Wizard's Life Simulator

Chapter 400: The disabled body and fake death and resurrection (please subscribe)

With the opening of the fate simulation, the time in reality has completely stagnated.

Chen Mu's consciousness has also fallen into silence for a long time.

I don't know how long it has been, maybe a moment, or maybe countless years.

Fortunately, the passage of time has no meaning to Chen Mu at this time.

After all, after his consciousness has completely fallen into silence, he can't feel the passage of time at all.

Years pass.

Chen Mu's consciousness gradually wakes up from the silence.

This also means that the last fate simulation he has accumulated has been opened, and he has returned to the world representing the fate simulation again.

The same experience after the previous fate simulation was opened.

At this moment, a huge torrent of memories surged in Chen Mu's mind.

The memory suddenly appeared in Chen Mu's mind, but fortunately Chen Mu was ready the moment his consciousness recovered.

After all, this is not his first time to experience the fate simulation.

Counting the number of times he experienced the fate simulation before, this is his fifth time to open the fate simulation.

Therefore, compared with the previous times when he regained consciousness in the fate simulation, Chen Mu's speed of digesting these memories after regaining consciousness was much faster.

The memories inherited in the fate simulation were huge.

So Chen Mu simply sorted out these memories at the first time.

However, as time passed, these unfamiliar memories sorted out by Chen Mu became clearer and clearer.

Of course, it is naturally impossible to completely digest these memories in a short time.

He probably couldn't do it in this fate simulation, because he didn't digest all the memories inherited in the simulation in the previous fate simulations.

Moreover, even if all the memories could be digested, it would not help Chen Mu as much as he imagined.

After all, no matter how many memories are digested, only a part of the memories can be retained when returning to reality.

Even if he completely digested all the inherited memories in this fate simulation, he could only retain a part of the memories after returning to reality.

For Chen Mu, who had experienced four fate simulations before and after, he was still clear about this.

However, it was not easy for Chen Mu to digest only a part of the memories, but it was not particularly difficult.

At least when digesting these memories, Chen Mu did not feel uncomfortable at all.

Just like in the previous simulations of fate.

In this simulation of fate, after Chen Mu regained consciousness.

Chen Mu could clearly sense that he had occupied another person's body again.

The memory fragments that were gradually digested in his mind also made him clearly understand the identity of the original owner of his body in this simulation of fate.

Tens of thousands of years passed almost in a flash.

In these tens of thousands of years, Chen Mu simply digested some more important memories.

At a certain moment, Chen Mu opened his eyes.

He did not deliberately perceive the surrounding environment.

Because the memories inherited in his mind made him clearly know what his situation was at this time.

At this time, he was lying flat on a white jade bed emitting a faint fluorescent light.

The surrounding environment was dark.

It seemed that there was no other life here except him.

This was indeed the case.

"The universe sea is broken, the true spirit is also shattered, and this body seems to be completely in a state of disability."

"This time the fate simulation has a completely different situation from the previous ones."

Lying flat on the bed, Chen Mu muttered to himself.

At this time, his brows were slightly frowned. This was not because he was thinking about something, but because the decayed feeling emanating from this body from the inside out made him extremely uncomfortable.

Chen Mu can be sure that he is in control of this body at this time.

But even if he has control of this body, it is extremely difficult to control this body to have any movement.

Even if he just moves his fingers, Chen Mu will feel powerless.

At this time, his consciousness is very clear, and his mind can function normally, but his body is almost decayed.

The memories inherited in his mind are very huge, but the power contained in his body is almost non-existent.

This body has no cultivation.

It's not that the cultivation is hidden or something, but that there is really no cultivation.

It can be said that if Chen Mu in reality appears here, he can easily destroy this body.

To put it simply, the body that Chen Mu possessed was only an empty shell.

The inside of this shell was completely broken.

But the strange thing was that although Chen Mu could sense the decay of this body, he did not feel any pain at all.

It was pain in the literal sense.

After all, even ordinary people would feel pain when they were injured.

But Chen Mu did not feel this at all at this time.

It was as if the pain was blocked.

There are many possibilities for this situation.

However, Chen Mu believed that there was a great possibility that he could not bear this pain at this time, so the simulator automatically blocked this pain.

After all, if it were not for the simulator, he would definitely suffer from pain after possessing this body.

"The heir of the ninth family of the first universe sequence, the victim of the failed struggle for the master of the sequence?"

"The original owner of this body actually tried to walk through the road to the other shore, but unfortunately failed."

Carefully exploring a part of the huge memory in his mind, Chen Mu felt a little emotional, but he didn't have any special emotions.

After all, this is not the first time he has experienced fate simulation.

At this time, no matter what identity he is in the fate simulation, he will not be too surprised.

However, compared with the previous few fate simulations, the identity of the person he possessed in this fate simulation can be said to be the most powerful.

Even compared with the first fate simulation, it is much stronger.

Although he has not digested all the memories, Chen Mu can still understand the memories contained in the identity of the heir of the ninth family of the first universe sequence.

"But if this is the case, then this body seems to have no hope of transcendence."

"Could it be that the fate simulation is not what I understand?"

Unable to move his body, Chen Mu could only lie on the bed and think quietly.

At this time, he was facing a very bad situation.

Losing his cultivation and having tried to become a person on the other side, both of these points have cut off his hope of reaching the other side in the future.

Without the hope of reaching the other side, this time's destiny simulation will definitely be completely different from the previous ones.

The common points that exist in every destiny simulation will no longer exist after this destiny simulation ends.

After all, in the four destiny simulations that Chen Mu experienced before, he entered the space of the other side.

Although it is not known whether he has truly become a person on the other side in these destiny simulations, at least he has opened the space of the other side.

But this time is completely different.

Chen Mu, who can clearly sense his physical condition, knows very well that it is impossible for him to open the space of the other side in this destiny simulation.

Not to mention opening the space of the other side and trying to reach the other side, even restoring his realm is impossible.

Unless there are variables in this destiny simulation that even Chen Mu cannot understand.

Otherwise, perhaps until the end of this destiny simulation, Chen Mu will remain in this state.

So what Chen Mu has to do at this time is very simple, that is, wait.

Fortunately, he didn't need to wait too long, because if his perception was correct, if this body didn't get better, then within 700 million years at most, this body would completely decay.

This means that Chen Mu will end this fate simulation with death in the true sense.

The next moment, Chen Mu, lying flat on the bed, hid the distracting thoughts in his mind and slowly closed his eyes.

At this moment, while waiting silently, he could only choose to digest the inherited memories in his mind.

After all, apart from digesting these huge memories, he had nothing else to do.

Time flies, and 700 million years passed in a flash.

During this period of rapidly passing years, the state of the body that Chen Mu possessed became worse and worse.

At this time, even if Chen Mu didn't deliberately perceive it, he could feel that he was not far from the end.

But it must be said that this body could still persist for billions of years after losing all its cultivation, which was extremely incredible in itself.

This was already beyond Chen Mu's understanding.

Fortunately, he didn't need to understand this state, after all, he was still far away from this state.

On the jade bed, Chen Mu opened his eyes.

In his mind, he had already digested a lot of memories.

After all, he had spent 700 million years digesting the inherited memories. Even if this torrent of memories was huge, Chen Mu had already digested a large part of it.

"It seems that this body is only a few days away from completely decaying. Could it be that this time's destiny simulation is just for me to possess this body?"

Chen Mu said to himself.

He was a little confused.

In fact, he could have chosen to actively end this destiny simulation before, but Chen Mu did not do so.

Because he was actually expecting something to happen.

After all, this destiny simulation was so different from the previous ones.

This destiny simulation was the fifth time he had started it, but until now he still hadn't figured out what the true meaning of destiny simulation was.

In reality, destiny simulation, which can only be accumulated once every hundred years, is it just for him to inherit a memory that does not belong to him?

Although memory is of great help to him, Chen Mu thinks it should be more than that.

Several days passed.

Chen Mu could clearly feel that his life was coming to an end.

"It seems that there will be no variables."

At this moment, Chen Mu said to himself.

He had certain expectations, so when the last moment came, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

But this emotion only appeared for a moment.

After all, this was just one of his long simulation experiences.

He was destined to experience more simulations in the future.

At that time, he might encounter more unexpected experiences.

The next moment, when Chen Mu was about to take the initiative to end this simulation of fate, his consciousness suddenly fell into darkness.

But Chen Mu was not surprised.

After all, at the end of the simulation, the consciousness will fall into darkness for a moment, which is normal.

But is it really a moment?

Chen Mu didn't know.

Perhaps it was a moment, or perhaps it was countless long years.

After all, when his consciousness regained consciousness again, the environment around him was not the familiar environment.

"What is this?"

Chen Mu was shocked when his consciousness regained consciousness.

But before he could think of other thoughts, another strange memory appeared in his mind.

"So that's it."

This strange memory is not huge, and the information contained in the memory is not much.

So only a moment passed, and this strange memory was completely digested by Chen Mu.

After digesting the memory, a flash of understanding flashed in Chen Mu's eyes.

The body he possessed was indeed completely decayed, but his fate simulation this time did not end with it.

Because for the existence that Chen Mu possessed in this fate simulation, death was just the beginning.

"Is there a backup plan that does not exist in my memory?"

"Did I take the initiative to clear the relevant memories for fear that others would see the clues?"

After sensing this new body, Chen Mu said to himself.

The reason why he did not know all this before was that even if Chen Mu had digested most of the original owner's memories, he did not know that his true spirit could reappear in another person's body after death.

Fake death and resurrection, this is something Chen Mu had not considered before.

Fortunately, he did not take the initiative to end this fate simulation so quickly.

The next moment, before Chen Mu had other thoughts in his mind, he suddenly lost control of this new body.

Although he lost control of his body, his consciousness still existed.

It was just that he changed from the perspective of an eyewitness to the perspective of an observer.

This was not the first time Chen Mu had experienced this kind of change.

This time it was even more sudden.

Chen Mu had no reaction at all.

The sudden appearance of this situation made Chen Mu suppress the thoughts that wanted to surge in his mind. At this moment, he concealed the distracting thoughts in his heart and silently observed the changes in the outside world from a third-person perspective.

Sure enough, just as he expected, after losing control of his body for only a moment, the space around him changed.

The black hole of nothingness representing the entrance to the other side suddenly appeared.

From a third-person perspective, Chen Mu watched his body step into the other side.

"Sure enough, the road to the other side is inevitable in every destiny simulation."

ps: Thank you for reading and thank you for the monthly ticket, I love you guys. (End of this chapter)

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