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It was an ancient magic item from the last world, the meditation basin!

Since it was a magic item, it certainly contained extraordinary magic power.

It was an incredible tool that could be used to preserve thoughts and memories in the mind.

"Save the memory!"

This shallow stone basin in front of him can record any memory in his mind. Yan Chen wiped this valuable basin slowly.

The edge of the stone basin was engraved with runes and various unknown and strange ancient symbols, showing its extraordinary historical atmosphere.

Of course.

This basin that can store memories seems to have little effect on Yan Chen, a demonic magic genius.

But in fact, even if he has the ability to remember everything he sees, it is difficult to notice all the details of the past scenes. And more importantly, he can use it to preserve the memories left by the previous soul!

If it is more accurate, it should be called......

That was the memory of his study in Kamasutra!

"That is a very precious memory!"Yan Chen wiped the meditation basin and looked at the water in the basin filled with silver smoke, and couldn't help but smile with satisfaction.

These silver substances like curling smoke have the memory of thoughts!

"It's time to review the scene in the library of Kamaji Mahal!"

A black magic wand fell from Yan Chen's sleeve, and then he pointed the tip of the magic wand at his temple.

Without any sound, Yan Chen just frowned slightly, but after a few seconds, the magic wand in his hand was slowly lifted up, and a bright silver ribbon slowly pulled out from his temple.

The magic wand in his right hand was slightly pressed down, and the silver ribbon was completely placed in the meditation basin.


The water surface in the meditation basin suddenly rippled, and the entire silver ribbon floated like ink after entering the water.

"Mission accomplished!"

The entire memory of the library at that time was immediately placed in the meditation basin.

Such a big deal.

Of course, it was because the meditation basin was not just about storing memories, the most important thing was that it could help one enter the memories of that time!

That's right!

Entering the scene in the memory, this is the value of the meditation basin! There is no time to lose!

Yan Chen's body slightly bent, his fingers gently touched the silver ribbon just now, and then the whole person's mind was immediately firmly attracted by an inexplicable suction. With such a strange movement, the Phoenix Soul in his mind was instinctively defended, firmly in the sea of consciousness without moving!

"What a terrifying soul strength!"Yan Chen sighed inwardly!

According to the past, he would have entered instantly. This also raised his understanding of the Phoenix Soul to a higher level.


Yan Chen sighed slightly, then let go of his instinctive defense, and his entire soul was instantly immersed in the meditation basin.


The sky and the earth were quickly twisted and stretched, a bit like the teleportation scene when the apparition appeared.

But soon, the whole confused scene calmed down instantly.

When he appeared again.

Yan Chen had suddenly come from the meditation room on the fifth floor of the apartment to a very simple library that seemed to be opened in a stone cave.

Of course, the change of scene does not mean the real arrival of the flesh and blood body, but only that the soul has come to a memory scene in the past.

More importantly, and more accurately, although he came He arrived at the memory scene of the past, but he did not enter the past timeline.

To put it simply, the scene of the past memory was recorded into a movie disc, and Yan Chen only entered the scene in this disc.

Therefore, this means that he can't affect anyone in this memory fragment, won't change anything, and won't cause any time paradox.

In addition.

Everyone in the scene inside can't see him anyway!

Yan Chen smiled and walked through the library in a swagger. Everyone reading on the bookshelf and the table couldn't see this unexpected intruder at all.


"The owner of this body!" At the corner, Yan Chen also saw the young man who looked vaguely like himself.

That young and tender face was very similar to his own. Of course, that was just the appearance. Under his increasingly awakened Veela bloodline, the temperaments of the two were very different.

If he had not died at the hands of Dormammu's followers, his soul would not have come that day.

However, this might be God's will!

Such an identical face is simply a container left by this world for him. Of course, although he is not close to the level of a demon in terms of magic talent, he is also very outstanding.

And what is more similar to himself is that he is also a young man who loves reading books. A small part of the entire library has been read by him!

Of course, although he has read so many magic books, many of them are just read, which does not mean that he has mastered too much magic..

Therefore, Yan Chen did not have a particularly deep understanding of the magic system of this world. He was only able to absorb the elements of the outside world and shape them into various magic weapons.

And this is just the most superficial use. Of course, this threshold is already the height that most wizards can reach!

But who is Yan Chen? He has an enchanting talent for magic. He is also the youngest magic genius.

He makes the geniuses of the same period dim. He is a big man who makes the entire wizarding world tremble.

Now he is Yan Chen, so the magic books that he could not understand before will be broken by Yan Chen himself!

Moreover, Yan Chen himself can use the meditation basin to continuously come to the memory scenes he read in the library in the past, so as to continue to learn various magics of Kamaji Mahal.

What's more terrifying is that his predecessor has read half of the books in the library.


This also means that Yan Chen can even slowly learn and master this small half of the magic book.

How terrifying his strength must have been at that time!

At this moment!

In this memory fragment, he was reading a book called"The Use of Water Element". Just before he finished turning the first few pages, his brows were already tightened and his lips were pursed straight. Obviously, this magic book was already very difficult for him.

At this time.

Yan Chen had come to his side and looked at the magic book with him.


After the pages were turned! It came to the profound part about how to induce the tides on the sea surface.

Yan Chen looked natural, and while looking at it, his ten fingers on both hands even kept hooking up the elements of heaven and earth to compare and contrast.

PS: The author's setting, tell me loudly, 6 or 6!!!!

PSS:The fifth update is over today! For the sake of appearance, the author wants to ask for votes to urge the update!! Of course, you guys are too good at playing me by urging me to update. I voted for 100 votes a day or two before I put it on the shelves, but I couldn’t get it at all!!

_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading

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