Jiang Yansheng is still worried that he can't make Ke Ke Ke happy. Ke Ke Ke suddenly looks at her and opens a sweet smile behind her.

"Good uncle!"

Before she could react, she held the balloon hand across her shoulder, revealing a luxurious and expensive wristwatch and a big hand with distinct bony joints.

"Take it. Don't lose it again."

The voice of the man in her ear is thin and indifferent, but with a soft magnetism.

Jiang Yansheng's heart jumped violently. Yu Guang saw a ring on the man's index finger, and his back became stiff.

Ke Ke didn't notice the change of Jiang Yansheng. After taking the balloon, he politely said thank you.

She didn't look back. She couldn't believe it. She secretly looked at the ring on the man's finger again and again. She laughed dryly in her heart. Think there won't be such a coincidence in this world.

It must be just that this ring is too much like the one she thinks.

Ke Ke shakes Jiang Yansheng's hand. He doesn't understand why Mommy is squatting on the ground and loading mushrooms.

"Mommy, this is what happened before..."

"Good uncle, aren't you? Mommy knows that. " Jiang Yansheng laughed two times, saying in his heart never be him, never him.

But slowly turned around. Or on a familiar face.

Thin lips straight nose, dark eyes, inside the light reflects her white face.

It's Gu ran.

Obviously, he was surrounded by a gloomy atmosphere, but he opened a gap to communicate with Jiang Yansheng.

The performance of this crack is that Gu ran shows a light smile the next second he sees her.

Jiang Yansheng has a pair of peach blossom eyes staring at him, and his brain is broken in an instant. After a while, he returns to work.

Her mouth is difficult way: "return, still quite clever."

I looked at the empty back. Although I didn't see following others, I still insisted on asking, "I didn't expect to meet you in the playground. I also brought my children to play?"

God knows how Gu ran appeared in the playground!

Is this her dream?

Did Gu ran come to see her? Did he drink too little wine in Muse last time? He remembered her as soon as he woke up, so he couldn't wait to catch someone!

Jiang Yansheng began to worry deeply about his return plan.

Gu ran doesn't know the fierce emotions in Jiang Yansheng's head. He just frowns slightly and corrects the mistake in Jiang Yansheng's words just now.

"I have no children."

I can't hide my sight from my back.

She thought vaguely that Gu ran should be her nemesis.

Otherwise, every day in Milan, she thought about how to scrape Gu's oil and wax, but she faltered and stammered when she saw her face. She couldn't even hold back her handsome words.

Jiang Yansheng gave a confused "Oh" and a dry smile. He didn't know what he was saying, "no children? It's good to have no children, but if you get married and don't have children, should your wife have some opinions... "

Gu Ran's corner of the eye was stained with a little smile, but it only covered the dark moment when the fundus turned.

"I'm not married either."

"Ah?" With a sound, she rubbed her ears and felt that she should be hearing hallucinations.

Gu ran not married?

How could they not get married when the engagement banquet with Gu Yiyi was so grand?

She thinks that she is the mother of three-year-old children. If Gu Ran is not married, it will be the oldest golden Bachelor in Jingcheng, referred to as the old man.

Maybe when Ke Ke goes to primary school, Gu Ran's child will just be born

Jiang Yansheng soon regained his consciousness for no other reason. Gu Ran's gaze is really aggressive. She has goose bumps on her neck.

Gu ran took a step forward. "I mean it."

Jiang Yansheng frowned and asked, "where is Gu Yiyi?"

"Gu Yiyi?" At the mention of the name, Gu Ran's smile changed. Jiang Yansheng saw, inexplicably a kind of creepy feeling.

He didn't feel the strange atmosphere between the two adults, nor could he understand the bitterness of Jiang yanseng. Ke Ke blinked and looked at Gu ran with admiration in his eyes. "Didn't the good uncle say he has something to do? Why are you back? "

Gu ran smiles on his face and says, "the emergency just now has been cancelled. I'm ready to go."

Xu tezhu's face is slightly invisible and twisted after Gu ran.

Mingming just stood on the edge, staring at it. As soon as he saw the balloon running, he walked out. Now it's a handy help.

Mr. Gu is indeed Mr. Gu. He can not change his face when he lies. It seems that he needs to learn a lot.Hearing a few words, Jiang Yansheng was relieved.

Before she could relax for a few minutes, Gu ran said again, "this child, who is it with you?"

Although the voice is very soft, but Jiang Yansheng can't help but hear a trace of blood from it. Her shoulder trembles. She says with disgust, how can we answer this question? Can't you say that this child belongs to you and me?

If so, tell Gu ran. She was sure that she would never get out of Jingcheng in her life, but she couldn't drag a man to mate with her. Jiang Yansheng fell into a deep tangle and finally stammered, "a person you don't know."

"Oh, really?" Gu Ran's dark eyes are like a cloud of black fog.

Jiang Yansheng felt that the atmosphere was inexplicable and embarrassed. He touched his head and laughed. Then he began to pull, "yes. I know him from abroad. He didn't come back with us because he had something to do when I came back home this time... "

When it comes to the lack of confidence, Jiang Yansheng still holds on with a reluctant sweet smile, trying to maintain his happy family life in front of Gu ran.

I don't know that he has been exposed to the little bastard Kirk for a long time.

Ke Ke stands against Jiang Yansheng's leg root. After listening to her, he looks up at Jiang Yansheng with some doubts.

Gu Ran's black fog suddenly dissipated. He took Koko's hand that he didn't hold the balloon. "What does coco want to play next? My uncle is free and will take you to play. "

"Good..." Before Coco's name was exported, Gu ran pressed him back.

"My name is Gu. Just call uncle Gu. "

Ke Ke changed his words obediently. His voice was clear and crisp, and his heart was about to melt. "Do you know uncle Gu and Mommy?"

Gu ran looks down at him and nods slowly. "Yes, not only know, but also very good friends."

Coco suddenly realized, "that's great."

"I want to go on a merry go round. Is Mommy going

Jiang Yansheng nodded.

Ke Ke's smile was silly and sweet, but she was very upset, especially when she saw the tight hand they held.

Why can Gu ran be familiar with Ke Ke for the first time?

Now she doesn't understand what Gu ran really wants to do. Obviously, their past is twisted into a knot. Why does Gu ran still treat it as if nothing happened?

And Gu Yiyi.

Where is Gu Yiyi?

Clearly, it is these people who have stirred up her good past. Why do they come back to provoke her now when she has a stable life?

Jiang Yansheng's expression cooled down. "Gu ran, I think there was no relationship between us three years ago."

Together with the people who get out of her world, and Xiao chuyun, who is conceited to be arrogant, lost that she still regarded Xiao chuyun as a friend before, and did not expect that they were all deceiving.

"Doesn't it matter?" Gu Ran's vision is a little lax, as if thinking of something, suddenly frown. The palm pressed the heart as if in the suppression of bad things.

He rubbed the ring on his index finger back and forth with the belly of his thumb.

Every time he has a heart ache, there will be such a movement, and over time it will become a subconscious action.

After a while, he laughed. "Coco said just now that you are my friend. When my friend comes back, won't you let me treat you?"

Coco looked up at Gu burning's jaw and walked lightly. He thought that uncle Gu looked more and more like the picture in Uncle an's mobile phone.

He wrinkled his nose and corrected Gu Ran's image in his mind.

Uncle an was so scared at that time that he thought uncle Gu was a terrible person. Now he knows that he is not only a good friend of Mommy, but also a good man who will appear like Superman at any time.

Now it seems that uncle an is really a timid man. He is obviously so tall that he can't even compare with him by riding a roller coaster and crying.

Ke Ke put the cherished balloon into Jiang Yansheng's arms, and then put her other hand on her hand, one left and one right.

He looked around with satisfaction.

It's good. He looks like he's no different from other kids who come with their parents.

Jiang Yansheng's face is a little empty, because there is Ke Ke Ke standing in the middle, which leads to the distance between her and Gu ran.

Feeling that burning look in his eyes, Jiang Yansheng gritted his teeth and said, "children are not sensible. If you have something, you should go to work first."

She is not interested in Gu Ran's hospitality.

Gu ran pursed his lips, "not sensible?"

"I think coco is very sensible and very good."

His eyes were heavy, "coco is also good-looking, so I really wonder what kind of father the child is."

Jiang Yansheng's heart is constantly complaining, vaguely pushed the past, "next time I'll show you the photos."Gu ran said, "OK, I remember."

Jiang Yansheng is a little speechless. She doesn't dare to look at the burning face. For a moment, she can't even think of any words that can crush Gu's head. Suddenly, she walks over to the hot dog in the cart.

It suddenly occurred to her.

Can't Gu ran give coco the money for stealing ice cream?

Jiang Yansheng's mouth opens suddenly. No wonder Ke Ke Ke is so good to Gu ran. His feelings are eating people and his mouth is short!

Thinking of this, she looked at Gu ran fiercely. "On such a cold day, did you buy coco ice cream?"

After hearing this, Ke Ke Ke's legs suddenly softened and looked at Gu ran like a cry for help.

Gu gas calms his mind and is like a balloon, which is punctured.

He casually moved his eyes away, and saw the cream stains on the corner of Coco's mouth. He helped to wipe it with great skill. "Coco didn't eat ice cream."

Ke Ke feels that he has found a friend who shares his hatred with the enemy. He repeats Gu Ran's words with a soft voice, "he didn't eat it."

Jiang Yansheng said:

It's just the opposite.

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