.

Chen Mu can clearly perceive that there are no other living beings around him except himself.

This situation actually makes Chen Mu a little confused and puzzled.

As the place where the demon race gave birth to demons, the number of demons in the Demon Mother River should be extremely large.

After all, as the only birthplace of a race in a big world, the number of demons here should be exaggerated.

But why didn't he perceive any of them?

Chen Mu was a little confused.

Things that are not in the inherited memory must be explored by himself.

But at this time, he was just born and had no inherited memory. How could he understand this world by exploring on his own?

This is almost impossible.

After all, Chen Mu has not even met a life that can communicate with him at this time.

But Chen Mu was just a little confused, and had no other emotions.

After all, it is not as simple as imagined to thoroughly understand a world.

Having just reincarnated into this world, Chen Mu is not in a hurry.

There is still a long time for him to slowly understand this world.

Even if he cannot fully understand this world in the end, it doesn't matter.

The first time he reincarnated into the world in the Abyss Realm, Chen Mu himself chose to reincarnate with an attitude of trying the water.

Using the opportunity of reincarnation simulation to satisfy his own curiosity, Chen Mu thinks it is not a loss.

In the three realms, Chen Mu will choose to reincarnate and simulate once sooner or later.

The higher the vision, the more benefits there are for Chen Mu.

It's just an opportunity for reincarnation simulation. Although Chen Mu attaches great importance to it, he doesn't have to plan it every time.

In that case, there is no particular need.

Sometimes, going with the flow may bring more benefits than making careful plans.

At this time, apart from the inherited memory, Chen Mu had no knowledge of the Crimson World in the Abyss Realm.

And now all his knowledge of the Crimson World is actually based on the inherited memory he just kept.

There is nothing else.

"Wait a little longer and see if the inherited memory at this time has not inherited all the memories."

Chen Mu said to himself.

The next moment, Chen Mu stopped thinking.

The single-threaded way of thinking allows Chen Mu to stop thinking at any time and empty his mind.

It must be said that after getting used to this way of thinking, Chen Mu still feels more comfortable.

Sometimes, when you are not used to something, you will feel extremely uncomfortable, but after adapting, you will find that it seems that this is not bad.

After emptying his mind, Chen Mu controlled his demon body to wander in the Demon Mother River.

Although Chen Mu had the idea that this inherited memory was not completely inherited, he wanted to wait a while.

But waiting is not just waiting, during this period of time Chen Mu will also learn more about this world.

Otherwise, if he just waits, it will still waste more time.

Since it can be done at the same time, why should Chen Mu just wait?

After all, whether there will be inherited memories for Chen Mu to keep is still an unknown.

Chen Mu is not 100% sure of his guess.

After all, there have been times when he guessed wrong before.

The abyss does not count time, and I don’t know how long it has passed.

In the Crimson World, in the Demon Mother River.

Chen Mu’s body wandered in the Demon Mother River.

At this time, his mind was completely empty.

Wandering in the Demon Mother River, Chen Mu could not perceive the passage of time at all.

It cannot be said that he could not perceive the passage of time.

But in the abyss, there seemed to be no concept of time.

So Chen Mu didn't know how much time had passed since he reincarnated into the Crimson World.

But Chen Mu knew that it had definitely been a long time.

If we use the concept of time in the World Sea to calculate, perhaps thousands of years have passed.

Of course, this has almost no effect on Chen Mu.

When he completely empties his mind, he will hardly be affected by time.

These effects include psychological and will effects.

It's like an ordinary person who falls asleep and sleeps for tens of thousands of years, but the self feels that he just slept.

Under this premise, this ordinary person theoretically has lived for tens of thousands of years, but will not have any vicissitudes, nor will he be affected by any mentality.

Because he spent these ten thousand years in his dreams.

At this time, Chen Mu is actually in a similar state.

After reincarnating as a demon in the Crimson World, Chen Mu can't sense time, so he won't be affected by time in any psychological way.

"This is really a bit strange."

"After so long, I still haven't met any other demons."

In the Demon Mother River, two thoughts emerged in Chen Mu's mind one after another.

This is the first time that a thought has emerged in his mind in these years.

Because this is really too strange.

If Chen Mu was just confused before, then now he is simply incomprehensible.

When he just reincarnated into this world, he didn't meet other demons. It can be understood that the Demon Mother River is too big and his reincarnation time is too short.

Adding some coincidences, he didn't meet other demons.

But after so long, these are obviously impossible.

No matter how big the Demon Mother River is, it won't make Chen Mu not see the shadow of other demons for such a long time.

After all, demons are one of the largest races in the abyss.

The one who controls the demon race is a level nine demon lord.

But now, let alone the level nine demon lord, Chen Mu has not even seen a level one demon once.

If it weren't for the inherited memory, Chen Mu would have thought that the Demon Mother River was born just to give birth to him.

"Why is this?"

"Is it really that the Demon Mother River is so big that I can't understand it."

"Or have I been spinning around in the same place all these years and never left the area where I was born?"

The next moment, three thoughts emerged in Chen Mu's mind.

Both possibilities are possible.

But Chen Mu really doesn't know why.

After so long, Chen Mu has not obtained any new inherited memories.

His understanding of the abyss seems to have reached a bottleneck.

If there is no new inherited memory, or if he can't see other demons, then his understanding of the abyss realm, or the crimson world.

Maybe by the end of the simulation, it will only stay at this stage.

ps: Thank you for reading, thank you for the monthly ticket, love you~

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