Wizard's Life Simulator

Chapter 372 Eighteen million years and the final step (Subscription required)

This time, the real body simulation brought Chen Mu a huge harvest.

At this time, he was not far away from opening up the real seventh-level wizard realm of the wizard cultivation path.

In other words, if nothing unexpected happens, sixteen years later in reality, in the next real body simulation, he will be able to perfectly deduce the realm of the seventh-level wizard.

"Maybe the number of text simulations cannot be accumulated to 500 times."

In the rule space, Chen Mu chuckled to himself.


Accumulating 500 text simulations means that Chen Mu can deduce the seventh-level realm of the wizard cultivation path in a thousand years.

But obviously he can't use a thousand years in reality at this time.

Even a hundred years can't be used.

Thinking of this, Chen Mu hid the distracting thoughts in his heart.

Time passed, and another sixteen years passed in reality.

In the rule space, Chen Mu, who was sitting cross-legged on the stone tablet, slowly opened his eyes, and summoned the light curtain of the simulator with a thought.

The light blue simulator light curtain floated in front of Chen Mu's eyes.

Chen Mu's eyes still stayed on the column representing the number of simulations on the light curtain.

[Number of reincarnation simulations: 3]

[Number of real body simulations: 1]

[Do you want to start reincarnation simulation? ]

"No, start real body simulation."

Looking at the black words on the light curtain, Chen Mu refused to start reincarnation simulation, but directly started the accumulated number of real body simulations.

Although the reincarnation simulation has accumulated three times, Chen Mu did not start the reincarnation simulation rashly.

After all, at this time, he no longer needs to accumulate foundation through reincarnation simulation.

Now the most important thing for him is to push the realm of the Wuxian cultivation path in reality up one level.

As for the number of reincarnation simulations, maybe he can save it until he becomes a seventh-level Wuxian.

That's right, just like the text simulation, Chen Mu decided to save the accumulated number of reincarnation simulations until he becomes a seventh-level Wuxian.

In that case, perhaps he can get more benefits.

In the rule space, the light curtain representing the simulator suddenly disappeared.

Chen Mu's expression did not change at all.

After all, he had experienced too many real-body simulations, and he was too familiar with what would happen in reality after the simulation was turned on.

The real-body simulation was turned on, and Chen Mu did not leave the wizard world directly, just like the previous real-body simulations.

He could still wait for a thousand years.

Besides, the more critical the moment, the more Chen Mu could not be careless.

Whether he could open up the seventh-level wizard fairy road and become a seventh-level wizard fairy and a transcendent was too important for Chen Mu.

So in this real-body simulation, Chen Mu would not allow himself to make any mistakes.

Fortunately, he had rehearsed this situation many times, and the possibility of accidents was very small.

In the rule space, Chen Mu closed his eyes and waited quietly.

Chen Mu did not wait too long, because the long river of time would never stop flowing, and nearly a thousand years passed in a flash.

There was no change in the future, and no accidents happened.

Just like the real body simulation Chen Mu experienced several times before.

At this time, Chen Mu had already left the rule space of the wizard world.

His destination was the same as the real body simulations in the previous times, which was the power source star.

Because he was too familiar with this lifeless planet. After all, he had been in the world layer of this planet for nearly 100 million years.

After the power source star opened up the rule space.

Chen Mu did not slack off, but directly began to deduce the path of wizard cultivation.

The time for this real body simulation is still long. If Chen Mu's life span does not have any accidents, then he still has more than 30 million years in this real body simulation.

30 million years is enough.

It doesn't even take that long.

In Chen Mu's deduction, it only takes 20 million years at most for him to open up the seventh level of the wizard cultivation path.

20 million years is long? It's very long.

But for Chen Mu, his life span is more than 20 million years.

Once upon a time, such a long life span was something Chen Mu could not even imagine, but now it is reality.

In the rule space.

Chen Mu closed his eyes and frowned slightly.

Now, he has already deduced the path of the Wuxian cultivation path to the seventh level to the most critical moment.

It can be said that in the next 20 million years, he cannot make any mistakes.

Otherwise, everything will have to be overturned and started again.

Even for Chen Mu at this time, this is a huge amount of work.

Fortunately, for some reason, the Wuxian cultivation path is very compatible with the God cultivation path, which is also the main reason why Chen Mu is confident that he can perfectly deduce the Wuxian cultivation path to the seventh level in 20 million years.

Otherwise, Chen Mu is not very sure that the 20 million years will be extended tenfold.

Whether it is a coincidence or not, Chen Mu no longer cares, because instead of thinking about those things, it is better to deduce the Wuxian cultivation path as soon as possible.

He already has enough secrets, and it doesn't matter if there is one more.

Strength is the root of everything.

If you have strong power, then all problems will not be problems.

This is the experience gained by Chen Mu from countless simulations.

A stronger person always has more say.

This strength, of course, does not only refer to a strong realm, but realm is definitely the most important one.

Time passed slowly, and Chen Mu's slightly frowned brows gradually relaxed.

"Sure enough, it was too easy. Even when it came to the most important moment of deduction, there was no obstacle at all."

In the rule space, Chen Mu exhaled and sighed slightly.

At this moment, he seemed to be walking on a bright road.

If Chen Mu encountered countless forks in the road when he deduced the path of Wuxian cultivation before, he had to try one by one when he encountered these forks to see which one was correct in the end.

Then at this time, he only had one way to deduce the path of Wuxian cultivation.

He just had to follow this road all the way.

During the period, he would not encounter any forks in the road. Until now, Chen Mu has not encountered any forks in the road.

You can imagine how much help this is to Chen Mu.

It can be said that even if Chen Mu's comprehension only stays at the Hedao realm, he can successfully deduce the path of Wuxian cultivation to the seventh level, but it will take longer.

Of course, the premise of all this is that Chen Mu can always walk on this road.

After all, no one can say that it will always be so smooth before the end.

If the sixth-level Wuxian realm leading to the seventh-level Wuxian realm is compared to a road, assuming that the length of this road is 10,000 meters.

Then Chen Mu has already walked 9,500 meters at this time, which is a perfect walk of 95% of this road.

But no one knows whether there will be a fork in the road when walking to the last 100 meters.

At least Chen Mu himself cannot be sure.

Of course, the possibility of this happening is very low, but no matter how low it is, it does not mean that there is no such thing.

So Chen Mu will not slack off before he completely opens up the seventh-level Wuxian realm.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, it is already 18 million years later.

Liyuan Star, within the rule space.

Chen Mu slowly opened his eyes and came out of the state of deducing the path of Wuxian cultivation.

"The last step."

Chen Mu exhaled a breath of turbid air and adjusted his own state.

Just as Chen Mu had rehearsed, there was no accident in the deduction of the path of Wuxian cultivation.

If he had walked 9,500 meters 18 million years ago, then at this time he had walked 9,999 meters on this road from the sixth-level Wuxian realm to the seventh-level Wuxian realm.

It can be said that there was only one step left.

There was no fork in the road in the last 100 meters of this road, and Chen Mu's previous worry was obviously redundant.

This last step is extremely important.

That is to build a new world as his Wuxian Kingdom, or to turn a ready-made world into his Wuxian Kingdom.

On the basis of the Wuxian Kingdom, drag him to become a seventh-level Wuxian, or even let him transcend in one fell swoop.

It sounds very easy, but Chen Mu doesn't know whether it is easy or not.

Because deduction is just deduction, and Chen Mu has not tried the real attempt yet.

He only has one chance, which also means that he has no chance to make mistakes.

If he wants to turn the wizard world into his original wizard fairy kingdom, then at least in this real body simulation, he can't do it.

Because the wizard world at this time has been destroyed.

In this real body simulation, opening up the seventh-level wizard fairy realm and breaking through in one fell swoop means that he will directly become a transcendent after returning to reality.

This also means that the wizard world in reality has nothing to do with him.

This is against Chen Mu's original intention.

After all, the wizard world is extremely important to him.

Or turning the wizard world into his wizard fairy kingdom can be regarded as a truly perfect seventh-level wizard fairy realm.

No matter what, the wizard world is the world he travels through.

His body was also born in the wizard world.

There is a voice in Chen Mu's heart, that is, if he does not choose to turn the wizard world into his wizard fairy kingdom, then he will definitely regret it.

Chen Mu didn't know if he would regret it, because he had never intended to turn other worlds into his Wuxian Kingdom from the beginning.

In the seventh-level Wuxian cultivation path opened up by Chen Mu.

Wuxian Kingdom is completely different from the Kingdom of God opened up by the lower-level true gods in the God Realm.

The most important difference is that Wuxian Kingdom is a real world, and Chen Mu does not need the power of faith in the Kingdom of God.

Wuxian Kingdom is still the wizard world.

It can be said that Wuxian Kingdom is equal to the wizard world.

The Kingdom of God opened up by the lower-level true gods in the God Realm is just a country that simply provides the power of faith, not a real world.

The country and the world are completely different.

"Do you want me to turn the wizard world into my Wuxian Kingdom in reality? Or do this in the next real body simulation?"

In the rule space, Chen Mu said to himself.

There are two choices, and Chen Mu hesitated at this time.

Because if you choose to turn the wizard world into his Wuxian Kingdom in reality, then once an accident occurs, it is inevitable.

But if you choose the latter, it may itself represent an accident.

Because the real body simulation seems extremely real, but these realities are his individual realities, not the realities that affect the outside world.

This is completely different from reincarnation simulation.

In the reincarnation simulation, what he does will truly leave traces.

He can also find these traces when he returns to reality after the reincarnation simulation ends.

The real body simulation is different. Although the real body simulation can retain the realm after the simulation is over, no matter what he does in the real body simulation, it will not affect reality.

This also means that if Chen Mu turns the wizarding world into his magical kingdom in his real body simulation.

Then after he returns to reality, the wizarding world will still exist, but he himself has become a seventh-level wizard and transcendent.

This will also lead to the situation of two wizarding worlds.

This was not Chen Mu's original intention.

Because he knows very well that everything in the real body simulation is still false no matter how real it is.

Obviously, there seemed to be two options, but in the end Chen Mu could only choose the first option.

Several thoughts flashed through his mind, and Chen Mu finally concealed all distracting thoughts and made a choice.

"Finish the final step in reality."

Chen Mu said to himself.

Yes, this was the final choice he made.

But this is definitely risky.

Because as far as he knew, Mansoor had not yet become a transcendent person at this time.

In other words, if he chooses to turn the wizarding world into his divine kingdom in reality, then Mansur will be the one who cannot be avoided.

If it is more stable, then Chen Mu can wait until Mansour transcends and leaves the wizarding world, and then turn the wizarding world into his kingdom of wizards and immortals.

But Chen Mu didn't want to do this.

Risk also means opportunity.

Chen Mu decided to take the last step in reality, but he was already taking risks.

After all, without trial and error, taking the final step directly in reality will definitely not have a 100% success rate.

If it were 100% successful, Chen Mu wouldn't have had such a trace of hesitation before.

Since he had already taken the risk, Chen Mu decided to take another risk.

That is, before Mansour could transcend, he took the first step to transcend.

Once this is successful, his benefits will be extremely huge.

After all, after the Wizarding World was transformed into his Kingdom of Witches and Immortals, the Wizarding World was equivalent to his own world, and his status could even directly override the world consciousness of the Wizarding World.

In other words, he is the living consciousness of the wizarding world, the awakening consciousness of the wizarding world, the consciousness of the wizarding world with self-thinking and instinct.

Under such circumstances, even if Mansour's realm is one level higher than his, he still cannot escape his control.

Not to mention, you can transcend in one step.

ps: Thank you for reading, thank you for your monthly votes, I love you so much ~ (End of this chapter)

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