Wizard's Life Simulator

Chapter 93 White Storm and Death by One Punch (Subscription Request)

Chapter 93 ‘White Storm’ and ‘One Punch to Death’ (Please subscribe)

In a huge apartment in the North District, Chen Mu opened his tightly closed eyes.

Just now, there was something unusual about the White Crow Seal he planted, but he would soon notice something unusual about the bloodline seal he planted himself.

After a while, it was still the same feeling.

"Gada takes action!"

Chen Mu thought, but within a moment, the two third-level wizard apprentices died one after another.

In Fencheng, no one except Gada can do this.

The Sipu family, which had done little for more than a month, made a big move as soon as they made a move.

The next moment, Chen Mu's figure turned into a flock of crows and disappeared.

Gada put away the corpse in front of him. He needed to go back and study the method of turning into a crow.

The corpses of these two people are undoubtedly the best research materials.

After putting away the body, Gada turned to look at Evie and said, "Just these two?"

Evie nodded awkwardly:

"These are the only two leaders of the White Crow Society that I know of so far. There are also several second-level wizard apprentices that I have sent to deal with them."

"Two third-level wizard apprentices did this to you?"

Gada's tone was a little dissatisfied.

After all, Fencheng is his real territory, so he naturally does not allow outside wizard organizations to run wild here.

So after he came back and heard what Evie said, he set off immediately.

He had never heard of the White Crow Club, so it was normal for him not to take it seriously.

"Uncle, I suspect there is a real wizard behind the White Crow Society."

Evie didn't say it before, because in the end it was just his guess.

Now that he saw Gada's dissatisfaction, he could only express his suspicion.

After hearing this, Gada had no reaction and signaled Evi to follow him and leave here.

He didn't think his little place could attract real wizards.

Fen Island is the most fringe island on the Jiaowanghai Continent. If he hadn't been born here, Gada would probably never come to such a fringe place in his life.

Gada knew exactly what a true wizard was.

Come to such a remote island to establish power? I can't figure it out no matter how hard I try.

Therefore, he only took Evi's words as an attempt to shirk responsibility. For his junior, Gada still understood him very well.

But the next moment, he had to think it even if he didn’t think it!

Suddenly, hundreds of white crows swarmed here.

Almost at this moment, Gada reacted.

He moved quickly, and a silver-white wand appeared in his hand.

His pupils were tinted with a hint of blue.

[One Ring of Witchcraft·The Wrath of the Sea]!

The roaring sound of crashing waves filled the air.

The waves that appeared out of thin air swept the entire flock of crows, but these white crows were not slowed down by the waves. They just moved upward slightly and then flew towards Gada at a faster speed.

Jada's expression remained unchanged, and he tapped the ground with the wand in his hand.

The huge waves changed direction and headed towards the white crows, feeling unstoppable.

In this moment, Gada had fully reacted.

His incompetent junior was indeed right this time. Behind the White Crow Society was actually a first-level wizard!

Now he had to believe it even if he didn't believe it, because the middle-aged man who had transformed from a flock of crows into a human was standing in front of him.

[One Ring of Bloodline Witchcraft·White Storm]!

This middle-aged man is naturally Chen Mu who has changed his appearance.

Chen Mu didn't feel any discomfort after transforming from a crowd of crows into a human being. The moment he landed, Chen Mu launched his strongest method.

The blood witchcraft was activated instantly, and a huge white storm rolled up around Gada.

And at the very center of the storm was Gada himself.

At this time, Gada's face was extremely solemn. He was holding the wand in his right hand and holding a gem pendant on his chest with his left hand.

The next moment, he forcefully removed the gem pendant, and spiritual power poured in.

A huge barrier quickly opened with Gada as the center to resist the white storm.

A trace of physical pain flashed in his eyes, which turned into anger.

Chen Mu increased the scope of the storm, and Evi, who was already sluggish next to him, was directly swept into the storm.

In just an instant, Evie turned into dregs.

"What kind of witchcraft is this? How come it lasts so long!"

Gada, who was in the center of the storm, felt a little bad. It was not like he had never seen the witchcraft that had been released.

It's just that those are auxiliary types of witchcraft. This storm is obviously an attack type of witchcraft. How could it last for such a long time.

Jada felt cruel and crushed the gem pendant in his hand into powder.

The huge barrier expanded instantly, and the wand in his hand tapped the ground.

[One-ring witchcraft·Earth surges]!


The moment Gada activated his witchcraft, the area was like an earthquake, shaking wildly and even causing many cracks that spread outward.

Chen Mu's expression remained unchanged, the white storm stopped, and his body turned into a flock of crows and attacked Gada.

[One Ring of Bloodline Witchcraft·Crows]!

A life-saving witchcraft was used by Chen Mu as an offensive method.

The crows were moving extremely fast. Gada stabilized his body and waved the wand in his hand.

A large amount of mental power poured out from his spiritual sea, and finally turned into a big hand and slapped the crows in an attempt to scatter the crows.

He did achieve his goal, and the crows scattered.

However, a pure white crow still flew through the barrier and arrived in front of him.

After the crow arrived in front of him, it instantly turned into a human form, and a fist flew towards his head.

"How could it be?!"

He had just seen that these crows had to merge together to turn into human forms, so why could a single crow do the same now?

He was deceived!

This was what he thought at that moment.

But why was the man in front of him sometimes smart and sometimes stupid?

You are better at using a zero-ring magic than a fist.

A trace of disdain flashed in Gadda's eyes.

His reaction was undoubtedly very fast, and he naturally had to seize this opportunity.

They were all first-level wizards, and Gadda knew clearly that the wizard's fist was no threat to him.

So he simply released a [Zero-ring Magic·Secondary Barrier].

Then he mobilized all his mental strength to prepare for a fatal blow the moment Chen Mu's fist was blocked.

But this time, he misjudged.

It was still a fatal misjudgment.

Instinct and experience made him think that Chen Mu was a first-level wizard with many tricks, but he didn't know that Chen Mu was indeed a first-level wizard, but a first-level blood wizard.

This is a completely different path from a first-level spiritual wizard.

Spiritual wizards focus on spiritual power!

And blood wizards focus on body and blood!

So, when the seemingly light fist easily smashed his secondary barrier, it was too late!

Although Gadda had tried his best to mobilize all the spiritual power in his spiritual sea, it was still too slow.

Although the power of Chen Mu's 15.5 physical attribute punch was not as powerful as the real first-ring witchcraft, it was definitely not something that could be resisted casually.

Gadda was harmed by his experience.


In just a moment, Chen Mu's fist smashed Gadda's head to pieces.

Blood splattered!

Even a first-level wizard would not be able to survive if his head was smashed.

"I actually succeeded!"

When Gada's head was smashed by Chen Mu, Chen Mu was a little surprised.

In fact, there was a reason for his surprise, because he didn't think he could really kill Gada this time.

As a first-level wizard who has lived for hundreds of years, Gada has many trump cards.

Even in the simulation, Chen Mu failed to kill this old man in the end, because this old man has too many means.

Chen Mu originally planned to fight with this old man this time, so that he would know that there is really a first-level wizard behind the White Crow Society.

In this way, the Spu family will be more restrained, and his organization can develop rapidly.

If Chen Mu does not take action, the White Crow Society will have to hide again, which is not what Chen Mu wants to see.

So he took the initiative to take action and then alerted the enemy.

But he didn't expect that this time he took action unexpectedly, and he actually succeeded!

The main reason why he succeeded this time was that Gada underestimated the enemy and made a huge mistake in judging him.

The biggest trigger was that Gada was not prepared for Chen Mu's fist.

Because this led to Gada having many trump cards, but in the end, they were useless.

The next moment, Chen Mu mobilized his mental power to flow into Gada's broken spiritual sea.

An object much larger than a ring but smaller than a bracelet appeared in Chen Mu's hand.

"Space bracelet!"

Gada died, and the mental power of the space bracelet naturally dissipated.

The space bracelet is now an ownerless object.

Chen Mu's mental power flowed into the space bracelet, but in just a moment, this space treasure appeared in Chen Mu's spiritual sea.

After successfully recognizing the owner, Chen Mu took the bracelet out of the spiritual sea.

With the influx of mental power, everything inside the space bracelet came into view.

"A gold belt for murder and arson!"

Looking at the dazzling array of things in the space bracelet, Chen Mu sighed in his heart.

Just the thousands of magic stones piled there have already surprised Chen Mu.

He only got thousands of magic stones in half a year, and now he has so many more magic stones just by killing a wizard.

Chen Mu took a rough look and found that there were at least 3,000 magic stones.

What kind of organization is this? It is not faster to kill wizards directly than to manage forces to get magic stones.

Of course, Chen Mu would not do this, because not all wizards have space treasures, and wizards are not so easy to kill.

This time, Chen Mu was able to kill Gadda in a big part because Gadda was too confident.

In addition to the magic stones, Chen Mu checked everything in the space bracelet again.

"Teleportation magic disk!"

Chen Mu failed to kill Gadda in the simulation because of this magic disk.

This magic disk is different from the magic disks of the third-level wizard apprentice level that Chen Mu has.

In this magic disk, an extremely perverted magic is engraved-[Small Teleportation].

In that simulation, Gadda was not killed for the first time, and Gadda's vigilance was full, and he could not be killed again.

Fortunately, in reality, Gada was killed by Chen Mu's punch before he had a chance to use the teleportation magic disk.

This magic disk is very valuable, and it costs 2,000 magic stones for one, and that's the reserve price.

"Moonfall Flower"

"Thorn Orchid"

"This is... Half-Witch Magic Potion!!"

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