Jiang Yansheng gently cut the small cake that came up first, put a piece of it in his mouth, and pretended to inadvertently remove the green plants on her right hand side that were even with her head.

The angle is not very good, can't see the talking woman.

I can just see half the face of the man opposite the woman.

The mandible of a man is very sexy and angular.

"You have such a good figure. Do you need to keep it? I've seen you on the show before. You can eat on the show. I didn't expect there was another side to life. "

"Mr. Xiao is a real talker. If only we could eat as freely as in the program. We artists still have to do body management. And I may have to rush to make a spokesman these days. I need to pay attention to it. "

"Mr. Xiao also runs an entertainment company. There should be many artists like me who can't help themselves?"

"I'm ashamed that I don't know much about the female artists I work with. Usually the agent follows, I don't see much. What would miss Jiang like to eat

"My mother forced me to eat a lot at home yesterday, so I'll order a salad."

"I'm sorry to eat more when I'm with you."

"There's nothing. Mr. Xiao looks at his favorite point by himself... "

Drooping his eyes and eating a piece of high calorie and high sugar cake, Jiang Yansheng pursed his lips and grinned.

Even in a dream, Jiang Yansheng could tell whose voice it was, not from her good sister?

Before in Jiangzhai to find her not happy even, did not expect to come out to eat a meal to relax can meet.

And keep fit? She is in a good mood now.

Jiang Yansheng's eyes drift to one side, and his fingers unconsciously play on the table.

Although only half of the man's face can be seen, but it is handsome enough, warm yellow light from the top down. According to the person faintly reveals the gentle angle does not match.

This man's face is a little familiar.

Maybe in some magazine.

Jiang Yansheng thought it through. Jiang Yaru should have started dating in her spare time. She had already guessed something when she went to Jiangzhai.

The man nodded and sipped the red wine. The glass was put on the table and was suddenly taken away when he was eating.

"Miss Jiang..." The man's voice was a little confused.

Jiang Yaru Mei eyes such as silk, red lips gently on the edge of the glass left an ambiguous mark.

She apologized shyly as if waking up. "Oh, Mr. Xiao, I took it by mistake just now. We two cups are so similar."

"I'm sorry. I'll wipe it for you."

The man is still and elegant.

"It's OK."

His voice was deep and magnetic, like a good cello.

Jiang Yansheng holds his chin with one hand and squints his eyes comfortably to listen to the wonderful play of touching porcelain next door.

That's not fair.

Why give her is rotten goods, to Jiang Yaru row are high-end goods?

Do you deserve no good treatment in the second marriage?

"Miss Jiang, your dishes are ready."

The waiter bowed his head and marked the small ticket on Jiang Yansheng's table and said respectfully.

Jiang Yansheng looked at the dishes on the table with boredom. There were several cold dishes, no red wine, and no excitement next door.

She knocked on the table.

The waiter was stunned. He turned around and wanted to go. He immediately turned around and bent over to ask.

"I have something to do. Go out first and keep the dishes for me. Come back in about an hour. " Jiang Yansheng lowered his voice. She looked down at her watch. "What time does Amy get off work?"

The waiter felt sorry, "Ah Mei hasn't been here for a long time. Maybe Miss Jiang will be off work soon after she comes back."

Jiang Yansheng raised eyebrows, "that's just right."

She stood up, put some money in the waiter's hand and pointed to the dishes on the table. "Take care of it."

The waiter took the money carefully.

Then a red sign was placed on Jiang Yansheng's table.


Jiang Yansheng went out from the back door of the restaurant with his bag and mended a lipstick.

Come in through the gate with a square circle.

As soon as she came in, she lifted her long hair and twisted her waist straight to the table of Jiang Yaru.

The waiter who just took the tip from her just now saw Jiang Yansheng and opened his mouth in surprise.

Jiang Yansheng gave him a cold look. The waiter closed his mouth, lowered his head to hold the plate and left in a hurry.

When she entered, she saw what kind of goods Qingjiang Yaru saw today.

The man sitting on the opposite side of the high set suit ironed neatly and seriously, with a gold rimmed glasses, not talking with a bit of abstinence temperament.

Jiang Yansheng steps slightly, this man's dark tie is more expensive than the high-heeled shoes she stepped on.With an eye, it's very impersonal, but I don't know whether it's a true gentleman or a hypocrite.

The man was eating the steak. He raised his eyes and looked at her. The smile on Jiang Yansheng's face rose to just a good angle.

"Yaru, what a coincidence. I can meet you here."

With a tick of her finger, she pulled a chair from the empty table next door. He sat down beside Jiang Yaru.

With a jingle, Jiang Ya Ru's knife and fork fell heavily on the plate. She frowned in shock, and the disgust on her face flashed by.

"Why are you here?"

Jiang Yansheng squinted and casually replied, "my company is just across the street. Come and eat something after work." With one hand half over her mouth, she whispered, "you don't know where Dad's company is, do you?"

She summoned the waiter and put on a pair of chopsticks. Quite interested in the food in front of Jiang Yaru, he also picked up the wine cup that the two people used to make love to each other just now, "Yo, you are not earning low now, how can you still get lipstick on the cup?"

"A new one." She turned around and put it on the waiter's garbage plate, and then gently turned back, "if you have any difficulty, remember to call me. I have too much lipstick there, and I can eat a meal without losing color."

"No more."

Jiang Yaru slightly lowered his head, holding a knife and fork, and his knuckles turned white.

She just sat down for a few minutes.

Jiang Yansheng has a dog's nose. He can even find him here!

Jiang Yaru gnaws her teeth hard. She wants to carry Jiang Yansheng directly. Throw it out of the dining room.

But now sitting opposite the first blind date, all kinds of grievances can only bear first.

Jiang Yansheng hugged Jiang Ya Ru's arm intimately, "you know I just got off work, and I'm starving. It's said that the garden restaurant has to be reserved when it comes in. Fortunately, I met you

Jiang Yaru couldn't bear it any more. She threw jiang Yansheng's hand down and said, "what are you doing here. Didn't see me... "

The man who was silent at the beginning of the opposite suddenly interrupted Jiang Yaru's words with great interest

Jiang Yansheng reaches out to stop Jiang Yaru who wants to answer, and gently pats Jiang Yaru on the shoulder, as if he is watching the innocent children at home.

"Look at me, I forgot to introduce myself. That is to say, Yaru is used to it at home. I saw you, me and me just now."

She helped Jiang Yaru lift the hair from her ear and said in a soft voice, "did you say you still want to call your sister in front of outsiders? That's rude. "

Jiang Yaru's face is gentle and sweet, and the light from her eyes is eager to make a hole in Jiang Yansheng.

"What my sister said was that I was too surprised just now. I didn't know that my sister was so hungry that I couldn't wait to join me at a table."

Jiang Yansheng took the only chicken breast meat fork in the salad in front of her and ate it. "Yes, I know you want to lose weight. I'm just as thin as a chopstick essence. Didn't I come here to help you out? Look at the meat. You can't eat it. The calories are too high. "

"You don't mind me?"

The man is quite leisurely looking at Jiang Yansheng, "it turns out to be Miss Jiang."

"Of course not."

Jiang Yansheng tilts his head and smiles at him. He puts his hands together in front of him, like a beauty coming out of poetry and painting. "I don't know his name yet Is it my sister's new boyfriend? "

In a word, Jiang Yaru is like a woman who often changes her boyfriend and doesn't know how to behave.

Jiang Ya Ru's face turned white. She stepped on the instep of Jiang Yansheng under the table.

"What are you talking about?"

Jiang Yansheng took a breath and took his feet back. The smile on the face does not change.

"I was negligent. My sister has been filming for a year and a half. So this is Engaged? "

"My brother-in-law is very handsome, but my sister has not decided yet. My sister is really anxious."

Jiang Yaru snapped the fork into the plate, and there were already guests around because of their wonderful combination of the table. The small voice of discussion was like a small knife inserted into her body.

"Why, not to your taste?" Jiang Yansheng grinned and wiped his mouth with a napkin.

"Miss Jiang may have made a mistake." Man pick eyebrows, he solemnly explained, "in fact, today is also the first day I see your sister, father arranged blind date."

A card with a light blue gilded character was pushed in front of Jiang Yansheng.

"I know that Miss Jiang has a good way to do things in the business field. Maybe we will have cooperation in the future."

Jiang Yansheng is cool behind the man's lens and looks down at the name on his business card.

Xiao Chu, President of yunyun entertainment group.

Yes, this move of Jiang Chu is really amazing.

Brother to sister blind date, brother to sister blind date.

If this is true, how to call the family address change in the future?Does she have to call Jiang Yaru and sister-in-law?

It's ridiculous.

Jiang Yansheng's mouth slightly raised an arc, she put Xiao chuyun's business card close to her chest, and then leaned forward slightly, revealing a bit of beautiful scenery, just better than Jiang Yaru's chopsticks.

She spoke in a soft voice, but her eyes were cold.

"It's a blind date. How about Mr. Xiao looking at me?"

She put the new glass filled with red wine, gently shaking a few times, handed to Xiao out of the cloud in front of.

The wine in the glass is crystal and mellow, and the piano sound comes from the restaurant.

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