Jiang Yansheng wrapped himself up like a cocoon, only showing his head outside to breathe.

Across the thick quilt, a man's hand on her shoulder.

Her body subconsciously stiff some, but she quickly in the bottom of her heart to persuade themselves, do not show abnormal, don't be found by Xiao chuyun, otherwise she can get the mobile phone next time, do not know what year and month.

She knew that Xiao chuyun would not do anything good.

She thought she was the only good person.

Just when she thought Xiao chuyun wanted to do the next move, the hand on her shoulder stopped.

Xiao chuyun's breath behind her also became smooth.

It looks like I'm asleep.

Jiang Yansheng did not expect Xiao chuyun to spend a lot of time. He even coaxed her into drinking milk mixed with sleeping pills.

It was just a quiet bed with her for a night.

In addition to an extra man behind him, there is an arm with a protective meaning on his shoulder.

Nothing else.

She thought she would stay up all night. But even if there was no sleeping pills, he quickly fell asleep.

Solution down a few days, in addition to that Xiao Qiyun happened to pick up a phone call, let her success did not drink the water under the medicine. All the other times.

The only difference is that the milk was replaced by hot water because of her adverse reactions.

Just when Jiang Yansheng was in a panic and didn't know how to extricate himself from this inexplicable predicament, a turning point suddenly appeared.

Xiao chuyun never came back in the daytime before, and no one else had stepped into the villa.

But on that day, not only did Xiao chuyun come back, but also a man with an ordinary face and gentle temperament.

The man wore a simple white coat and carried a medicine box in his hand.

And no image on the sofa. The man nodded rather mildly after he crossed his legs and ordered the remote control to change the channel.

Jiang Yansheng said:

In silence, she took back her legs which she had almost cocked up on the tea table and made it more upright than before.

Xiao chuyun said to Jiang Yansheng, "get up."

Jiang Yansheng didn't know what he was going to do

She also thought that Xiao chuyun finally conscience found ready to take him out, did not expect Xiao chuyun just gentle smile at her, "half a month, I bring the doctor back, give you a physical examination."

The corner of Jiang Yansheng's mouth smoked. She was still preparing to pretend that she had a headache and stomachache one day. She wanted to slip away when Xiao chuyun took her to the hospital. Now it seems that her way of life has also been blocked.

"It's a doctor," she said with a warm smile

"Miss Jiang, we just met before, but at that time you were still in a coma, and your health was not very good. Maybe you don't remember me."

Jiang Yansheng nodded weakly, thinking that it was no wonder that what he had fished out of the prison had not even been splashed out.

Xiao chuyun turned off the noisy TV in the living room and went out to answer the phone. The doctor was standing at a safe distance less than half a meter away from Jiang Yansheng. He stood at a safe distance, and his whole body exuded a gentle breath. Therefore, Jiang Yansheng was quite willing to talk to him.

"My name is Xia. Just call me Dr. Xia. " The man opened an empty guest room on the first floor and led Jiang Yansheng in.

"Dr. Xia, what's the relationship between you and Mr. Xiao?" Hearing Jiang Yansheng's address, Dr. Xia also looked at Jiang Yansheng suspiciously, but he did not choose to ask questions.

It's clear that Miss Jiang is pregnant, and Xiao chuyun is also very fond of this child. But now it depends on the situation, the child really wants to be Xiao chuyun's?

Dr. Xia put the medicine box on the table, opened it with a "pa" sound, and said lightly: "I'm just a little doctor in Xiao's head office. Sometimes the artists are not comfortable. I have to go out to film with them, and stay in the mountains and forests for a month or two. It doesn't taste good. "

Jiang Yansheng's eyes jumped, "isn't this a deep mountain and old forest?"

Dr. Xiao laughed. "It's not really here. I mean the deep mountain. That's where there are a lot of mosquitoes and poisonous insects. It's not like here. Even if there's no bus, you can still get to the bus by walking a few steps..."

Before he finished speaking, he knew that he had a sharp brake and looked at the closed door to make sure that Xiao chuyun was still on the phone. He didn't hear what he had just said, and then he was relieved.

"Miss Jiang, sit down first. I'll show you what's going on

Jiang Yansheng's eyes flash a dark light. If there is a bus stop nearby, maybe she can find the right time and escape successfully!

After a series of routine examinations for her, doctor Xia's slight worry on her eyebrows completely dissipated as soon as she came in. "It seems that Miss Jiang has had a good rest recently. Although she is still a little weak, she can recover soon after a while."Jiang Yansheng's fingertips gently tapped the table, "how is the child?"

She didn't know what she was feeling now. The child who had been on her lips and asked to be knocked out was her only consolation when she was in prison.

Every time she was hurt, her subconscious action was to protect the child.

Dr. Xia laughed. "Miss Jiang is a blessed man. This boy is very healthy now."

Jiang Yansheng was looking out of the window. After hearing this, his eyes moved. "How do you know it's a boy?"

Doctor Xia gave her a sly smile, "I always speak exactly. Several female stars who have hidden children in wedlock beg to come to me to see the gender of the child. Take it to calculate a good name."

Jiang Yansheng looked at him speechless. He didn't know whether he should speak with such a proud tone.

But she felt that the hot doctor among the female stars of hidden marriage could not really be what he said at the beginning.

It's just a company. It's a common practice to follow doctors, right?

She touched the temple, do not know whether Xiao chuyun gave her to take the medicine reason. During this period, in addition to sleeping very heavily at night, she even began to feel sleepy during the day.

After sitting on the toilet for a long time, I just want to sit on the toilet for a long time.

Jiang Yansheng said, "are you sure you didn't read it wrong? How do I feel like I'm getting sleepy these last two days? "

Dr. Xia's face seems to have become more complicated. However, she soon recovered to be gentle. "Of course, you can't get it wrong. Miss Jiang is in good health and has no problem. As for drowsiness, it may be because of the season. It's good to sleep more when it's dry and cold. "

When he examined Jiang Yansheng, he took out many sophisticated high-end instruments. Jiang Yansheng was not interested in it. There were a lot of English words on it, and all of them were around people. Even when she was at the peak of her intelligence quotient, she could not understand.

She couldn't find out the details of Dr. Xia. In addition to the fact that Dr. Xia had just said something, he didn't show his horse's feet in the end.

Finally, after listening to Jiang Yansheng's pulse, he was relieved to put things away. "From tomorrow, you can take some mild tonic. I will tell Mr. Xiao about the specific method. Jiang Yansheng only needs to rest here."

Hearing the two words of "rest", Jiang Yansheng's hand consciously clenched his fist. She said "OK" with a smile

When you bend down to pack. Dr. Xia's generous clothes "slap" out of a thing.

Jiang Yansheng picked it up quickly and found it was a broken pocket watch.

Looking at the outside, it is clear that it is an elderly object, but the inside pointer is rotating very smoothly and the time point is accurate. The most eye-catching thing is a picture of a woman inlaid on the top of the clock.

A layer of glue is added on the outside of the photo, and the fuzzy but bright smile is tightly wrapped in it.

What she had in her hand was quickly taken away.

The summer doctor also does not lift the head to say a voice, "thank you."

Jiang Yansheng raised eyebrows. She felt that she had found a weakness of the doctor Xia, who did not get into the oil and salt. "It seems that Dr. Xia is still a nostalgic person?" she asked

Doctor Xia installed the pocket watch, his expression did not change, as if it was just an unimportant thing. "It's not really, it's just that the old things are easy to use, even if it's pregnant, repair can continue to use, naturally do not want to change a new one."

When he packed up his things and was ready to leave, Jiang Yansheng pretended to ask, "I don't know what is the relationship between the woman in the photo and Dr. Xia?"

Dr. Xia's back was stiff for a moment, and soon recovered calm. "My sister, she seldom goes home after her own work. Sometimes I miss her very much, so I take a picture of her."

He turned to Jiang Yansheng and said, "Miss Jiang, stay here first. I'll talk to Mr. Xiao and let him come."

Jiang Yansheng sits lazily on the stool, and does not understand that there are only a few rooms. How can she be prevented from eavesdropping?

But as soon as she looked up, she gave Dr. Xia a look and mixed all the complicated emotions together.

Jiang Yansheng was suddenly excited. Just now he was still vague. Some of his sleepiness disappeared completely.

She couldn't understand. She had never seen Dr. Xia before.

Why is there hatred and sympathy in his eyes?

If he sympathizes with himself and is shut up here by Xiao chuyun, then where does his hatred come from?

Doctor Xia's eyes flashed, as if he had never appeared. He laughed at Jiang Yansheng and closed the door and went out.

The sound insulation of the house is not good.

She listened attentively with her eyes closed, and she could even hear the movement of the balcony.

"I told you that she is not in good health. Why do you take medicine for her? That kind of thing is not supposed to be taken every day. It's medicine. Do you know it Dr. Xia's voice is high and intense. It is not like a subordinate talking to his boss.

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