Wizard's Life Simulator

Chapter 262: Perception Evolution and Transformation Begins (Subscription Request)

At this moment, Chen Mu could clearly sense that the surrounding environment had changed.

Not only that, his perception of himself had also changed.

Chen Mu was naturally very clear about what this meant.

This meant that it was not the environment around him that had changed, but his perception ability that had changed.

If it was the environment around him that had changed, then Chen Mu's perception of his own body would not have changed at all.

After all, no matter how the surrounding environment changed, his own body had not changed.

So Chen Mu immediately understood that it was his own perception ability that had changed.

Chen Mu accepted it quickly because he had expected it before.

In his previous conjecture, the demon's perception ability was like human vision.

Human vision would grow with the growth of the body, so the demon's perception ability might also be the same.

This was Chen Mu's previous conjecture.

At this time, Chen Mu's perception of the surrounding environment and his own body just verified his conjecture.

"The world I can see seems to have become clearer."

Sensing the surrounding environment, Chen Mu said to himself.

If the world he perceived before was full of fog and extremely vague,

Then the world he perceives at this time has undoubtedly become much clearer.

This clarity is what Chen Mu can feel intuitively.

Of course, this does not clear all the fog in front of Chen Mu's eyes at once.

Although Chen Mu perceives that everything around him has become clear, it is not completely clear.

He still has some vague feelings.

It's like a person with 500 degrees of myopia suddenly puts on a pair of 100 degrees of myopia glasses.

The moment you put on the glasses, you will definitely feel different.

But after calming down this feeling, you will find that the world you see is still a little blurry and not completely clear.

This feeling is what Chen Mu feels at this time.

At this time, he can clearly perceive that the surrounding environment has indeed changed, but to say how big this change is, it is not particularly big.

"I seem to be able to perceive some details in the Demon Mother River, but I still can't perceive other demons."

Wandering in the Demon Mother River, Chen Mu said to himself.

At this time, these details in the Demon Mother River that Chen Mu can perceive actually exist from beginning to end.

It was just because Chen Mu's perception was too weak before that he could not perceive these details.

Now that his perception has evolved, Chen Mu can perceive it clearly.

But at the same time, Chen Mu's heart was filled with doubts.

Before, he always believed that there were definitely other demons around him, that is, in the Demon Mother River.

It was just because his perception was too weak that he could not perceive it.

But now that his perception has become stronger, he still cannot perceive the existence of other demons.

This made Chen Mu a little suspicious.

Could it be that his previous conjecture was wrong, and there were really no other demons in the Demon Mother River?

But this possibility is too small.

Thinking of this, Chen Mu shook his head in his heart.

This situation is almost impossible. The Demon Mother River is the birthplace of demons. It is impossible that the Demon Mother River exists just for Chen Mu.

That would be a real fantasy.

If it is said that Chen Mu is the only demon in the entire demon race, Chen Mu himself would not believe it.

Perhaps it is because his perception is still very weak.

If his perception ability can continue to become stronger, then Chen Mu will verify the answer in his heart one day.

Chen Mu is still perceiving the surrounding environment, trying to find some different changes from it.

But unfortunately, he has already perceived all the changes he can perceive at the moment when his perception ability evolves.

Now Chen Mu continues to perceive, and there is no change that he has not discovered.

After perceiving the surrounding environment again, Chen Mu stopped perceiving.

Instead, he began to perceive the changes in his body.

Chen Mu just now actually perceived the changes in the surrounding environment and the changes in his body at the same time at that moment.

So he can be sure that the guess in his heart is correct.

Now Chen Mu has carefully perceived the changes in his body again, and he is completely sure of the guess in his heart.

No accidents happened.

His body has not changed at all, but Chen Mu's perception of his body is different.

In simple terms, Chen Mu's body is still the same as before.

It's just that Chen Mu's ability to perceive himself has become stronger.

It's like a human who used to use bronze mirrors, but suddenly someone gave him a glass mirror.

Then his understanding of himself will definitely become clearer.

After all, the self seen in the glass mirror is definitely clearer than the self seen in the bronze mirror.

And this is how Chen Mu perceives his demonic body at this time.

Although his body has not changed much, Chen Mu still found some abnormalities.

That is, at this time, he can actually feel that his body is slowly transforming.

This is a very strange feeling. Even if Chen Mu had not used all his strength to perceive, he would not have been able to perceive this change.

At this time, Chen Mu also understood why he had not been able to perceive any changes in his body before.

In fact, this change was too slow and rare. With Chen Mu's previous perception ability, it was extremely normal not to be able to perceive it.

Chen Mu had this guess before.

But before, it was only a guess, and now Chen Mu has verified the so-called guess into a fact.

As time goes by, this change will definitely turn into a real transformation of Chen Mu's demon body.

The improvement of perception ability at this time is only one part of this change.

Chen Mu can be sure that if his demon body transforms, the changes brought about will definitely not only be the strengthening of perception ability.

Maybe there will be unexpected surprises waiting for him.

After all, Chen Mu does not think that the previous memory inheritance is the last memory inheritance.

Thinking of this, Chen Mu no longer thinks about it, and does not continue to perceive his own body.

After all, there is no big change in his body, only his perception ability has changed.

Chen Mu has already tested his enhanced perception ability, so there is no need to keep his self-perception all the time.

In that case, the passage of time will also have a lot of impact on Chen Mu.

What Chen Mu needs to do now is to minimize the impact of time on him, and then wait for the moment when his demon body transforms.

As for how to do it, Chen Mu knows it very well.

That is to completely empty his own thoughts, and then let his body wander in the Demon Mother River according to instinct.

In that case, Chen Mu will not be disturbed by the outside world at all.

And there is no need to perceive the passage of time.

Under this premise, no matter how long time has passed, Chen Mu will hardly be affected by any time.

In other words, time will lose a lot of meaning for Chen Mu in this state.

But for Chen Mu, this is undoubtedly a good thing.

After all, he doesn't have to worry so much anymore. After his demon body completes the transformation, Chen Mu will naturally know everything.

This state is actually somewhat similar to the human sleep state.

It is also somewhat similar to the wizard's meditation state.

It's just that the wizard's meditation has many prerequisites, but Chen Mu's emptying of his mind has no prerequisites.

This is more like an ability that Chen Mu was born with.

In other words, even if Chen Mu did not retain all the memories of his previous life, as long as he was a demon, he would have this ability.

This is an ability that all demons are born with.

Even other demons have this ability.

Another way to explain it is that even if Chen Mu had not experienced any reincarnation simulation before.

Even if this was his first reincarnation simulation, the passage of time would not have a big impact on him who had no experience.

After all, this was not to let him live for countless years, but to let him "sleep" for countless years.

The next moment, Chen Mu stopped thinking about anything and completely emptied his mind.

At the same time, his body began to wander silently in the Demon Mother River.

At this moment, Chen Mu even gave up the perception of the surrounding environment.

At this time, his body was completely relying on the instinct of the body to move.

The reason why Chen Mu felt relieved to do so was also related to his perception of the surrounding environment over the years.

He knew very well that before his demon body completed its transformation, his perception of the surrounding environment would not change.

Moreover, Chen Mu did not need to eat in the Demon Mother River, nor did he need to worry about other demons causing him any trouble.

After all, Chen Mu did not know whether there were other demons.

However, Chen Mu believed that there was a great probability that there was, but he could not perceive it at this time.

Since he could not perceive it, there was no need to continue this meaningless perception.

Since he could not perceive it, Chen Mu did not have to worry about other demons in the void.

Since he did not need to worry about these, he naturally chose to let go of his thoughts completely.

During the period before his demon body began to transform, Chen Mu would not think about any problems if there was no unexpected situation.

After all, he had no worries at this time.

Some of Chen Mu's previous speculations were also verified after experiencing the inheritance of memory and the evolution of perception.

As for those conjectures that he has not verified, they are already those conjectures that have no chance to be verified.

If he wants to verify those conjectures, he can only wait for the moment when his demon body truly completes the transformation.

The abyss does not count time.

But the concept of time cannot be completely non-existent.

But for Chen Mu, who is now completely relying on instinct, the concept of time seems to really not exist.

At least after countless years, Chen Mu has not actively sensed the passage of time.

This also shows that Chen Mu has completely ignored the concept of time in this world.

When he just reincarnated into this world, Chen Mu would still pay attention to time, but now he no longer pays attention to time because there is no meaning.

Chen Mu not paying attention to time does not mean that time will completely stagnate.

At a certain moment, Chen Mu still released the state of letting go of his thoughts.

As for the reason, it was naturally that Chen Mu's demon body had reached a critical point.

At this moment, thoughts began to flow into Chen Mu's mind again.

"Is the body about to begin to transform?"

Chen Mu said to himself.

He actually felt a little emotional.

Because at this time, Chen Mu didn't know how long it had been since he completely let go of his thoughts.

Chen Mu didn't even know an approximate time.

But one thing Chen Mu could be sure of was that this time would definitely not be a fast time.

It had definitely been countless years since the last time he perceived the evolution of his ability.

Even if Chen Mu didn't actively perceive the passage of time, Chen Mu was clear about this.

After all, the transformation of the body was definitely not completed in an instant. Chen Mu had sensed that kind of slow improvement before.

Just like dripping water wearing away a stone, Chen Mu had seen dripping water, so he naturally knew how difficult it was to wear away a stone.

But this was not the reason why Chen Mu felt a little emotional.

The reason why Chen Mu felt emotional was actually because he had no feeling at all.

That's right, after such a long time, Chen Mu didn't feel a bit.

Even humans will have some feelings when they sleep, but Chen Mu didn't feel anything from letting go of his mind to recovering his mind.

This is different from every reincarnation simulation he had before. In any of the previous reincarnation simulations, Chen Mu could clearly perceive the passage of time.

He could also clearly perceive the impact of time on him.

Even the time when he reincarnated into the True Spirit Realm was the same.

But this time it was completely different. The concept of time seemed to be vague in this world.

If you actively perceive it, it does exist.

But if you don't deliberately perceive the passage of time, then it seems to be non-existent.

Until this moment, Chen Mu really understood why the abyss doesn't count time.

Because the concept of time may not exist in the abyss.

You know, the fundamental reason why Chen Mu cared about time before was actually because he carried all the memories of his previous life.

But other demons born in this world are not born with certain memories like Chen Mu.

That is to say, except Chen Mu, there is no concept of time in the minds of all other demons.

Before Chen Mu could continue thinking, his demon body finally broke through the critical point.

The transformation began.

There was no big movement, everything was done imperceptibly.

ps: Thank you for reading, thank you for the monthly ticket, love you~ (End of this chapter)

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