Wizard's Life Simulator

Chapter 343 The Seven Hundred Epochs and the Original Immortal Path (Subscription Request)

Chapter 343 ‘The Seven Hundred Epochs’ and ‘The Original Immortal Road’ (Subscribe)

The Qinglian Immortal Court was indeed compiled by Chen Mu.

After all, he was completely unfamiliar with the immortal courts that had appeared in this world, so he could only compile one.

As for whether it would expose abnormalities, Chen Mu was not worried.

After he said the name Qinglian Immortal Court, there were only two possibilities.

The first possibility was that the number of immortal courts that had appeared in this world was extremely limited, and even this deacon disciple could clearly know all the immortal courts that had appeared in this world.

The second possibility was what Chen Mu expected.

That is, from the birth of this world to the present, countless immortal courts had appeared.

In this case, this deacon disciple probably could not know the names of all the immortal courts.

Chen Mu thought the possibility of the second possibility was very high.

Because in the previous words of this deacon disciple, a lot of things had actually been exposed.

Of course, Chen Mu could not be 100% sure, so he was actually gambling when he said this.

He could have kept silent and even pretended that this part of his memory was missing.

But Chen Mu didn't do that.

Chen Mu still understood the principle that too much is as bad as too little.

But just now, the thoughtful look on the face of this deacon disciple after hearing what he said about the Qinglian Xianting made Chen Mu slightly surprised.

Could it be that there is really a Qinglian Xianting in this world?

A blind cat bumped into a dead mouse?

Several thoughts flashed through Chen Mu's mind, but he suppressed them all in an instant.

After all, if it was such a coincidence, it might not be a bad thing for him.

There was just a slight possibility that he would make things worse.

Time passed slowly, and a moment later.

After the deacon Zhuan carefully checked his memory over and over again, he could be sure that he had never heard of the Qinglian Xianting before.

"I don't have the Qinglian Xianting in my memory. Maybe I can help you look through the ancient books later."

"I think the era you lived in in your previous life is indeed very far away from now."

After sorting out his memories, the seal steward shook his head and said.

At the moment when Chen Mu spoke just now, he did hear a sense of familiarity from the four words Qinglian Xianting.

But there was no Qinglian Xianting in his memory.

This made him feel a little strange, but he suppressed this strange feeling in his heart after a moment.

After the seal steward's voice fell, Chen Mu understood that this steward disciple did not doubt the authenticity of the words he had just said.

It seems that his worries were a bit redundant.

Because of the communication method he deliberately created before, this steward disciple should have completely believed in his identity as the reincarnation of the immortal.

After Chen Mu was silent for a moment, he finally nodded and said: "Thank you for your trouble."

After the voice fell, there was a touch of joy on the face of the seal steward.

Although he is not very strong in this world, it is not easy for him to cultivate to the current realm.

It is difficult for a cultivator who has cultivated to his realm to be emotionally affected.

But now Chen Mu's simple words made him feel excited.

After all, Chen Mu's words mean that Chen Mu is willing to cooperate with him.

Yes, he prefers to understand it as cooperation.

Because at this time, he does not simply regard Chen Mu as an object of investment and utilization, but as a partner who communicates with him on an equal footing.

Sincerity can only be exchanged for sincerity, how can he not understand such a simple truth.

Although the investment may fail and may even involve his life, the deacon of the seal no longer cares about these.

After all, just the opportunity of this investment is already an opportunity.

In this era, although there are many reincarnated immortals, there are definitely not many.

At least a small person like him is far from being able to reach that level.

If he hadn't paid attention to Chen Mu early, then this investment opportunity would not have been his turn.

But what he didn't know was that this was an investment that was bound to fail.

Because from the beginning, his positioning of Chen Mu's identity was wrong.

"You need to switch to the practice method you practiced in your previous life as soon as possible. The rules of the fairy world are completely different from the cage world."

"Although the martial arts you practiced in the cage world have been improved by you, they are still unable to adapt to the rules of the fairy world."

"After you step out of this barrier, your martial arts practice realm will be strongly suppressed."

"But don't be too anxious. After all, the moment you jump out of the cage world, you are actually an outer disciple of the Black Moon Sect."

"You can enter first, and then switch to the fairy path of your previous life under my protection, so that the possibility of exposure will be minimized."

Deacon Zhuan said.

Although he knew that Chen Mu was very likely to know these things, he still chose to say it again.

After all, Chen Mu said that his memory was missing, and he didn't know exactly which memories were missing.

"I understand."

Hearing this, Chen Mu just nodded and said lightly.

It seems that he doesn't care at all.

In fact, he has already remembered all of this in his heart.

This world is indeed the fairyland.

If Chen Mu was a little unsure before, he was completely sure now.

This world, as he guessed in the reincarnation space, is undoubtedly the fairyland.

After all, the word "fairyland" was said by the deacon disciple himself. Chen Mu did not think that the deacon disciple would deceive him on these basic information, because there was no need to do so.

The rules of the fairyland.

Cage world.

So the small world I first reincarnated into was called the cage world?

Cage, it seems very reasonable.

Chen Mu sorted out the thoughts in his mind and suppressed them.

Just the information he obtained after meeting the deacon disciple actually made his reincarnation simulation worthwhile.

What's more, the deacon disciple seemed to have made a decision, which meant that he could gain more from this reincarnation simulation.

At least he was not stupid enough to actively expose his suspected identity as an illegal resident, so he might not have no chance to survive this reincarnation simulation until the end of his life.

"But even if you join the Black Moon Sect, you must keep a low profile."

"In the future, unless you grow to the level of immortal transformation, try not to leave my cave."

Deacon Zhuan gave another reminder, then waved his hand gently, and a white light enveloped the bodies of the two.

The next moment, Chen Mu's eyes went dark.

However, in this situation, Chen Mu did not panic or anything like that, and was still very calm.

A moment later, the scene in front of Chen Mu changed drastically.

Then a strange memory appeared in his mind.

This strange memory was automatically generated in his mind after Chen Mu appeared here.

After absorbing the memory in his mind, Chen Mu also felt a little emotional.

What a big cave.

The cultivation cave owned by this deacon disciple is much larger than the cage world he reincarnated before.

"You can practice here from now on."

"No one will monitor here, so you don't have to worry about your identity being exposed."

"But don't be careless. I will protect you first. When you turn to the path of cultivation in your previous life, you can practice here alone."

"I usually venture out into the outside world, and I usually don't practice hard in the cave."

Seeing that Chen Mu had digested the memory, the deacon said.

He has more than one cave in the sect.

But among the three caves he owns, only this cave has the highest status, and only this cave is the most precious.

The reason is very simple.

This cave was personally given by the sect when he was promoted to the true disciple of the deacon.

The other two caves were traded by him.

After he finished speaking, Chen Mu nodded.

Chen Mu's face was calm at this time, but his heart was far less calm than his face.

Chen Mu's heart was stirred up at this moment.

After all, Chen Mu was completely unfamiliar with the reincarnation and cultivation path of the previous life mentioned by the deacon disciple.

After all, his identity was not the reincarnation of a real immortal in the fairy court, so naturally there would be no previous life cultivation path for him to transfer to.

Countless thoughts flashed through Chen Mu's heart at this moment.

At this moment, there seemed to be only two choices in front of him.

The first choice was to continue to pretend to have amnesia.

But this choice was really not a good method.

After all, it was normal to lose some memories after reincarnation, but it was a bit abnormal to lose the most important meaning of the cultivation path of one's own life after reincarnation.

If he made this choice, the deacon may not give up investing in him, but he would definitely be suspicious of him.

Reincarnation simulation can be used as a reason once or twice.

But if it is brought up all the time, it must be abnormal.

The immortal reincarnated, but even the core memory was missing, so what investment value could there be.

Even if the deacon still firmly chose not to give up, he would definitely reduce his investment in him.

This was what Chen Mu did not want to see.

Fortunately, this was not the only choice.

He has a second choice.

That is to pretend to really change to the so-called immortal cultivation path of the previous life.

That's right, Chen Mu at this time is indeed not the reincarnation of the immortal in the fairy court, but he is indeed a genuine reincarnation.

Reincarnation simulation is also reincarnation, isn't it?

Although he did not master the immortal cultivation path mastered by the so-called immortal in the previous life.

But don't forget that Chen Mu has reincarnated many times in the immortal cultivation world in the eighth universe.

He did not master the immortal path, but he had practiced the basic immortal cultivation path countless times, and he was definitely not unfamiliar.

But Chen Mu didn't know whether the rules of this fairy world could adapt to the immortal cultivation path and whether he could successfully change to cultivation.

After all, he had not really tried to practice the immortal cultivation path in this world.

After he broke free from the cage world, he met the waiting deacon disciple.

Now he was brought into this cave again, so it was not that Chen Mu didn't want to try whether he could practice the immortal cultivation path in this world, but that he had no chance to try at all.

So once Chen Mu made the second choice.

Then it means that he is taking a risk.

If he fails, there is a high probability that the seal steward will find out the clues, and it is not impossible that he will be directly exposed.

This seal steward is not stupid at all, otherwise he would not have targeted Chen Mu before Chen Mu rose in the cage world.

The thought flashed through his mind, but in reality it was only a moment.

In this moment, Chen Mu had already made a decision.

The next moment, Chen Mu sat cross-legged in meditation, and his mind moved, and his body began to change rapidly.

That's right, Chen Mu finally decided to practice the cultivation method of his previous life as an immortal.

Of course, it was just a pretend, after all, Chen Mu did not really have the so-called immortal cultivation method.

What Chen Mu had to do was to practice the immortal cultivation method he had obtained in the eighth universe.

Time passed slowly, and the changes in Chen Mu became greater and greater.

Qi Refining, Foundation Building, Golden Pill, Nascent Soul, Transformation.

Only a moment passed, and Chen Mu's realm had been promoted from Qi Refining to Transformation.

In an instant, Chen Mu crossed five realms.

This sudden surge of powerful power made even Chen Mu groan.

Sure enough, it can be practiced.

It is true that the immortal cultivation method he mastered in the eighth universe can be practiced in the immortal world.

Moreover, compared to those immortal cultivation worlds, the speed of cultivation in the immortal world is simply exaggerated.

Moreover, the spiritual energy contained in this cave is better than the effect of the sixth-level extreme spiritual veins in those immortal cultivation worlds in the eighth universe, and it is endless.

However, the seal steward who was watching Chen Mu's changes at the side had a slight change in expression at this moment, but in a flash his expression turned calm again.

It was as if the change in his expression just now had never appeared.

Similarly, no one knew what he was thinking at this moment.

After a while, when Chen Mu digested all the realms he had improved and slowly opened his eyes, the deacon Zhuan spoke:

"I didn't expect that you were practicing the original immortal road."

"The era before your reincarnation was much older than I thought. No wonder I had never heard of the Qinglian Immortal Court."

"The original immortal road was eliminated more than 700 epochs ago."

"Perhaps you are not an illegal resident, but the immortal court you belong to has long disappeared in history, so there is no one to take you to the immortal court."

"Your memory loss must be due to the long interval between reincarnations."

The deacon Zhuan also smiled bitterly at this moment.

I thought I was investing in a great opportunity, but I didn't expect that it was an old guy abandoned by the times.

He had planned to ask Chen Mu for some immortal methods, but now this idea was forced to be dispelled by him.

After all, Chen Mu practiced the original immortal road countless epochs ago in his previous life, so he must have mastered the ancient magic of that era.

These are all eliminated immortal arts and magic, and their help to him is very limited.

At this time, the deacon Zhuan felt a little helpless.

This time, the great opportunity he imagined seemed to be different from his imagination.

He didn't know whether investing in Chen Mu was right or wrong.

ps: Thank you for reading and thank you for the monthly ticket, love you guys~

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