Jiang Yansheng spread out his hand and coughed softly, "I'm not sent by anyone. Although I don't know who you are talking about, I'm sure I don't have any thoughts on you. Can you let me out?"

Her remaining light was looking at a row of buttons on the wall. Gu ran seemed to have pressed one of them just now, and then the door was locked.

Is it green or red?

"Do you think I'll let you go?" Gu ran sneered, "a woman with evil intentions like you, the more she pretends not to want it, the more she wants it. I will take you back to torture her. Then you will definitely tell who the master behind you is."

Gu Ran's moods made him cold. Jiang Yansheng doesn't want to be tortured by Gu Ran's bullshit. After a while, as long as Gu ran wakes up, he will find his identity.

His eyes moved, and Jiang Yansheng immediately put on a smile. Her voice was much softer, and her arm climbed up to Gu Ran's shoulder. "Yes, I have something else to do when I approach you..."

She takes Gu ran slowly to the edge of the sofa, the voice is getting lower and lower.

Gu Ran's head is buzzing like a long time in disrepair. He doesn't know whether he is hallucinating or drunk in a dream, even if his face can be nearly the same. Actions can also be imitated, but why is her breath so similar to the original?

It's like she's really by her side.

In Gu Ran's dark eyes, the red light leaped for a moment. As if he couldn't control it, he pushed Jiang Yansheng down on the sofa, and his hot kiss was printed everywhere.

Jiang Yansheng doesn't notice Gu Ran's abnormality for a moment. He thinks Gu Ran is drunk and really obedient. He didn't expect to lose control so suddenly and quickly.

Her subconscious struggle, but on Gu ran a pair of dark eyes, staring at her.

There is also the desire and pain of crazy struggle.

Jiang Yansheng felt that his lips were about to be bitten by Gu ran, and his nose was full of the smell of men. She pinched the palm of her hand and quickly woke up from the sinking Lun.

She bit Gu Ran's tongue, and there was a strong smell of blood between her lips and teeth.

Gu ran, however, seemed to have no feeling. Instead, he held down her hair, as if he wanted to embed her in his arms.

Jiang Yansheng cursed in the bottom of his heart. His only mobile hand hooked the half poured wine bottle on the edge of the table and without hesitation threw it on Gu Ran's neck. The glass debris was broken into several pieces and fell on the ground.

The man snorted, there was no movement.

She temporarily knocked Gu ran unconscious.

Jiang Yansheng pushed away the man who was ten times heavier than the quilt, wiped his lips, and kicked away the debris on the ground in some impatience. He looked at the man who was elegant when he fainted on the sofa. Did not hold back the bottom of her heart to the top of the anger, she is very hard to pinch the next Gu burning face, to both sides of the drag.

You just pinched my chin!

Still so hard!

Jiang Yansheng felt much more comfortable after his naive vindiction. She went to the door and pressed on the wall. The door opened with a sound, but it was not because of the operation of her God, but someone came in from the outside.

"Mr. Gu, this is today's..."

The man who came in was very serious about reporting the situation in the company, but he was shocked to see that only Gu ran came out of his private room with a face of peach blossom and watery lips. If you put it in another room, you can see what happened in the private room just now.

The man stepped back calmly and looked at the number again to make sure he didn't enter the wrong room. When he came back to the God again, the door was empty and there was a cold wind.

The woman who was standing there staring at him just now has not a shadow.

It's not a ghost, is it?

The man startled under the shoulder, walked a few steps, but saw Gu ran fainting on the sofa. He immediately made an alarm and tapped the intercom button on the wall, "216, come here at once! There was a woman who went out of 216 just now. Now get her back


"I said I don't eat, do you bother?"

"Have some. I made it myself at noon... "

"As you said, as long as I make it, you like to eat it..."

Ah Mei pressed her temple with a headache. Did she feel that her memory was missing?

"When did I say that?"

Bo Yunhan said very methodically: "when we participated in an interview on the 15th of last month, you said to the reporter of Oriental entertainment."

Ah Mei sat back a little annoyed. "That's what I told the reporters. It doesn't count at all."

Jiang Yansheng, who managed to slip out, almost stopped his heart when he saw the strange man standing at the door. Finally, she ran into the corridor and ran into the door of 219. She pulled her body and got into it like a swimming fish.

The voices of the two people who were still fighting in the room suddenly stopped suddenly. Ah Mei looked at her unexpectedly and said that she would go to the toilet. As a result, she had been on the toilet for half an hour. When she came back, Jiang Yansheng, who was still in shock, was paralyzed at the door like being chased.Ah Mei frowned and said, "Yan Sheng, what's going on?"

Jiang Yansheng's voice hasn't come back yet. She waves to a Mei weakly, indicating that she's OK.

Looking at Jiang Yansheng's condition, a Mei is anxious. She looks at Bo Yunhan. "Don't tell me that you can still come into this bar on the second floor of the unscrupulous man?"

"It's impossible," said Bo Yunhan, holding Ah Mei calmly

Even if Jiang Yansheng is in trouble, it must be her own provocation. It has nothing to do with her own bar.

Bo Yunhan's telephone suddenly vibrated. He turned a blind eye to Amy's new fruit tray, and without a trace pushed the glass filled with champagne to the edge of the table, hoping that Amy would not want to drink the wine if she could not see it.

Amy stood up and brought the wine. "Don't answer the phone?" asked thoughtfully

Thin cloud shook his head.

Ah Mei looked at her reflection in the drink, "I hate noise."

Bo Yunhan took out his mobile phone, looked at the display or received it. What did the voice say in a hurry? He frowned and asked, "what woman?"

"The woman who ran out of the box didn't watch them. Now they want to ask the bar for it? The monitoring here is not something they can adjust if they want. " Thin cloud cold voice cold, with if there is no irony and anger.

It was not easy for him to say a few words with Ah Mei. The atmosphere was getting better and better. Ah Mei began to ask him questions, but now she was interrupted by an inexplicable phone call.

Jiang Yansheng managed to straighten out her anger and went to sit down beside Amy. This time, she wisely chose to sit on the left side of Ah Mei, so that she could not suffer from the war between two people.

"Give me some water to drink." She fanned twice, took the champagne from Amy's hand and took a big sip.

"What have you done? It's like being chased and killed... " May took a tissue to wipe his sweat.

“216?” Bo Yunhan had a low voice with a little anger, "216 people can freely use the monitoring in the bar? He thinks of it as his own business empire? "

Hear those three words. Jiang Yansheng's drink, which he had not yet swallowed, was directly sprayed onto the table.

"Cough, cough..." She coughed violently and was almost out of breath.

Ah Mei wiped the table for her with a headache. She felt like she was taking care of two children in kindergarten. One was unreasonable, the other was chasing.

"What's the matter, don't drink water first, and then choke again."

Jiang Yansheng tightly grasped a Mei's wrist and looked at Bo Yunhan with burning eyes. "Tell him quickly. Is someone looking for a woman who ran out of 216? "

"Don't let them find me."

"It's you they're looking for?" Amy frowned, and she took a look at thin cloud.

Thin cloud cold covered the receiver, expressionless said: "would not have let them check, but if that person remembers, you ask for more happiness."

Jiang Yansheng gave a bitter smile.

She also hopes that Gu can magically forget all the drunken things when she wakes up.

"What do you mean?" Ah Mei heard all these things. She thought that the two people could communicate with each other, but she didn't understand, "what's wrong with 216?"

When Bo Yunhan sneered at her, he immediately put it away, and Wen Sheng explained: "216 is the special room I promised to compensate Gu ran. I don't know how she just ran in with a fever of mind. It should be that she damaged Gu Ran's things. Now there's a lot of anger over there. But fortunately, Gu Ran's special help is calling. It seems that he didn't come here himself..."

Amy understood.

Bo Yunhan then called from above, "you can't help 216 people directly, even if they give money, Muse's monitoring can't be adjusted, and even a woman can't be found. Gu is really living more and more back."

Ah Mei worried for Jiang Yansheng, "Yan Sheng, what did you damage Gu ran? Wait a minute, or I and Bo Yunhan will help you make up for the loss. Gu can't know. "

Jiang Yansheng said:

If she said that she almost broke Gu ran, could Amy and they make up for it?

Ah Mei looked at her seriously. "It's OK. I still have a lot of money in my hand now..."

Jiang Yansheng frowned and looked at thin cloud cold. He whispered and bit his ear with Ah Mei. "He didn't damage anything. He was just in Gu Ran's box, but he should be drunk."

Ah Mei said, "you are really lucky."

"Bad luck?"

It's really bad luck.

She came back this time, thinking of three days, she would surely be able to escape Gu ran without knowing the world. She did not expect to die before she left school. She met on the first day.

After licking her lower lip, I don't know if her body still remembers what happened just now. A shiver flashed behind her head. She thought of Gu Ran's gloomy and beautiful face inexplicably.

She shook her head.No, even if Gu ran looks so angry now, it's still bad luck for her.

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