Just as Yan Chen was leaving the Stark party, a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes smiled grimly, his fingertips twitching, and a magical power burst out from his hands.

"The target has already walked out!"

With the blessing of magic, this voice was summoned to all Dormammu believers.

It turned out that this middle-aged man was also a Dormammu believer, but he didn't expect to find this familiar face at this party. This is a wanted order issued by the god Dormammu himself.

Thinking of this, a raging war was inevitably ignited in his heart.

After drinking the lemon wine in his hand, the middle-aged man slowly followed.......


The glass door made a sound!

Yan Chen walked out of the luxurious building under the respectful gaze of the security guards and came to the bustling Fifth Avenue nearby. After all, Broadway Street was not far away, so there was a lot of traffic.

In this street with people coming and going and cars flowing, Yan Chen strolled here, slowly put on a black cloak, and put on the brim of the cloak directly.

However, this strange move did not attract the attention of other people around.

The people passing by just brushed past him, and their pupils did not even glance at Yan Chen, as if the whole person was just a ball of air and no longer existed.

And the weirder thing is still to come!

The air was rippled with waves of water, and a figure in a crimson robe appeared out of thin air, stepped calmly on the avenue, and slowly followed Yan Chen in front of him.


As if a transparent bubble had been punctured, a figure wearing the same crimson wizard robe suddenly appeared on the street at the other end. When looking at Yan Chen not far away, his eyes were filled with murderous intent, and his body slowly followed.

These two people suddenly appeared on the street out of thin air, but like Yan Chen, they did not attract the attention of others, as if they were blind.



The dense sound of bubbles bursting continued to sound, and the invisible fluctuations made the ripples in the air more and more dense.

It seemed to have caused a chain reaction of dominoes.

More and more figures appeared out of thin air. What's more, they walked directly down from the sky. Every step they took on the invisible steps in the void would burst out a red flame of magic sparks. After a few steps, they stepped calmly into the ground.

This group of people were all wearing the same crimson loose robes, which undoubtedly showed that they were in the same camp, and their target was only one person.

That was Yan Chen, who was named by the god Dormammu!

That's why the people around them couldn't see them, nor could they see Yan Chen.

It was purely because this was their domain, the Mirror Space!

The Mirror Space!

This was a parallel space that magicians created in the real world with their own magic power; in that space, they could use the changes in terrain as weapons to defeat the enemy without worrying about affecting the real world, and without letting outsiders know.


""You still don't surrender when death is imminent!"

A mage in crimson robes appeared in front of the street, blocking Yan Chen's path.

As many of their Dormammu followers had already arrived, they ignored Kasilios' instructions and prepared to kill the person in front of them directly, so as to win the blessing of the god Dormammu.

"Just you wimps?"

Yan Chen stopped and talked to him directly on the busy street.


"Don't you see what the surrounding scene has become?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the city in front of him began to fold up like a thin piece of paper, full of shocking visual impact. The five fingers of their hands kept jumping up and down, and waves of magic power spread to the entire space.


Under the operation of magic power, the buildings were as light as paper and began to block the entire street where Yan Chen was.

"See? This is the horror of the mirror space!"

However, this confident and sinister words were met with ridicule from Yan Chen.

"Children play with building blocks? I can do it too!"

The white sneakers stomped lightly on the ground, and the entire marble street began to roll and shrink like a soft blanket.

The figure standing on the opposite street suddenly moved directly in front of Yan Chen as the space shrank.

At the same time, a black magic wand slipped from Yan Chen's sleeve into his palm.

He raised his right hand lightly, and a faint light spurted out from the end of the magic wand.

"Avada Kedavra!"

The whole process took less than two seconds. He was so panicked that he didn't have time to build a spell shield. He was hit by the spell and flew out like a cannonball.

At this time, there was a ripple on his back.

Yan Chen took a step back on his heels, and a golden magic array appeared in his left hand, and a magic dagger appeared out of thin air.


The sound of sound whistled suddenly! The terrible magic blade was sent fiercely to the wall beside him.


A stream of blood sprayed out like a fountain, and a whimpering sound suddenly sounded.

Soon, as the ripples on his side spread further, the figure holding his throat with both hands fell directly from the wall.

PS: By the way, I also implore everyone to click on the collection! It's related to Friday's recommendation! Thank you very much!

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