Wizard's Life Simulator

Chapter 339 Shouyuan Ranch and 1,000 Years Later (Subscription Request)

Chapter 339 ‘Shouyuan Ranch’ and ‘A Thousand Years Later’ (Subscribe)

Others can’t see it, but Chen Mu can see some clues now.

In his eyes, the young man who was locked in the chair at this time exuded a thick black gas.

This wisp of black gas seemed to overflow from the young man’s body.

“Such a thick death aura.”

Chen Mu’s eyes flashed with surprise, and then turned into calmness, and he muttered to himself in his heart.

Although he had never seen this state in this world, he was not unfamiliar with it.

He had been to too many worlds, so he naturally knew what the black gas he was sensing at this time was.

Such a thick death aura is no longer like a living person.

But this young man still has all the functions of a living person.

“Take me to see the other members of this Doomsday Cult.”

Chen Mu’s eyes did not linger on the young man for too long, and the next moment Chen Mu spoke softly.

He now had a little curiosity in his heart.

After all, the situation he saw at this time did not seem to be a means that the world he knew could have.

The world that Chen Mu knew, apart from the martial arts, was just an ordinary world.

But the scene in front of him should obviously not appear in this world.

Of course, Chen Mu only had a little curiosity in his heart at this time.

As for other emotions, they naturally did not exist.

"Okay, follow me."

Wei Zhen nodded quickly and took a step.

After a while, Chen Mu observed all the other members of the Doomsday Cult.

It was the same as he expected.

This Doomsday Cult, whether ordinary teachers or some small leaders with special identities, exuded a strong aura of death, just like dead people.

But these people are almost the same as living people, except that they fanatically believe in the Doomsday Cult.

These people can breathe normally, need to eat when hungry, and need to drink water when thirsty.

Even Chen Mu, after looking around, did not find anything special except the aura of death.

Chen Mu returned to an office room with Wei Zhen, sitting on a chair with a frown.

Wei Zhen stood aside, quietly waiting for Chen Mu to think.

"Tell me all the information about the Doomsday Church."

Chen Mu tapped the desk in front of him with his fingers and spoke.

After hearing Chen Mu's words, Wei Zhen organized his words and told Chen Mu all the information he knew about the Doomsday Church word by word.

After listening to all the information Wei Zhen said, Chen Mu nodded calmly.

"Collect all the information and report it to the higher authorities. This is probably not an ordinary cult missionary incident."

Chen Mu said.

Although he found some clues, he did not take the initiative to say it.

After all, he did not know whether there were any people from the so-called Doomsday Church in the upper echelons of Yuehai Federation.

After Chen Mu's voice fell, Wei Zhen nodded solemnly.

Although he had a little doubt in his heart, because although the scope of this incident was not small, it seemed that there was no need to pay so much attention to it.

After all, it was just an ordinary person joining the cult.

But he and Chen Mu have known each other for a long time, so even though he has doubts in his heart, he will not question Chen Mu's decision.

After Wei Zhen left, Chen Mu's fingers continued to tap the desk in front of him.

His eyes were as deep as a silent lake.

Different thoughts flashed through his mind at this time.

"The vitality of these people was directly taken away. What means were used to take away all their vitality without knowing it?"

"Who is behind the Doomsday Cult?"

"This world is really not as simple as I imagined."

At this moment, Chen Mu was thinking rapidly in his heart.

Before seeing these cultists, Chen Mu's thoughts were also very simple.

But after really observing all these cultists, Chen Mu realized that this might not be a simple missionary case.

Take away the vitality of ordinary people, and then keep them in their previous state.

This method seems to be extremely amazing, but in Chen Mu's eyes, it is still very crude.

Chen Mu in reality can also do this, and even do better.

But even so, this is not a method that will appear in this pure martial arts world.

Let alone other things, even Chen Mu at this moment cannot do this.

He can do it in reality because he has the realm of the sixth-level witch fairy in reality.

But at this time, he is in the world of reincarnation simulation, which is still far away from his realm in reality.

What's more, the martial arts practice path in this world is completely different from the witch fairy practice path he has mastered in reality.

Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, it was two years later.

Qingshui Province, within the military district, in the garrison.

Chen Mu picked up the file bag in his hand, opened it, and took out a few pages of white paper in the bag.

After a simple look, Chen Mu put down the white paper in his hand.

At this time, Chen Mu's face did not change much compared to before, and it was still very calm.

However, there was still a flash of strange color in his eyes just now.

"Old Bai, take a look."

The next moment, Chen Mu picked up the few pages of white paper that he had put down and handed them to a middle-aged man with an older face standing next to him.

Bai Cheng didn't say anything, and directly took the white paper that Chen Mu handed to him and started reading.

But a moment later, Bai Cheng's originally calm face showed a look of horror.

It seemed that he had seen something unimaginable.

"How is this possible?"

Bai Cheng looked at Chen Mu, wanting to confirm the authenticity of the content on the white paper.

Yuehai Federation, Grizzly Federation, Venus Federation.

The three major federations in this world actually tacitly agreed to the development and growth of the Doomsday Church.

"It's true."

"I didn't expect that the Doomsday Church had such a big background."

"No wonder a cult that promotes the end of the world can wreak havoc on the entire federation in just two years."

Chen Mu said calmly.

Rather than saying that the Doomsday Church has a big background, it is better to say that the people behind the Doomsday Church have a big background.

And the background is not just big, it is amazing.

Because the people standing behind the Doomsday Cult are not from this world at all.

The Doomsday Cult is just a means of confusing people, so it won't be so embarrassing.

"But this is also..."

Bai Cheng was a little stunned, wanting to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

The atmosphere of silence began to spread.

After a moment, Chen Mu waved his hand, indicating that Bai Cheng could leave.

Bai Cheng, who still hadn't recovered, nodded like a robot, and then left in a daze.

After Bai Cheng left, Chen Mu stretched out his hand and rubbed his temple.

At this time, he couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

Sure enough, how could the world in the seventh universe be simple.

The next moment, Chen Mu sat down in his chair.

Countless thoughts flashed through his mind at this moment.

Two years ago, when he saw those cultists, he thought that it was not a means belonging to this world.

Unexpectedly, it was really like this.

"It turns out that what was taken away was not vitality, but life span."

"I really thought I was reincarnated into a big world that has not yet developed, but I was reincarnated into a ranch."

Chen Mu said to himself.

Yes, this so-called world is just a small ranch controlled by the [Black Moon Sect].

And the natives in this world are all "livestock" in the ranch, or in other words, trading items.

But what is traded is not their bodies, but their life span.

What he knows is not just what is on the white paper.

What he knows is much more than what Bai Cheng just saw.

After all, a year ago, he really met the deacon disciple of the [Black Moon Sect].

Even Chen Mu had never thought that life span could be traded.

Even in order to trade life span, a "ranch" like the real world would be built for this purpose.

Drawing life span and trading life span.

This method is something that Chen Mu in reality cannot do.

Let alone doing it, he dare not even think about it.

After all, if there is such ability, wouldn't it be equivalent to another kind of eternal life?

No wonder a world without any special features can give birth to a cultivation path, although this cultivation path is extremely rough.

Everyone is like a dragon? It's just a joke.

In this world, unless you cultivate to a very high level like Chen Mu, you are just a disposable livestock.

Even Chen Mu is just a high-quality livestock in the eyes of the deacon disciple.

The reason why Chen Mu was not harvested is that he has the opportunity to enter a higher realm in the eyes of the deacon disciple.

Entering a higher realm means having more lifespan.

When there is no more progress, it is the time for this high-quality livestock to have his lifespan taken away.

And even if he is not harvested this time, his memory will be erased later, waiting for the next harvest.

Fortunately, Chen Mu is special.

With a simulator, he is unlikely to be affected in terms of memory.

But the deacon disciple is not aware of all this.

This is why Chen Mu can know these things clearly, because in the eyes of the deacon disciple, it doesn't matter if you know more, after he leaves, the memory will be washed away.

He seems to enjoy this feeling of hope, despair, and helplessness.

The reason why Chen Mu never thought of these things before is very simple.

That is, the practice method he mastered cannot be practiced in this world.

Including the path of cultivating immortals, it is still not feasible in this world.

So Chen Mu thinks that this world is a separate world, an ordinary world, or a big world that has not yet developed.

After all, reincarnation simulation will reincarnate to the time when a world first developed.

It is precisely because of this that Chen Mu did not think so much.

Just simply regard this world as a relaxing reincarnation simulation.

But now, Chen Mu, who knows more, naturally will not think so.

But he does not have any emotions such as fear.

After all, no matter how this world is, it is just a reincarnation simulation of Chen Mu.

Although it is a pity to have no gains, it is naturally better to have gains.

"If it is true as I guessed, this world is just a part of the [Black Moon Sect] territory in the fairyland."

"Then why can't I practice the immortal cultivation method I master?"

"Is it because this is a small world similar to the 'secret realm'? Or is it because it is blocked by a large formation and cannot be practiced?"

Chen Mu tapped the table in front of him lightly, and his heart was lost in thought.

When he met the Black Moon Sect deacon disciple a year ago, he had a 50% chance of being sure that this world was the so-called fairyland.

Because the names of sects and disciples are too similar to the immortal cultivation world.

In other worlds, there are very few organizations called sects.

But even so, Chen Mu is only 50% sure.

After all, this is just his guess, and it is extremely difficult for him to verify this guess.

Unless he can leave this world and really go to the outside world.

But this is very difficult.

But this is only difficult for him in this simulation.

Because if Chen Mu can use the reincarnation simulation a few more times to choose to reincarnate in this world, even if he is unlucky, he will eventually reincarnate into the real world.

But that is not what Chen Mu needs to consider now.

Now, he is only considering going outside the world in this reincarnation simulation.

"Is there any way for me to leave this world and go to the outside world in this simulation?"

"I am afraid it won't work this time, but is there a chance in the next thousand years?"

"But what if someone in the outside world has been monitoring this world? Should I take the risk and try to make a plan?"

Thoughts flashed through Chen Mu's mind.

Plans emerged from his heart.

Time passed slowly, and after a moment, Chen Mu temporarily suppressed the thoughts in his mind.

Time flies, and eighteen years have passed in a blink of an eye.

[The host's memory has been affected, and the memory has been blocked. ]

A familiar mechanical voice sounded in his mind, and Chen Mu, who was sitting on the chair, sighed slightly in his heart.

Twenty years have passed, and this world has become a little "full of holes".

But except for the fact that the total number of people in this world has decreased, there seems to be no other changes in this world.

Except for Chen Mu, who has the memory protected by the simulator, no one knows that the memories of all other people in this world have been "purified".

"What will it be like a thousand years later?"

At this moment, Chen Mu muttered to himself.

Chen Mu, whose memory was not affected at all, clearly knew when the next harvest would be.

What should he do during this period?

Resist with the power of the world? Or pretend not to know? Or plot secretly?

The answer, perhaps only Chen Mu can know.

Spring goes and autumn comes, and the world seems to have not changed at all.

Even after a thousand years, it is the same.

Yuehai Province, Central Pavilion.

"Is it you?"

"Sir, what did you say?"

Chen Mu, who already had the face of a middle-aged man, pretended to be very respectful and spoke, but in fact, his heart was indifferent.

"Nothing, let's get started."

The surprise of the young man in black robe was only for a moment, and the next moment he shook his head indifferently and said.

PS: Thank you for reading, thank you for the monthly ticket, love you~

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