Wizard's Life Simulator

Chapter 331 The influence of the subconscious and the difference in vision (Please subscribe

Chapter 331 ‘Subconscious influence’ and ‘Difference in vision’ (Subscribe)

“Void Walker?”

Chen Mu frowned and said to himself.

Just by the name, you can tell that this cultivation path is definitely related to the void.

Just like the Void Devourer cultivation path that Chen Mu first passed on to him when he was promoted to the sixth-level witch fairy.

Thinking of this, Chen Mu's consciousness moved.

He sat cross-legged in front of Hei Hai with two fingers on one hand, pointing to Hei Hai's brow.

When Hei Hai saw Chen Mu's action, he did not resist.

The next moment, a strange memory was transmitted to Hei Hai's mind by Chen Mu.

Time passed slowly, Chen Mu sat cross-legged with a calm look, as if waiting for something.

After a while, Hei Hai came back to his senses, and a look of horror flashed in his eyes.

“Master, this is”

Hei Hai witch fairy said in shock.

It was really the memory transmitted to him by Chen Mu that made him unable to calm down immediately.

"When I was promoted to the sixth-level wizard, I also had a new path of cultivation in my mind, which is the [Void Devourer] path of cultivation."

"How is this path of cultivation different from the path of the Void Walker in your memory?"

Chen Mu asked.

Yes, the memory he just transmitted to the Black Sea Wizard was exactly the memory fragment of the Void Devourer's path of cultivation.

After Chen Mu's voice fell, the Black Sea Wizard closed his eyes, as if he was comparing the similarities and differences between the two paths of cultivation in his mind.

After a moment, the Black Sea Wizard opened his eyes, and there was a flash of confusion in his eyes.

"Master, I'll transmit the memory to you, and you can compare and deduce it yourself."

The Black Sea Wizard said.

After the voice fell, his consciousness moved, and the memory fragment of the Void Walker's path of cultivation was transmitted to Chen Mu.

The next moment, a large number of unfamiliar memory fragments suddenly appeared in Chen Mu's mind.

These memory fragments were sorted out by Chen Mu in an instant.

These unfamiliar memories are exactly the memory fragments about the Void Walker's cultivation path.

"Is this an incomplete cultivation path?"

"No, this is also a complete cultivation path."

"The Void Walker's cultivation path alone is indeed complete, but if the Void Walker's cultivation path and the Void Devourer's cultivation path are put together for reference, both of them have a sense of incompleteness."

After digesting the memory of the Void Walker's cultivation path in his mind, Chen Mu frowned slightly and muttered to himself.

This memory of the Void Walker is indeed an unexpected gain for him.

"Master, these two cultivation paths seem incomplete?"

Seeing that Chen Mu seemed to have completely digested the memory, the Black Sea Witch Immortal spoke with some doubt.

The Black Sea Witch Immortal also had complete memories of the two cultivation paths at this time, so he could also think of what Chen Mu could think of.

Hearing what his disciple said, Chen Mu nodded, and then shook his head.

"Both cultivation paths are complete, but when the two cultivation paths are combined, they are incomplete cultivation paths."

Chen Mu said.

Although Chen Mu had not practiced these two cultivation paths related to the void at this time.

But he had a high level of comprehension. After a simple deduction, he understood the commonality between the two cultivation paths.

Although the words he said at this time were very confusing, the Black Sea Witch Immortal understood the meaning of Chen Mu's words in just a moment.

"Are you saying that these two cultivation paths can be merged together?"

"Does that mean that these two cultivation paths can also be merged with the Witch Immortal cultivation path?"

The Black Sea Witch Immortal thought of something and asked with some surprise.

After practicing to the realm of the sixth-level Witch Immortal, the Black Sea Witch Immortal can also sense the incompleteness of the Witch Immortal cultivation path.

Although he couldn't know where the Witch Immortal cultivation path was incomplete like Chen Mu, he could still discover some clues.

"It's not that simple."

Chen Mu shook his head and said.

The idea that the Black Sea Witch Immortal said was actually thought of by Chen Mu when he was promoted to the sixth-level Witch Immortal.

But after so many years, Chen Mu had long given up this idea.

The reason is very simple, that is, the path of the Void Devourer is contrary to the path of the Wuxian cultivation he deduced.

Even the path of the Void Walker that he just digested is essentially contrary to the path of the Wuxian cultivation.

Because the essence of these two cultivation paths is actually to completely integrate into the void, rather than to master the power of the void.

Let's take a simple example.

The Wuxian cultivation path deduced by Chen Mu is to master the void of the entire universe, or to transcend the entire void.

The two cultivation paths of the Void Devourer and the Void Walker are different. The essence of these two cultivation paths is to live better in this void and better integrate into this void.

Therefore, the Wuxian cultivation path is essentially different from the two void cultivation paths.

Chen Mu can refer to these two void cultivation paths to deduce the Wuxian cultivation path, but it is impossible to integrate these two void cultivation paths into the Wuxian cultivation path.

Even if it can be forced to do it, perhaps Chen Mu will not consider it.

This is just like water and fire cannot mix. Even if water and fire can be forcibly merged together, there will only be disadvantages and no benefits.

Chen Mu's words poured cold water on the Black Sea Witch Fairy.

His comprehension was not bad either. After calming down and thinking carefully for a moment, he understood the reason.

He thought too simply.

If different cultivation paths could really be easily integrated together, then the limit of the Wuxian cultivation path would not be stuck at the sixth-level Wuxian stage for tens of millions of years.

But the next moment, a flash of inspiration flashed in the mind of the Black Sea Wuxian, as if he had thought of something.

"Master, since these two void cultivation paths cannot be integrated with the Wuxian cultivation path now."

"Then after these two void cultivation paths are supplemented, will there be another possibility?"

The Black Sea Wuxian spoke quickly.

Before Chen Mu could speak, he continued:

"Since Wuxian can obtain the memory of a new cultivation path when he is promoted to the sixth-level Wuxian, then if all the memories obtained by Wuxian after being promoted to the sixth-level Wuxian are gathered together, can the void cultivation path be supplemented?"

The Black Sea Wuxian did not finish his words because he found that Chen Mu looked at him with a strange look at this time.

The meaning of the words said by the Black Sea Wuxian at this time is actually very easy to understand.

Chen Mu could easily understand the meaning of the words of the Black Sea Wuxian.

The meaning is very simple, that is, first merge the two cultivation paths of the Void Walker and the Void Devourer together, and then merge this Void cultivation path with other Void cultivation paths.

Finally, complete this Void cultivation path.

After the Void cultivation path is completed, try to merge the Wuxian cultivation path with the complete Void cultivation path.

After all, the incomplete Void cultivation path may not be able to merge with the Wuxian cultivation path, but the complete Void cultivation path may not be impossible.

Some things must be known after real attempts.

Even Chen Mu thinks this idea is very good and will be a good experimental direction.

But unfortunately, this idea lacks many key factors.

Among them, merging countless cultivation paths related to the void into a completely complete cultivation path is almost impossible.

The difficulty of this situation that can really be achieved is no less than Chen Mu's deduction of the Wuxian cultivation path to the realm of the seventh-level Wuxian.

But if Chen Mu can deduce the Wuxian cultivation path to the realm of the seventh-level Wuxian, why bother to merge the Void cultivation path and then try to merge the Void cultivation path with the Wuxian cultivation path?

There is a paradox between the two.

Thinking of this, Chen Mu said:

"The idea is good, but it is almost impossible to implement it."

"Because not all fifth-level Wuxian will inherit the memory of the new cultivation path in their minds after being promoted to the sixth-level Wuxian."

"Among all the sixth-level Wuxians at present, only you and I are special cases."

Chen Mu still chose to explain.

Hearing Chen Mu's words, the Black Sea Wuxian instantly understood how stupid the idea he had just proposed was.

He thought that all fifth-level Wuxians would have an extra memory of a strange cultivation path in their minds after being promoted to the sixth-level Wuxian.

In that case, as long as all the memory fragments related to the Void cultivation path in the minds of all the sixth-level Wuxians are merged together, it may be possible to deduce a complete Void cultivation path in the end.

Unfortunately, he thought too much.

What he didn't expect was that among so many sixth-level wizards in the White Crow Realm, only his master and he were special.

"Master, after I became a sixth-level wizard, I could clearly feel a kind of shackles."

"It was also this kind of shackles that made me subconsciously want to switch to the practice of [Void Walker]."

"But now that I know the practice of the Void Devourer, I feel that switching to the practice of the Void Walker is not a good choice."

The Black Sea Wizard said, with a hint of confusion in his tone.

The reason why he tried to practice the practice of the Void Walker after being promoted to the sixth-level wizard was because of his subconscious.

Speaking of which, he was not a person who liked adventure.

This is why he had unique conditions, but his speed of promotion to the sixth-level wizard was slower than that of his junior brother.

But it was because of his character that after inheriting the memory of the Void Walker, he began to try to practice this practice for some reason.

This is not normal.

Because normally, he is very cautious.

But he started practicing this path of cultivation without figuring out the source of the memory in his mind.

It was as if his subconscious was telling him that the path of cultivation of the Void Walker had only benefits and no disadvantages.

"It is normal for you to have this idea, because the path of cultivation of the Wuxian is the path of cultivation I opened up, and this path of cultivation is not complete."

"Even if you can cultivate to the limit of this path of cultivation, you are only a sixth-level Wuxian. It is almost impossible to break the shackles further."

"But the path of cultivation of the Void Walker is complete, and practicing to the end is definitely stronger than practicing to the end of the Wuxian path."

Chen Mu said calmly.

He did not say that the Wuxian path of cultivation is invincible, and it is definitely stronger than the Void Walker path of cultivation.

Instead, he chose to tell the truth.

The potential of the Void Walker path of cultivation inherited by the original consciousness is not as good as the Wuxian path of cultivation in Chen Mu's ideal.

But at least for now, the highest level of cultivation of the Void Walker is definitely much stronger than the sixth-level extreme wizard.

The most important reason why Chen Mu could ignore the Void Devourer cultivation path passed down to him by the original consciousness was that he had a clear goal.

He practiced not to become crazy strong, nor to climb to a higher realm without a goal, but to transcend.

The Void Devourer cultivation path did not meet his conditions, because no matter how high the cultivation reached, it could not transcend.

So Chen Mu's subconscious mind would not affect him to switch to the so-called Void cultivation path.

But the Black Sea Witch Immortal was different.

The Black Sea Witch Immortal did not have Chen Mu's experience, nor did he have Chen Mu's vision, nor did he have a plug-in like a simulator.

He practiced to become stronger, just to climb to a higher realm.

As for transcendence, he didn't know anything at all.

Sometimes, vision determines the realm a person can eventually reach.

This is why the Black Sea Witch Immortal's subconscious mind will affect him and make him switch to the Void Walker cultivation path between instincts.

In fact, if this is the real world and not the simulation of Chen Mu's real body,

Then the future of the Black Sea Sorcerer Immortal might really become very strong, even stronger than all the sixth-level Sorcerer Immortals in the White Crow Realm.

But he has no possibility of transcendence at all.

After endless years, he will still disappear in this world because of his life span.

What Chen Mu said at this time is actually a secret in the White Crow Realm, and not many Sorcerers know about it.

But at this moment, Chen Mu has no intention of hiding anything.

After all, in the eyes of other people in this world, this world is real.

But for Chen Mu, this world is just a simulation of his real body, just a trial field for him.

After his real body simulation is over, this world will disappear.

If it were in reality, Chen Mu would definitely not discuss this with Black Sea.

But this is in the real body simulation, so it doesn't matter.

Hearing what Chen Mu said, the Black Sea Sorcerer Immortal was silent.

He did not refute anything, but sat cross-legged and thought quietly.

From the heart, in fact, at this moment, he was ready to completely give up the path of practicing Sorcerer Immortal.

Because in his understanding, the Void Walker cultivation path is definitely stronger than the Sorcerer Immortal cultivation path.

He even couldn't understand why his master had the [Void Devourer] cultivation path which obviously had higher potential than the Sorcerer Immortal cultivation path, but didn't practice it.

Instead, he chose to persist in practicing the Sorcerer Immortal Path for tens of millions of years.

ps: Thank you for reading and thank you for the monthly ticket, love you guys~

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